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Distributed Routing Table Functions

The Distributed Routing Table (DRT) API utilizes the following functions.

Lifetime Management Functions

Function Description
DrtOpen Creates a local DRT instance using criteria specified by the DRT_SETTINGS structure.
DrtClose Closes and removes the local instance of the DRT.
DrtGetEventData Retrieves event data associated with a signaled event.
DrtGetEventDataSize Returns the size of the DRT_EVENT_DATA structure associated with a signaled event.


Module Management Functions

Function Description
DrtCreatePnrpBootstrapResolver Creates a bootstrap resolver based on the PNRP protocol.
DrtDeletePnrpBootstrapResolver Deletes a bootstrap resolver based on the PNRP protocol.
DrtCreateDnsBootstrapResolver Creates a bootstrap provider that will contact a well known host by name.
DrtDeleteDnsBootstrapResolver Deletes a bootstrap provider that will contact a well known host by name.
DrtCreateIpv6UdpTransport Creates a transport based on the IPv6 UDP protocol.
DrtDeleteIpv6UdpTransport Deletes a transport based on the IPv6 UDP protocol.
DrtCreateDerivedKeySecurityProvider Creates a derived key security provider for the DRT.
DrtCreateDerivedKey Creates a key that can be utilized by DrtRegisterKey when the DRT is using a derived key security provider.
DrtDeleteDerivedKeySecurityProvider Deletes a derived key security provider for the DRT.
DrtCreateNullSecurityProvider Creates a null security provider. This security provider does not require nodes to authenticate keys.
DrtDeleteNullSecurityProvider Deletes a null security provider.


Registration Functions

Function Description
DrtRegisterKey Registers a key in the DRT.
DrtUpdateKey Updates the application data associated with a registered key.
DrtUnregisterKey Deregisters a key from the DRT.


Search Functions

Function Description
DrtStartSearch Searches the DRT for a key using criteria specified in the DRT_SEARCH_INFO structure.
DrtContinueSearch Continues a DRT_SEARCH_RETURN_PATH search for a key in the DRT. This function is used only when the fIterative flag is set to TRUE in the associated DRT_SEARCH_INFO structure.
DrtGetSearchResult Retrieves the search result(s).
DrtGetSearchResultSize Returns the size of the next available search result.
DrtGetSearchPath Returns a list of nodes contacted during the search operation.
DrtGetSearchPathSize Returns the size of the search path, which represents the number of nodes utilized in the search operation.
DrtEndSearch Cancels a search for a key in a DRT, and as a result, the return of results via DRT_SEARCH_RESULT is stopped. This API can be called at any point after a search is issued.


Instance Name Functions

Function Description
DrtGetInstanceName Gets the name associated with a DRT instance.
DrtGetInstanceNameSize Returns the size of the Distributed Routing Table instance name.


Distributed Routing Table Enumerations

Distributed Routing Table Structures

Distributed Routing Table API Reference