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Step 1: Declare the CPlayer Class

This topic is step 1 of the tutorial How to Play Media Files with Media Foundation. The complete code is shown in the topic Media Session Playback Example.

In this tutorial, playback functionality is encapsulated in the CPlayer class. The CPlayer class is declared as follows:


    // WPARAM = IMFMediaEvent*, WPARAM = MediaEventType

enum PlayerState
    Closed = 0,     // No session.
    Ready,          // Session was created, ready to open a file. 
    OpenPending,    // Session is opening a file.
    Started,        // Session is playing a file.
    Paused,         // Session is paused.
    Stopped,        // Session is stopped (ready to play). 
    Closing         // Application has closed the session, but is waiting for MESessionClosed.

class CPlayer : public IMFAsyncCallback
    static HRESULT CreateInstance(HWND hVideo, HWND hEvent, CPlayer **ppPlayer);

    // IUnknown methods
    STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void** ppv);

    // IMFAsyncCallback methods
        // Implementation of this method is optional.
        return E_NOTIMPL;
    STDMETHODIMP  Invoke(IMFAsyncResult* pAsyncResult);

    // Playback
    HRESULT       OpenURL(const WCHAR *sURL);
    HRESULT       Play();
    HRESULT       Pause();
    HRESULT       Stop();
    HRESULT       Shutdown();
    HRESULT       HandleEvent(UINT_PTR pUnkPtr);
    PlayerState   GetState() const { return m_state; }

    // Video functionality
    HRESULT       Repaint();
    HRESULT       ResizeVideo(WORD width, WORD height);
    BOOL          HasVideo() const { return (m_pVideoDisplay != NULL);  }

    // Constructor is private. Use static CreateInstance method to instantiate.
    CPlayer(HWND hVideo, HWND hEvent);

    // Destructor is private. Caller should call Release.
    virtual ~CPlayer(); 

    HRESULT Initialize();
    HRESULT CreateSession();
    HRESULT CloseSession();
    HRESULT StartPlayback();

    // Media event handlers
    virtual HRESULT OnTopologyStatus(IMFMediaEvent *pEvent);
    virtual HRESULT OnPresentationEnded(IMFMediaEvent *pEvent);
    virtual HRESULT OnNewPresentation(IMFMediaEvent *pEvent);

    // Override to handle additional session events.
    virtual HRESULT OnSessionEvent(IMFMediaEvent*, MediaEventType) 
        return S_OK; 

    long                    m_nRefCount;        // Reference count.

    IMFMediaSession         *m_pSession;
    IMFMediaSource          *m_pSource;
    IMFVideoDisplayControl  *m_pVideoDisplay;

    HWND                    m_hwndVideo;        // Video window.
    HWND                    m_hwndEvent;        // App window to receive events.
    PlayerState             m_state;            // Current state of the media session.
    HANDLE                  m_hCloseEvent;      // Event to wait on while closing.

Here are some things to note about CPlayer:

  • The constant WM_APP_PLAYER_EVENT defines a private window message. This message is used to notify the application about Media Session events. See Step 5: Handle Media Session Events.
  • The PlayerState enumeration defines the possible states of the CPlayer object.
  • The CPlayer class implements the IMFAsyncCallback interface, which is used to get event notifications from the Media Session.
  • The CPlayer constructor is private. The application calls the static CreateInstance method to create an instance of the CPlayer class.
  • The CPlayer destructor is also private. The CPlayer class implements IUnknown, so the object's lifetime is controlled through its reference count (m_nRefCount). To destroy the object, the application calls IUnknown::Release, not delete.
  • The CPlayer object manages both the Media Session and the media source.

Implement IUnknown

The CPlayer class implements IMFAsyncCallback, which inherits IUnknown.

The code shown here is a fairly standard implementation of IUnknown. If you prefer, you can use the Active Template Library (ATL) to implement these methods. However, CPlayer does not support CoCreateInstance or any advanced COM features, so there is no overwhelming reason to use ATL here.

HRESULT CPlayer::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv)
    static const QITAB qit[] = 
        QITABENT(CPlayer, IMFAsyncCallback),
        { 0 }
    return QISearch(this, qit, riid, ppv);

ULONG CPlayer::AddRef()
    return InterlockedIncrement(&m_nRefCount);

ULONG CPlayer::Release()
    ULONG uCount = InterlockedDecrement(&m_nRefCount);
    if (uCount == 0)
        delete this;
    return uCount;

Next: Step 2: Create the CPlayer Object

Audio/Video Playback

How to Play Media Files with Media Foundation