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CryptGetProvParam function (wincrypt.h)

Important  This API is deprecated. New and existing software should start using Cryptography Next Generation APIs. Microsoft may remove this API in future releases.
The CryptGetProvParam function retrieves parameters that govern the operations of a cryptographic service provider (CSP).


BOOL CryptGetProvParam(
  [in]      HCRYPTPROV hProv,
  [in]      DWORD      dwParam,
  [out]     BYTE       *pbData,
  [in, out] DWORD      *pdwDataLen,
  [in]      DWORD      dwFlags


[in] hProv

A handle of the CSP target of the query. This handle must have been created by using the CryptAcquireContext function.

[in] dwParam

The nature of the query. The following queries are defined.

Value Meaning
31 (0x1F)
Returns the administrator personal identification number (PIN) in the pbData parameter as a LPSTR.
18 (0x12)
This constant is not used.
7 (0x7)
This constant is not used.
9 (0x9)
Returns the certificate chain associated with the hProv handle. The returned certificate chain is X509_ASN_ENCODING encoded.
6 (0x6)
The name of the current key container as a null-terminated CHAR string. This string is exactly the same as the one passed in the pszContainer parameter of the CryptAcquireContext function to specify the key container to use. The pszContainer parameter can be read to determine the name of the default key container.
41 (0x29)
Not implemented by Microsoft CSPs. This behavior may be implemented by other CSPs.

Windows XP:  This parameter is not supported.

1 (0x1)
A PROV_ENUMALGS structure that contains information about one algorithm supported by the CSP being queried.

The first time this value is read, the dwFlags parameter must contain the CRYPT_FIRST flag. Doing so causes this function to retrieve the first element in the enumeration. The subsequent elements can then be retrieved by setting the CRYPT_NEXT flag in the dwFlags parameter. When this function fails with the ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS error code, the end of the enumeration has been reached.

This function is not thread safe, and all of the available algorithms might not be enumerated if this function is used in a multithreaded context.

22 (0x16)
A PROV_ENUMALGS_EX structure that contains information about one algorithm supported by the CSP being queried. The structure returned contains more information about the algorithm than the structure returned for PP_ENUMALGS.

The first time this value is read, the dwFlags parameter must contain the CRYPT_FIRST flag. Doing so causes this function to retrieve the first element in the enumeration. The subsequent elements can then be retrieved by setting the CRYPT_NEXT flag in the dwFlags parameter. When this function fails with the ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS error code, the end of the enumeration has been reached.

This function is not thread safe and all of the available algorithms might not be enumerated if this function is used in a multithreaded context.

2 (0x2)
The name of one of the key containers maintained by the CSP in the form of a null-terminated CHAR string.

The first time this value is read, the dwFlags parameter must contain the CRYPT_FIRST flag. Doing so causes this function to retrieve the first element in the enumeration. The subsequent elements can then be retrieved by setting the CRYPT_NEXT flag in the dwFlags parameter. When this function fails with the ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS error code, the end of the enumeration has been reached.

To enumerate key containers associated with a computer, first call CryptAcquireContext using the CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET flag, and then use the handle returned from CryptAcquireContext as the hProv parameter in the call to CryptGetProvParam.

This function is not thread safe and all of the available algorithms might not be enumerated if this function is used in a multithreaded context.

26 (0x1A)
This constant is not used.
40 (0x28)
Indicates that the current CSP supports the dwProtocols member of the PROV_ENUMALGS_EX structure. If this function succeeds, the CSP supports the dwProtocols member of the PROV_ENUMALGS_EX structure. If this function fails with an NTE_BAD_TYPE error code, the CSP does not support the dwProtocols member.
25 (0x19)
This constant is not used.
3 (0x3)
A DWORD value that indicates how the CSP is implemented. For a table of possible values, see Remarks.
10 (0xA)
This query is not used.
32 (0x20)
Specifies that the key exchange PIN is contained in pbData. The PIN is represented as a null-terminated ASCII string.
8 (0x8)
Retrieves the security descriptor for the key storage container. The pbData parameter is the address of a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure that receives the security descriptor for the key storage container. The security descriptor is returned in self-relative format.
27 (0x1B)
Determines whether the hProv parameter is a computer key set. The pbData parameter must be a DWORD; the DWORD will be set to the CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET flag if that flag was passed to the CryptAcquireContext function.
39 (0x27)
Returns information about the key specifier values that the CSP supports. Key specifier values are joined in a logical OR and returned in the pbData parameter of the call as a DWORD. For example, the Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider version 1.0 returns a DWORD value of AT_SIGNATURE | AT_KEYEXCHANGE.
17 (0x11)
Returns a DWORD value of CRYPT_SEC_DESCR.
35 (0x23)
The number of bits for the increment length of AT_KEYEXCHANGE. This information is used with information returned in the PP_ENUMALGS_EX value. With the information returned when using PP_ENUMALGS_EX and PP_KEYX_KEYSIZE_INC, the valid key lengths for AT_KEYEXCHANGE can be determined. These key lengths can then be used with CryptGenKey. For example if a CSP enumerates CALG_RSA_KEYX (AT_KEYEXCHANGE) with a minimum key length of 512 bits and a maximum of 1024 bits, and returns the increment length as 64 bits, then valid key lengths are 512, 576, 640,… 1024.
4 (0x4)
The name of the CSP in the form of a null-terminated CHAR string. This string is identical to the one passed in the pszProvider parameter of the CryptAcquireContext function to specify that the current CSP be used.
16 (0x10)
A DWORD value that indicates the provider type of the CSP.
46 (0x2E)
Obtains the root certificate store for the smart card. This certificate store contains all of the root certificates that are stored on the smart card.

The pbData parameter is the address of an HCERTSTORE variable that receives the handle of the certificate store. When this handle is no longer needed, the caller must close it by using the CertCloseStore function.

Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP:  This parameter is not supported.

20 (0x14)
The size, in bits, of the session key.
37 (0x25)
Used with server gated cryptography.
34 (0x22)
The number of bits for the increment length of AT_SIGNATURE. This information is used with information returned in the PP_ENUMALGS_EX value. With the information returned when using PP_ENUMALGS_EX and PP_SIG_KEYSIZE_INC, the valid key lengths for AT_SIGNATURE can be determined. These key lengths can then be used with CryptGenKey.

For example, if a CSP enumerates CALG_RSA_SIGN (AT_SIGNATURE) with a minimum key length of 512 bits and a maximum of 1024 bits, and returns the increment length as 64 bits, then valid key lengths are 512, 576, 640,… 1024.

33 (0x21)
Specifies that the key signature PIN is contained in pbData. The PIN is represented as a null-terminated ASCII string.
45 (0x2D)
Obtains the identifier of the smart card. The pbData parameter is the address of a GUID structure that receives the identifier of the smart card.

Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP:  This parameter is not supported.

43 (0x2B)
Obtains the name of the smart card reader. The pbData parameter is the address of an ANSI character array that receives a null-terminated ANSI string that contains the name of the smart card reader. The size of this buffer, contained in the variable pointed to by the pdwDataLen parameter, must include the NULL terminator.

Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP:  This parameter is not supported.

19 (0x13)
The size of the symmetric key.
21 (0x15)
This query is not used.
36 (0x24)
The unique container name of the current key container in the form of a null-terminated CHAR string. For many CSPs, this name is the same name returned when the PP_CONTAINER value is used. The CryptAcquireContext function must work with this container name.
38 (0x26)
Indicates whether a hardware random number generator (RNG) is supported. When PP_USE_HARDWARE_RNG is specified, the function succeeds and returns TRUE if a hardware RNG is supported. The function fails and returns FALSE if a hardware RNG is not supported. If a RNG is supported, PP_USE_HARDWARE_RNG can be set in CryptSetProvParam to indicate that the CSP must exclusively use the hardware RNG for this provider context. When PP_USE_HARDWARE_RNG is used, the pbData parameter must be NULL and dwFlags must be zero.

None of the Microsoft CSPs currently support using a hardware RNG.

42 (0x2A)
Obtains the user certificate store for the smart card. This certificate store contains all of the user certificates that are stored on the smart card. The certificates in this store are encoded by using PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING or X509_ASN_ENCODING encoding and should contain the CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID property.

The pbData parameter is the address of an HCERTSTORE variable that receives the handle of an in-memory certificate store. When this handle is no longer needed, the caller must close it by using the CertCloseStore function.

Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP:  This parameter is not supported.

5 (0x5)
The version number of the CSP. The least significant byte contains the minor version number and the next most significant byte the major version number. Version 2.0 is represented as 0x00000200. To maintain backward compatibility with earlier versions of the Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider and the Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider, the provider names retain the "v1.0" designation in later versions.

[out] pbData

A pointer to a buffer to receive the data. The form of this data varies depending on the value of dwParam. When dwParam is set to PP_USE_HARDWARE_RNG, pbData must be set to NULL.

This parameter can be NULL to set the size of this information for memory allocation purposes. For more information, see Retrieving Data of Unknown Length.

[in, out] pdwDataLen

A pointer to a DWORD value that specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the pbData parameter. When the function returns, the DWORD value contains the number of bytes stored or to be stored in the buffer.

Note  When processing the data returned in the buffer, applications must use the actual size of the data returned. The actual size can be slightly smaller than the size of the buffer specified on input. (On input, buffer sizes are usually specified large enough to ensure that the largest possible output data fits in the buffer.) On output, the variable pointed to by this parameter is updated to reflect the actual size of the data copied to the buffer.

If PP_ENUMALGS, or PP_ENUMALGS_EX is set, the pdwDataLen parameter works somewhat differently. If pbData is NULL or the value pointed to by pdwDataLen is too small, the value returned in this parameter is the size of the largest item in the enumeration list instead of the size of the item currently being read.

If PP_ENUMCONTAINERS is set, the first call to the function returns the size of the maximum key-container allowed by the current provider. This is in contrast to other possible behaviors, like returning the length of the longest existing container, or the length of the current container. Subsequent enumerating calls will not change the dwLen parameter. For each enumerated container, the caller can determine the length of the null-terminated string programmatically, if desired. If one of the enumeration values is read and the pbData parameter is NULL, the CRYPT_FIRST flag must be specified for the size information to be correctly retrieved.


[in] dwFlags

If dwParam is PP_KEYSET_SEC_DESCR, the security descriptor on the key container where the keys are stored is retrieved. For this case, dwFlags is used to pass in the SECURITY_INFORMATION bit flags that indicate the requested security information, as defined in the Platform SDK. SECURITY_INFORMATION bit flags can be combined with a bitwise-OR operation.

The following values are defined for use with PP_KEYSET_SEC_DESCR.

Value Meaning
Owner identifier of the object is being referenced.
Primary group identifier of the object is being referenced.
Discretionary ACL of the object is being referenced.
System ACL of the object is being referenced.

The following values are defined for use with PP_ENUMALGS, PP_ENUMALGS_EX, and PP_ENUMCONTAINERS.

Value Meaning
1 (0x1)
Retrieve the first element in the enumeration. This has the same effect as resetting the enumerator.
2 (0x2)
Retrieve the next element in the enumeration. When there are no more elements to retrieve, this function will fail and set the last error to ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS.
4 (0x4)
Retrieve server-gated cryptography (SGC) enabled certificates. SGC enabled certificates are no longer supported.
This flag is not used.
This flag is not used.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero (TRUE).

If the function fails, the return value is zero (FALSE). For extended error information, call GetLastError.

The error codes prefaced by NTE are generated by the particular CSP being used. Some possible error codes follow.

Return code Description
One of the parameters specifies a handle that is not valid.
One of the parameters contains a value that is not valid. This is most often a pointer that is not valid.
If the buffer specified by the pbData parameter is not large enough to hold the returned data, the function sets the ERROR_MORE_DATA code and stores the required buffer size, in bytes, in the variable pointed to by pdwDataLen.
The end of the enumeration list has been reached. No valid data has been placed in the pbData buffer. This error code is returned only when dwParam equals PP_ENUMALGS or PP_ENUMCONTAINERS.
The dwFlags parameter specifies a flag that is not valid.
The dwParam parameter specifies an unknown value number.
The CSP context specified by hProv is not valid.


This function must not be used on a thread of a multithreaded program.

The following values are returned in pbData if dwParam is PP_IMPTYPE.

Value Meaning
Implementation is in hardware.
Implementation is in software.
Implementation involves both hardware and software.
Implementation type is unknown.
Implementation is in removable media.

The dwFlags parameter is used to pass in the SECURITY_INFORMATION bit flags that indicate the requested security information. The pointer to the security descriptor is returned in the pbData parameter and the length of the security descriptor is returned in the pdwDataLen parameter. Key-container security is handled with SetFileSecurity and GetFileSecurity.

The class of an algorithm enumerated with dwParam set to PP_ENUMALGS or PP_ENUMALGS_EX can be determined. This might be done to display a list of encryption algorithms supported and to disregard the rest. The GET_ALG_CLASS(x) macro takes an algorithm identifier as an argument and returns a code indicating the general class of that algorithm. Possible return values include:


The following table lists the algorithms supported by the Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider along with the class of each algorithm.

Name Identifier Class

Applications must not use an algorithm with an algorithm identifier that is not recognized. Using an unknown cryptographic algorithm can produce unpredictable results.


The following example shows finding the name of the CSP associated with a cryptographic service provider handle and the name of the key container associated with the handle. For the complete context for this example, see Example C Program: Using CryptAcquireContext.

For another example that uses this function, see Example C Program: Enumerating CSP Providers and Provider Types.

//  Declare and initialize variables.

BYTE       pbData[1000];       // 1000 will hold the longest 
                               // key container name.
DWORD cbData;

// An HCRYPTPROV must be acquired before using code like that in 
// "Example C Program Using CryptAcquireContext."

// Read the name of the default CSP.

cbData = 1000;
    printf("CryptGetProvParam succeeded.\n");
    printf("Provider name: %s\n", pbData);
    printf("Error reading CSP name. \n");
// Read the name of the default key container.

cbData = 1000;
    printf("CryptGetProvParam succeeded. \n");
    printf("Key Container name: %s\n", pbData);
    printf("Error reading key container name. \n");


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wincrypt.h
Library Advapi32.lib
DLL Advapi32.dll

See also

Absolute and Self-Relative Security Descriptors







Service Provider Functions