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CreatePrivateObjectSecurityWithMultipleInheritance function (securitybaseapi.h)

The CreatePrivateObjectSecurityWithMultipleInheritance function allocates and initializes a self-relative security descriptor for a new private object created by the resource manager calling this function. This function supports private objects (such as Directory Service objects with attached auxiliary classes) composed of multiple object types or classes.


BOOL CreatePrivateObjectSecurityWithMultipleInheritance(
  [in, optional] PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ParentDescriptor,
  [in, optional] PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR CreatorDescriptor,
  [out]          PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *NewDescriptor,
  [in, optional] GUID                 **ObjectTypes,
  [in]           ULONG                GuidCount,
  [in]           BOOL                 IsContainerObject,
  [in]           ULONG                AutoInheritFlags,
  [in, optional] HANDLE               Token,
  [in]           PGENERIC_MAPPING     GenericMapping


[in, optional] ParentDescriptor

A pointer to the security descriptor for the parent container of the object. If there is no parent container, this parameter is NULL.

[in, optional] CreatorDescriptor

A pointer to a security descriptor provided by the creator of the object. If the object's creator does not explicitly pass security information for the new object, this parameter can be NULL. Alternatively, this parameter can point to a default security descriptor.

[out] NewDescriptor

A pointer to a variable to receive a pointer to the newly allocated self-relative security descriptor. When you have finished using the security descriptor, free it by calling the
DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity function.

[in, optional] ObjectTypes

An array of pointers to GUID structures that identify the object types or classes of the object associated with NewDescriptor. For Active Directory objects, this array contains pointers to the class GUIDs of the object's structural class and all attached auxiliary classes. Set ObjectTypes to NULL if the object does not have a GUID.

[in] GuidCount

The number of GUIDs present in the ObjectTypes parameter.

[in] IsContainerObject

Specifies whether the new object can contain other objects. A value of TRUE indicates that the new object is a container. A value of FALSE indicates that the new object is not a container.

[in] AutoInheritFlags

A set of bit flags that control how access control entries (ACEs) are inherited from ParentDescriptor. This parameter can be a combination of the following values.

Value Meaning
The new discretionary access control list (DACL) contains ACEs inherited from the DACL of ParentDescriptor, as well as any explicit ACEs specified in the DACL of CreatorDescriptor. If this flag is not set, the new DACL does not inherit ACEs.
The new system access control list (SACL) contains ACEs inherited from the SACL of ParentDescriptor, as well as any explicit ACEs specified in the SACL of CreatorDescriptor. If this flag is not set, the new SACL does not inherit ACEs.
CreatorDescriptor is the default descriptor for the types of objects specified by ObjectTypes. As such, CreatorDescriptor is ignored if ParentDescriptor has any object-specific ACEs for the types of objects specified by the ObjectTypes parameter. If no such ACEs are inherited, CreatorDescriptor is handled as though this flag were not specified.
The function does not perform privilege checking. If the SEF_AVOID_OWNER_CHECK flag is also set, the Token parameter can be NULL. This flag is useful while implementing automatic inheritance to avoid checking privileges on each child updated.
The function does not check the validity of the owner in the resultant NewDescriptor as described in the Remarks section. If the SEF_AVOID_PRIVILEGE_CHECK flag is also set, the Token parameter can be NULL.
The owner of NewDescriptor defaults to the owner from ParentDescriptor. If not set, the owner of NewDescriptor defaults to the owner of the token specified by the Token parameter. The owner of the token is specified in the token itself. In either case, if the CreatorDescriptor parameter is not NULL, the NewDescriptor owner is set to the owner from CreatorDescriptor.
The group of NewDescriptor defaults to the group from ParentDescriptor. If not set, the group of NewDescriptor defaults to the group of the token specified by the Token parameter. The group of the token is specified in the token itself. In either case, if the CreatorDescriptor parameter is not NULL, the NewDescriptor group is set to the group from CreatorDescriptor.
A principal with a mandatory level lower than that of the object cannot write to the object.
A principal with a mandatory level lower than that of the object cannot read the object.
A principal with a mandatory level lower than that of the object cannot execute the object.
Any restrictions specified by the ParentDescriptor parameter that would limit the caller's ability to specify a DACL in the CreatorDescriptor are ignored.

[in, optional] Token

A handle to the access token for the client process on whose behalf the object is being created. If this is an impersonation token, it must be at SecurityIdentification level or higher. For a full description of the SecurityIdentification impersonation level, see the SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL enumerated type.

The client token contains default security information, such as the default owner, primary group, and DACL. This function uses these defaults if the information is not in the input security descriptors. The token must be open for TOKEN_QUERY access.

If all of the following conditions are true, then the handle must be opened for TOKEN_DUPLICATE access in addition to TOKEN_QUERY access.

  • The token handle refers to a primary token.
  • The security descriptor of the token contains one or more ACEs with the OwnerRights SID.
  • A security descriptor is specified for the CreatorDescriptor parameter.
  • The caller of this function does not set the SEF_AVOID_OWNER_RESTRICTION flag in the AutoInheritFlags parameter.

[in] GenericMapping

A pointer to a GENERIC_MAPPING structure that specifies the mapping from each generic right to specific rights for the object.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the function returns a nonzero value.

If the function fails, it returns zero. Call GetLastError for extended error information. Some extended error codes and their meanings are listed in the following table.

Return code Description
The function cannot retrieve a primary group for the new security descriptor.
The function cannot retrieve an owner for the new security descriptor or the security identifier (SID) cannot be assigned as an owner. This occurs when validating the owner SID against the passed-in token.
The function received NULL instead of a token for owner validation or privilege checking.
A SACL is being set, SEF_AVOID_PRIVILEGE_CHECK was not passed in, and the token passed in did not have SE_SECURITY_NAME enabled.


The CreatePrivateObjectSecurityEx function is identical to calling the CreatePrivateObjectSecurityWithMultipleInheritance function with a single GUID in ObjectTypes.

The AutoInheritFlags are distinct from the similarly named bits in the Control member of the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure. For an explanation of the control bits, see SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL.

If AutoInheritFlags specifies the SEF_DACL_AUTO_INHERIT bit, the function applies the following rules to the DACL in the new security descriptor:

  • The SE_DACL_AUTO_INHERITED flag is set in the Control member of the new security descriptor.
  • The DACL of the new security descriptor inherits ACEs from ParentDescriptor regardless of whether CreatorDescriptor is the default security descriptor or was explicitly specified by the creator. The new DACL is a combination of the parent and creator DACLs as defined by the rules of inheritance. Specifically, any ACEs in ParentDescriptor that are inheritable either to all child objects or to any object class listed in ObjectTypes will be applied to the new DACL.
  • Inherited ACEs are marked as INHERITED_ACE.
If AutoInheritFlags specifies the SEF_SACL_AUTO_INHERIT bit, the function applies similar rules to the new SACL.

For both DACLs and SACLs, certain types of ACEs in ParentDescriptor and CreatorDescriptor will be manipulated and possibly replaced by two ACEs in NewDescriptor. Specifically, an inheritable ACE that contains at least one of the following mappable elements may result in two ACEs in the output security descriptor. Mappable elements include:

  • Generic access rights in the ACCESS_MASK
  • Creator Owner SID or Creator Group SID as the ACE subject identifier
ACEs with any of these mappable elements will result in the following two ACEs in NewDescriptor:
  • An ACE that is a copy of the original, but with the INHERIT_ONLY flag set. However, this ACE will not be created if either of the following two conditions exist:
    • The IsContainerObject parameter is FALSE. Inheritable ACEs are meaningless on noncontainer objects.
    • The original ACE contains the NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT flag. The original ACE is intended to be inherited as an effective ACE on children, but not inheritable below those children.
  • An effective ACE in which the INHERITED_ACE bit is turned on and the generic elements are mapped to specific elements:
    • Generic access rights are replaced by the corresponding standard and specific access rights indicated in the input GenericMapping.
    • Creator Owner SID is replaced with the Owner in the resultant NewDescriptor
    • Creator Group SID is replaced with the Group in the resultant NewDescriptor
If AutoInheritFlags does not specify the SEF_AVOID_OWNER_CHECK bit, owner validity checking is performed according to the following rules. The Owner in the resultant NewDescriptor must be a legally formed SID, and either must match the TokenUser in Token or must match a group in the TokenGroups in Token. The attributes on the group:
  • Must include SE_GROUP_OWNER
  • Must not include SE_GROUP_USE_FOR_DENY_ONLY
Callers that do not have access to the token of the client that will ultimately be setting the owner may choose to skip owner validation checking.

To create a security descriptor for a new object, call CreatePrivateObjectSecurityWithMultipleInheritance with ParentDescriptor set to the security descriptor of the parent container and CreatorDescriptor set to the security descriptor proposed by the creator of the object.

To verify the current security descriptor on an object, call CreatePrivateObjectSecurityWithMultipleInheritance with ParentDescriptor set to the security descriptor of the parent container and CreatorDescriptor set to the current security descriptor of the object. This call ensures that the ACEs are appropriately inherited from parent to child security descriptors.

If the CreatorDescriptor security descriptor contains a SACL, Token must have the SE_SECURITY_NAME privilege enabled or the caller must specify the SEF_AVOID_PRIVILEGE_CHECK flag in AutoInheritFlags.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header securitybaseapi.h (include Windows.h)
Library Advapi32.lib
DLL Advapi32.dll

See also

