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Exporting the configuration of a virtual machine

The following C# and Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) samples demonstrate exporting the configuration of a virtual machine. Samples that show exporting a virtual machine can be found on the ExportSystemDefinition and Exporting a snapshot of a virtual machine topics.

The referenced C# utilities can be found in Common utilities for the virtualization samples (V2).

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Management;

namespace HyperVSamples
    class ExportSystemDefinitionConfigOnlyClass
        static string GetConfigOnlyVirtualSystemExportSettingDataInstance(ManagementScope scope)
            ManagementPath settingPath = new ManagementPath("Msvm_VirtualSystemExportSettingData");

            ManagementClass exportSettingDataClass = new ManagementClass(scope, settingPath, null);
            ManagementObject exportSettingData = exportSettingDataClass.CreateInstance();

            // Do not copy VHDs and AVHDs but copy the Snapshot configuration and Saved State information (Runtime information) if present
            exportSettingData["CopySnapshotConfiguration"] = 0;
            exportSettingData["CopyVmRuntimeInformation"] = true;
            exportSettingData["CopyVmStorage"] = false;
            exportSettingData["CreateVmExportSubdirectory"] = true;

            string settingData = exportSettingData.GetText(TextFormat.CimDtd20);


            return settingData;

        static void ExportSystemDefinitionConfigOnly(string vmName, string exportDirectory)
            ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(@"root\virtualization\v2", null);
            ManagementObject virtualSystemService = Utility.GetServiceObject(scope, "Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService");

            ManagementBaseObject inParams = virtualSystemService.GetMethodParameters("ExportSystemDefinition");

            ManagementObject vm = Utility.GetTargetComputer(vmName, scope);
            inParams["ComputerSystem"] = vm.Path.Path;
            if (!Directory.Exists(exportDirectory))
            inParams["ExportDirectory"] = exportDirectory;
            inParams["ExportSettingData"] = GetConfigOnlyVirtualSystemExportSettingDataInstance(scope);

            ManagementBaseObject outParams = virtualSystemService.InvokeMethod("ExportSystemDefinition", inParams, null);

            if ((UInt32)outParams["ReturnValue"] == ReturnCode.Started)
                if (Utility.JobCompleted(outParams, scope))
                    Console.WriteLine("VM '{0}' were exported successfully.", vm["ElementName"]);

                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to export VM");
            else if ((UInt32)outParams["ReturnValue"] == ReturnCode.Completed)
                Console.WriteLine("VM '{0}' were exported successfully.", vm["ElementName"]);
                Console.WriteLine("Export virtual system failed with error:{0}", outParams["ReturnValue"]);


        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args != null && args.Length != 2)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: ExportSystemDefinition vmName exportDirectory");
            ExportSystemDefinitionConfigOnly(args[0], args[1]);

option explicit 

dim objWMIService
dim managementService
dim fileSystem

const JobStarting = 3
const JobRunning = 4
const JobCompleted = 7
const wmiStarted = 4096
const wmiSuccessful = 0


' Main
Sub Main()

    dim computer, objArgs, vmName, vm, exportDirectory
    set fileSystem = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    computer = "."
    set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & computer & "\root\virtualization\v2")
    set managementService = objWMIService.ExecQuery("select * from Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService").ItemIndex(0)
    set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
    if WScript.Arguments.Count = 2 then
        vmName = objArgs.Unnamed.Item(0)
        exportDirectory = objArgs.Unnamed.Item(1)
        WScript.Echo "usage: cscript ExportSystemDefinition.vbs vmName exportDirectoryName"
    end if
    set vm = GetComputerSystem(vmName)

    if ExportSystemDefinition(vm, exportDirectory) then
        WriteLog "Done"
        WriteLog "ExportSystemDefinition Failed."
    end if
End Sub

' Retrieve Msvm_VirtualComputerSystem from base on its ElementName
Function GetComputerSystem(vmElementName)
    On Error Resume Next
    dim query
    query = Format1("select * from Msvm_ComputerSystem where ElementName = '{0}'", vmElementName)
    set GetComputerSystem = objWMIService.ExecQuery(query).ItemIndex(0)
    if (Err.Number <> 0) then
        WriteLog Format1("Err.Number: {0}", Err.Number)
        WriteLog Format1("Err.Description:{0}",Err.Description)
    end if
End Function

' Export a virtual system
Function ExportSystemDefinition(computerSystem, exportDirectory)

    dim objInParam, objOutParams 
    dim query
    dim computer
    dim exportSettingData
    ExportSystemDefinition = false
    if Not fileSystem.FolderExists(exportDirectory) then
    end if
    set objInParam = managementService.Methods_("ExportSystemDefinition").InParameters.SpawnInstance_()
    objInParam.ComputerSystem = computerSystem.Path_.Path

    query = Format1("ASSOCIATORS OF {{0}} WHERE resultClass = Msvm_VirtualSystemExportSettingData", computerSystem.Path_.Path)
    set exportSettingData = objWMIService.ExecQuery(query).ItemIndex(0)

    'Do not copy the VHDs and AVHDs, but copy the Saved state information and Snapshot configurations if present
    exportSettingData.CopyVmStorage = false
    exportSettingData.CopyVmRuntimeInformation = true
    exportSettingData.CreateVmExportSubdirectory = true
    exportSettingData.CopySnapshotConfiguration = 0

    objInParam.ExportSettingData = exportSettingData.GetText_(1)

    objInParam.ExportDirectory = exportDirectory
    set objOutParams = managementService.ExecMethod_("ExportSystemDefinition", objInParam)

    if objOutParams.ReturnValue = wmiStarted then
        if (WMIJobCompleted(objOutParams)) then
            ExportSystemDefinition = true
        end if
    elseif (objOutParams.ReturnValue = wmiSuccessful) then
        ExportSystemDefinition = true
        WriteLog Format1("ExportSystemDefinition failed with ReturnValue {0}", objOutParams.ReturnValue)
    end if

End Function

' Handle wmi Job object
Function WMIJobCompleted(outParam)
    dim WMIJob, jobState

    set WMIJob = objWMIService.Get(outParam.Job)

    WMIJobCompleted = true

    jobState = WMIJob.JobState

    while jobState = JobRunning or jobState = JobStarting
        WriteLog Format1("In progress... {0}% completed.",WMIJob.PercentComplete)
        set WMIJob = objWMIService.Get(outParam.Job)
        jobState = WMIJob.JobState

    if (jobState <> JobCompleted) then
        WriteLog Format1("ErrorCode:{0}", WMIJob.ErrorCode)
        WriteLog Format1("ErrorDescription:{0}", WMIJob.ErrorDescription)
        WMIJobCompleted = false
    end if

End Function

' Create the console log files.
Sub WriteLog(line)
    dim fileStream
    set fileStream = fileSystem.OpenTextFile(".\ExportSystemDefinitionLog.log", 8, true)
    WScript.Echo line
    fileStream.WriteLine line

End Sub

' The string formatting functions to avoid string concatenation.
Function Format2(myString, arg0, arg1)
    Format2 = Format1(myString, arg0)
    Format2 = Replace(Format2, "{1}", arg1)
End Function

' The string formatting functions to avoid string concatenation.
Function Format1(myString, arg0)
    Format1 = Replace(myString, "{0}", arg0)
End Function

Exporting a snapshot of a virtual machine
