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Prevents a Start menu entry for a newly installed application shortcut from receiving a highlight.
An explicit Application User Model ID (AppUserModelID) used to associate processes, files, and windows with a particular application.
Inserts a separator in the Tasks section of a Jump List.
Indicates that an application supports dual desktop and immersive modes. In Windows 8, this property is only applicable for web browsers.
Disables the ability of a shortcut or window to be pinned to the taskbar or the Start menu. This property also makes the item ineligible for inclusion in the Start menu's Most Frequently Used (MFU) list.
Specifies a command that can be executed through ShellExecute to launch an application when it is pinned to the taskbar or when a new instance of the application is launched through the application's Jump List.
Specifies the display name used for the shortcut created on the taskbar when the user chooses to pin an application to the taskbar or launch a new instance through its button's Jump List.
Specifies the icon used for the shortcut created on the taskbar when the user chooses to pin an application to the taskbar or launch a new instance through its button's Jump List. This is the icon used for the taskbar group and is shown for a pinned application whether that application is running or not.
Set this property on a shortcut to (1) prevent an application from being automatically pinned to Start screen upon installation; or(2) indicate that an item is programmatically added to launcher via user action (which implies automatically pin to Start and delete on unpin).
Used to CoCreate an INotificationActivationCallback interface to notify about toast activations.
Prevents edge gesture behaviors when an application window is active and in full-screen mode (or an owned window is active).