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Clipping Functions

The following functions are used with clipping.

Function Description
ExcludeClipRect Creates a new clipping region that consists of the existing clipping region minus the specified rectangle.
ExtSelectClipRgn Combines the specified region with the current clipping region using the specified mode.
GetClipBox Retrieves the dimensions of the tightest bounding rectangle that can be drawn around the current visible area on the device.
GetClipRgn Retrieves a handle identifying the current application-defined clipping region for the specified device context.
GetMetaRgn Retrieves the current metaregion for the specified device context.
GetRandomRgn Copies the system clipping region of a specified device context to a specific region.
IntersectClipRect Creates a new clipping region from the intersection of the current clipping region and the specified rectangle.
OffsetClipRgn Moves the clipping region of a device context by the specified offsets.
PtVisible Determines whether the specified point is within the clipping region of a device context.
RectVisible Determines whether any part of the specified rectangle lies within the clipping region of a device context.
SelectClipPath Selects the current path as a clipping region for a device context, combining the new region with any existing clipping region by using the specified mode.
SelectClipRgn Selects a region as the current clipping region for the specified device context.
SetMetaRgn Intersects the current clipping region for the specified device context with the current metaregion and saves the combined region as the new metaregion for the specified device context.