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ID3DXTextureShader interface

The ID3DXTextureShader interface.


The ID3DXTextureShader interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. ID3DXTextureShader also has these types of members:


The ID3DXTextureShader interface has these methods.

Method Description
GetConstant Gets a constant by looking up its index.
GetConstantBuffer Get a pointer to the constant table.
GetConstantByName Gets a constant by looking up its name.
GetConstantDesc Gets a pointer to the array of constants in the constant table.
GetConstantElement Get a constant from the constant table.
GetDesc Gets a description of the constant table.
GetFunction Gets a pointer to the function DWORD stream.
SetBool Sets a BOOL value.
SetBoolArray Sets an array of BOOL values.
SetDefaults Sets the constants to the default values declared in the shader.
SetFloat Sets a floating-point number.
SetFloatArray Sets an array of floating-point numbers.
SetInt Sets an integer value.
SetIntArray Sets an array of integers.
SetMatrix Sets a non-transposed matrix.
SetMatrixArray Sets an array of non-transposed matrices.
SetMatrixPointerArray Sets an array of pointers to non-transposed matrices.
SetMatrixTranspose Sets a transposed matrix.
SetMatrixTransposeArray Sets an array of transposed matrices.
SetMatrixTransposePointerArray Sets an array of pointers to transposed matrices.
SetValue Sets the constant table with the data in the buffer.
SetVector Sets a 4D vector.
SetVectorArray Sets an array of 4D vectors.



The ID3DXTextureShader interface is obtained by calling the D3DXCreateTextureShader function.

The ID3DXTextureShader interface, like all COM interfaces, inherits the IUnknown interface.

The LPD3DXTEXTURESHADER type is defined as a pointer to the ID3DXTextureShader interface.

typedef interface ID3DXTextureShader *LPD3DXTEXTURESHADER;


Requirement Value

See also

D3DX Interfaces