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Voorbeeldcode voor het maken van een containerobject

In het volgende codevoorbeeld worden twee objecten gemaakt. Eerst een containerobject en, tweede, een subcontainerobject. Er wordt een waarde voor het subcontainerobject toegevoegd aan de eigenschap otherWellKnownObjects van het containerobject. Het codevoorbeeld bindt aan het subcontainerobject met behulp van de WKGUID-binding en geeft het bijbehorende ADsPath weer. Vervolgens wordt de naam van het subcontainerobject gewijzigd en wordt opnieuw verbonden met dezelfde WKGUID-binding.

#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501

#include "resource.h"
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlcom.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "Activeds.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "adsiid.Lib")
#include <atlenc.h>
#include <activeds.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void wmain( int argc, wchar_t *argv[ ])
        HRESULT hr = S_OK;
                CComPtr<IADs> pObject ;
                CComPtr<IADsContainer> pDomain ;
                IDispatch *pDisp = NULL;

                CComPtr<IADsContainer> pNewContainer ;
                CComPtr<IADs> pIADsObject, pNewObject,  pTestWKO1, pTestWKO2;

                CComVariant vartest, var;
                CComBSTR bstr, szNewContainerDN (MAX_PATH), 
                // Names of the container and child object.
                CComBSTR szContainer ( L"MyWKOTestContainer"), 
                         szNewObject ( L"MyWKOTestObject"), 
                         szNewObjectRenameRDN ( L"cn=ObjectwithNEWNAME");

        // Get rootDSE and the domain container DN.
        hr = ADsGetObject(L"LDAP://rootDSE", IID_IADs, (void**)&pObject);
        if (FAILED(hr))
                wprintf(L"Not Found. Cannot bind to the domain.\n");
                return hr;

        hr = pObject->Get(CComBSTR(L"defaultNamingContext"),&var);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
    // Build the ADsPath to the domain.
    szPath = L"LDAP://";
    // Bind to the current domain.
    hr = ADsGetObject(szPath, IID_IADsContainer, (void**)&pDomain);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
      // Create the container.
      szRelPath = L"cn=";
      szRelPath += szContainer;
      hr = pDomain->Create(CComBSTR(L"container"), 
                              // ldapDisplayName of the class
                              // of the object to create.
                           szRelPath, // Relative path in RDN=value format.
                            &pDisp); // Return an IDispatch pointer to new object.
      if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        // Call the QueryInterface method for an IADs interface.
        hr = pDisp->QueryInterface(&pIADsObject);
        // Commit the new object to the directory.
        hr = pIADsObject->SetInfo();
        // Call the QueryInterface method for an IADsContainer interface.
        hr = pDisp->QueryInterface(&pNewContainer);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
          // Create the new container object in the container.
                  szRelPath = L"cn=";
          szRelPath += szNewObject;
                  hr = pNewContainer->Create(CComBSTR(L"container"), 
          if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            // Get the DN of the new container object.
            hr = pIADsObject->Get(CComBSTR(L"distinguishedName"), &var);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
              szNewContainerDN = var.bstrVal;
              wprintf(L"Created new container with DN: %s\n",szNewContainerDN);
              hr = pDisp->QueryInterface(&pNewObject);
              if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                // Commit the new object to the directory.
                hr = pNewObject->SetInfo();
                // Get the DN for the new object.
                hr = pNewObject->Get(CComBSTR(L"distinguishedName"), &var);
                if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                  wprintf(L"Created new child object with DN: %s\n",var.bstrVal);
                  // Use LDAP API to set the otherWellKnownObjects property.
                  wprintf(L"Call AddValueToOtherWKOProperty with:\n");
                  wprintf(L"szContainer DN: %s\n",szNewContainerDN);

                  wprintf(L"pWKOGUID (bindable string format): %s\n",
                  wprintf(L"szWKOObjectDN: %s\n",var.bstrVal);
                  hr = AddValueToOtherWKOProperty(
                          szNewContainerDN, // DN for container whose 
                                            // otherWellKnownObjects 
                                            // property to modify.
                          MyWKOTestObjectGUID, // WKO GUID for the well-known object
                          var.bstrVal // DN of the well-known object.
                  wprintf(L"AddValueToOtherWKOProperty returned: %x\n",hr);
                  if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                     // Bind using WKGUID binding.
                     // Build the ADsPath to the well-known object.
                     szPath = L"LDAP://<WKGUID=";
                     szPath += MyWKOTestObjectGUID;
                     szPath += L",";
                     szPath += szNewContainerDN;
                     szPath += L">";
                     wprintf(L"Bind with the following WKGUID binding string: %s\n",
                     hr = ADsGetObject(szPath,IID_IADs, (void**)&pTestWKO1);
                     if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                         hr = pTestWKO1->Get(CComBSTR(L"distinguishedName"),
                          if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                              wprintf(L"Successfully bound to object. DN: %s\n",
                          wprintf(L"Binding failed with hr: %x\n",hr);

                      // Bind again using the DN to get a regular ADsPath.
                      szPath = L"LDAP://";
                      szPath += var.bstrVal;
                      hr = ADsGetObject(szPath, IID_IADs, (void**)&pTestWKO1);
                      hr = pTestWKO1->get_ADsPath(&bstr);
                      // Rename the WKO object.
                      hr = pNewContainer->MoveHere(bstr, szNewObjectRenameRDN,NULL);
                      // Bind again using WKGUID binding.
                      // Build the ADsPath to the well-known object.
                      szPath = L"LDAP://<WKGUID=";
                      szPath += MyWKOTestObjectGUID;
                      szPath += L",";
                      szPath += szNewContainerDN;
                      szPath += L">";
                       L"Bind AGAIN with the following WKGUID binding string: %s\n",
                      hr = ADsGetObject(szPath, IID_IADs, (void**)&pTestWKO2);
                      if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                          hr = pTestWKO2->Get(CComBSTR(L"distinguishedName"),
                          if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                              wprintf(L"Successfully bound to object. ");
                              wprintf(L"Be aware that the DN reflects the rename.");
                              wprintf(L" DN: %s\n",vartest.bstrVal);
                          wprintf(L"Binding failed with hr: %x\n",hr);


        // Offer user the option to delete test containers.
        wprintf(L"Delete the test container and object (Y/N):");
                CComBSTR pszBuffer(MAX_PATH * 2);
        _getws_s(pszBuffer, MAX_PATH * 2);
        if (pszBuffer == L"Y" )
            // Delete the object.
            // Delete the container.
            hr = pNewContainer->Delete(CComBSTR(L"container"), 
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
              wprintf(L"Test object successfully deleted.\n");
              szRelPath = L"cn=";
              szRelPath += szContainer;
              // Delete the container.
              hr = pDomain->Delete(CComBSTR(L"container"), szRelPath);
              if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                wprintf(L"Test container and its contents successfully deleted.\n");
                wprintf(L"Failed to delete test container. hr: %x\n",hr);
              wprintf(L"Failed to delete test container. hr: %x\n",hr);
                hr = S_FALSE;



// converts hexadecimal string to a octet encoded byte 
array STDMETHODIMP ConvertHexGuidToArray(PCWSTR hexGuid, LPSAFEARRAY *sa) throw() {

        if (hexGuid == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;

        int hexLen = (int)wcslen(hexGuid);
        HRESULT hr = S_OK;
        CTempBuffer<CHAR> sHex(hexLen);
        int loopLen = hexLen;
        // make ansi
        while(loopLen-- != 0)
                sHex[loopLen] = (CHAR) hexGuid[loopLen];
        SAFEARRAY *temp= SafeArrayCreateVector(VT_UI1, 0, hexLen / 2);
        if (temp == NULL)
                hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
        PBYTE dst ;
        if (hr == S_OK) hr = SafeArrayAccessData(temp, (void**)&dst);
        int dstLen = hexLen /2;
        if (hr == S_OK)
                AtlHexDecode(sHex, hexLen, dst, &dstLen );
                hr = SafeArrayUnaccessData(temp);
                *sa = temp;

        return hr;


HRESULT AddValueToOtherWKOProperty(IADs *pads, 
                                   LPOLESTR szContainerDN, 
                                     // DN for container 
                                     // whose otherWellKnownObjects 
                                     // property to modify.
                                   PCWSTR pWKOGUID, // WKO GUID for the WKO.
                                   BSTR szWKOObjectDN // DN of the WKO.
        HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;

        CComPtr<IADsDNWithBinary> pdnWithBin;
        CComBSTR retGuid;

        CComVariant v;
        v.vt = VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY;
        ConvertHexGuidToArray(pWKOGUID, &v.parray);
        hr = pdnWithBin->put_DNString(szWKOObjectDN);
        hr = pdnWithBin->put_BinaryValue(v);
        v.vt = VT_DISPATCH;

        SAFEARRAY *psa = SafeArrayCreateVector(VT_VARIANT, 0, 1);
        VARIANT *varray = (VARIANT*)psa->pvData;
        VariantCopy(&varray[0] ,&v);
        CComVariant v2;
        v2.vt = VT_VARIANT | VT_ARRAY;
        v2.parray = psa;
        hr = pads->PutEx(ADS_PROPERTY_APPEND, 

        return hr;