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Package query API

Learn about the package query API, which you can use to get info about the app packages installed on the system. Each app package contains the files that constitute a Windows app, and a manifest file that describes the software to Windows.

In this section

Topic Description
ClosePackageInfo Closes a reference to the specified package information.
FindPackagesByPackageFamily Finds the packages with the specified family name for the current user.
FormatApplicationUserModelId Constructs an application user model ID from the package family name and the package relative application ID (PRAID).
GetApplicationUserModelId Gets the application user model ID for the specified process.
GetApplicationUserModelIdFromToken Gets the application user model ID for the specified token.
GetCurrentApplicationUserModelId Gets the application user model ID for the current process.
GetCurrentPackageFamilyName Gets the package family name for the calling process.
GetCurrentPackageFullName Gets the package full name for the calling process.
GetCurrentPackageId Gets the package identifier (ID) for the calling process.
GetCurrentPackageInfo Gets the package information for the calling process.
GetCurrentPackageInfo2 Gets the package information for the calling process, with the option to specify the package folder type.
GetCurrentPackageInfo3 Retrieves the package graph's current generation ID.
GetCurrentPackagePath Gets the package path for the calling process.
GetCurrentPackagePath2 Gets the package path for the calling process, with the option to specify the package folder type.
GetPackageApplicationIds Gets the IDs of apps in the specified package.
GetPackageFamilyName Gets the package family name for the specified process.
GetPackageFamilyNameFromToken Gets the package family name for the specified token.
GetPackageFullName Gets the package full name for the specified process.
GetPackageFullNameFromToken Gets the package full name for the specified token.
GetPackageId Gets the package identifier (ID) for the specified process.
GetPackageInfo Gets the package information for the specified package.
GetPackageInfo2 Gets the package information for the specified package, with the option to specify the package folder type.
GetPackagePath Gets the path for the specified package.
GetPackagePathByFullName Gets the path of the specified package.
GetPackagePathByFullName2 Gets the path of the specified package, with the option to specify the package folder type.
GetPackagesByPackageFamily Gets the packages with the specified family name for the current user.
GetStagedPackageOrigin Gets the origin of the specified package.
GetStagedPackagePathByFullName Gets the path of the specified staged package.
GetStagedPackagePathByFullName2 Gets the path of the specified staged package, with the option to specify the package folder type.
OpenPackageInfoByFullName Opens the package information of the specified package.
PackageFamilyNameFromFullName Gets the package family name for the specified package full name.
PackageFamilyNameFromId Gets the package family name for the specified package identifier.
PackageFullNameFromId Gets the package full name for the specified package identifier (ID).
PackageIdFromFullName Gets the package identifier (ID) for the specified package full name.
PackageNameAndPublisherIdFromFamilyName Gets the package name and publisher identifier (ID) for the specified package family name.
ParseApplicationUserModelId Deconstructs an application user model ID to its package family name and package relative application ID (PRAID).
PackageOrigin Specifies the origin of a package.
Identity constants Specifies the length of the strings for the package's identity fields.
Package constants Specifies how packages are to be processed.
PACKAGE_ID Represents package identification information, such as name, version, and publisher.
PACKAGE_INFO Represents package identification information that includes the package identifier, full name, and install location.
PACKAGE_VERSION Represents the package version information.


API reference