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Font and Text Functions (Windows GDI)

The following functions are used with fonts and text.

Function Description
AddFontMemResourceEx Adds an embedded font to the system font table.
AddFontResource Adds a font resource to the system font table.
AddFontResourceEx Adds a private or non-enumerable font to the system font table.
CreateFont Creates a logical font.
CreateFontIndirect Creates a logical font from a structure.
CreateFontIndirectEx Creates a logical font from a structure.
DrawText Draws formatted text in a rectangle.
DrawTextEx Draws formatted text in rectangle.
EnumFontFamExProc An application definedcallback function used with EnumFontFamiliesEx to process fonts.
EnumFontFamiliesEx Enumerates all fonts in the system with certain characteristics.
ExtTextOut Draws a character string.
GetAspectRatioFilterEx Gets the setting for the aspect-ratio filter.
GetCharABCWidths Gets the widths of consecutive characters from the TrueType font.
GetCharABCWidthsFloat Gets the widths of consecutive characters from the current font.
GetCharABCWidthsI Gets the widths of consecutive glyph indices or from an array of glyph indices from the TrueType font.
GetCharacterPlacement Gets information about a character string.
GetCharWidth32 Gets the widths of consecutive characters from the current font.
GetCharWidthFloat Gets the fractional widths of consecutive characters from the current font.
GetCharWidthI Gets the widths of consecutive glyph indices or an array of glyph indices from the current font.
GetFontData Gets metric data for a TrueType font.
GetFontLanguageInfo Returns information about the selected font for a display context.
GetFontUnicodeRanges Tells which Unicode characters are supported by a font.
GetGlyphIndices Translates a string into an array of glyph indices.
GetGlyphOutline Gets the outline or bitmap for a character in the TrueType font.
GetKerningPairs Gets the character-kerning pairs for a font.
GetOutlineTextMetrics Gets text metrics for TrueType fonts.
GetRasterizerCaps Tells whether TrueType fonts are installed.
GetTabbedTextExtent Computes the width and height of a character string, including tabs.
GetTextAlign Gets the text-alignment setting for a device context.
GetTextCharacterExtra Gets the current intercharacter spacing for a device context.
GetTextColor Gets the text color for a device context.
GetTextExtentExPoint Gets the number of characters in a string that will fit within a space.
GetTextExtentExPointI Gets the number of glyph indices that will fit within a space.
GetTextExtentPoint32 Computes the width and height of a string of text.
GetTextExtentPointI Computes the width and height of an array of glyph indices.
GetTextFace Gets the name of the font that is selected into a device context.
GetTextMetrics Fills a buffer with the metrics for a font.
PolyTextOut Draws several strings using the font and text colors in a device context.
RemoveFontMemResourceEx Removes a font whose source was embedded in a document from the system font table.
RemoveFontResource Removes the fonts in a file from the system font table.
RemoveFontResourceEx Removes a private or non-enumerable font from the system font table.
SetMapperFlags Alters the algorithm used to map logical fonts to physical fonts.
SetTextAlign Sets the text-alignment flags for a device context.
SetTextCharacterExtra Sets the intercharacter spacing.
SetTextColor Sets the text color for a device context.
SetTextJustification Specifies the amount of space the system should add to the break characters in a string.
TabbedTextOut Writes a character string at a location, expanding tabs to specified values.
TextOut Writes a character string at a location.


Obsolete Functions

These functions are provided only for compatibility with 16-bit versions of Windows.