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D3DXCreateCubeTextureFromFileInMemoryEx function

Creates a cube texture from a file in memory. This is a more advanced function than D3DXCreateCubeTextureFromFileInMemory.


HRESULT D3DXCreateCubeTextureFromFileInMemoryEx(
  _In_    LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9      pDevice,
  _In_    LPCVOID                pSrcData,
  _In_    UINT                   SrcDataSize,
  _In_    UINT                   Size,
  _In_    UINT                   MipLevels,
  _In_    DWORD                  Usage,
  _In_    D3DFORMAT              Format,
  _In_    D3DPOOL                Pool,
  _In_    DWORD                  Filter,
  _In_    DWORD                  MipFilter,
  _In_    D3DCOLOR               ColorKey,
  _Inout_ D3DXIMAGE_INFO         *pSrcInfo,
  _Out_   PALETTEENTRY           *pPalette,
  _Out_   LPDIRECT3DCUBETEXTURE9 *ppCubeTexture


pDevice [in]


Pointer to an IDirect3DDevice9 interface, representing the device to be associated with the cube texture.

pSrcData [in]


Pointer to the file in memory from which to create the cube texture. See Remarks.

SrcDataSize [in]

Type: UINT

Size of the file in memory, in bytes.

Size [in]

Type: UINT

Width (or height) in pixels. If this value is zero or D3DX_DEFAULT, the dimensions are taken from the file.

MipLevels [in]

Type: UINT

Number of mip levels requested. If this value is zero or D3DX_DEFAULT, a complete mipmap chain is created.

Usage [in]


0, D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET, or D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC. Setting this flag to D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET indicates that the surface is to be used as a render target. The resource can then be passed to the pNewRenderTarget parameter of the SetRenderTarget method. If D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET is specified, the application should check that the device supports this operation by calling CheckDeviceFormat. For more information about using dynamic textures, see Using Dynamic Textures.

Format [in]


Member of the D3DFORMAT enumerated type, describing the requested pixel format for the cube texture. The returned texture might have a different format from that specified by Format. Applications should check the format of the returned texture. If D3DFMT_UNKNOWN, the format is taken from the file. If D3DFMT_FROM_FILE, the format is taken exactly as it is in the file, and the call will fail if this violates device capabilities.

Pool [in]


Member of the D3DPOOL enumerated type, describing the memory class into which the cube texture should be placed.

Filter [in]


A combination of one or more D3DX_FILTER controlling how the image is filtered. Specifying D3DX_DEFAULT for this parameter is the equivalent of specifying D3DX_FILTER_TRIANGLE | D3DX_FILTER_DITHER.

MipFilter [in]


A combination of one or more D3DX_FILTER controlling how the image is filtered. Specifying D3DX_DEFAULT for this parameter is the equivalent of specifying D3DX_FILTER_BOX. In addition, use bits 27-31 to specify the number of mip levels to be skipped (from the top of the mipmap chain) when a .dds texture is loaded into memory; this allows you to skip up to 32 levels.

ColorKey [in]


D3DCOLOR value to replace with transparent black, or 0 to disable the colorkey. This is always a 32-bit ARGB color, independent of the source image format. Alpha is significant, and should usually be set to FF for opaque color keys. Thus, for opaque black, the value would be equal to 0xFF000000.

pSrcInfo [in, out]


Pointer to a D3DXIMAGE_INFO structure to be filled with a description of the data in the source image file, or NULL.

pPalette [out]


Pointer to a PALETTEENTRY structure, representing a 256-color palette to fill in, or NULL. See Remarks.

ppCubeTexture [out]


Address of a pointer to an IDirect3DCubeTexture9 interface, representing the created cube texture object.

Return value


If the function succeeds, the return value is D3D_OK. If the function fails, the return value can be one of the following: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL, D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE, D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY, D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA, E_OUTOFMEMORY.


This function supports the following file formats: .bmp, .dds, .dib, .hdr, .jpg, .pfm, .png, .ppm, and .tga. See D3DXIMAGE_FILEFORMAT.

Cube textures differ from other surfaces in that they are collections of surfaces. To call SetRenderTarget with a cube texture, you must select an individual face using GetCubeMapSurface and pass the resulting surface to SetRenderTarget .

This method is designed to be used for loading image files stored as RT_RCDATA, which is an application-defined resource (raw data). Otherwise this method will fail.

For details on PALETTEENTRY, see the Platform SDK. Note that as of DirectX 8.0, the peFlags member of the PALETTEENTRY structure does not function as documented in the Platform SDK. The peFlags member is now the alpha channel for 8-bit palettized formats.

D3DXCreateCubeTextureFromFileInMemoryEx uses the DirectDraw surface (DDS) file format. The DirectX Texture Editor (Dxtex.exe) enables you to generate a cube map from other file formats and save it in the DDS file format. You can get Dxtex.exe and learn about it from the DirectX SDK. For info about the DirectX SDK, see Where is the DirectX SDK?.

When skipping mipmap levels while loading a .dds file, use the D3DX_SKIP_DDS_MIP_LEVELS macro to generate the MipFilter value. This macro takes the number of levels to skip and the filter type and returns the filter value, which would then be passed into the MipFilter parameter.


Requirement Value

See also

Texture Functions in D3DX 9