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Porting the Clipboard sample to C++/WinRT from C#—a case study

This topic presents a case study of porting one of the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app samples from C# to C++/WinRT. You can gain porting practice and experience by following along with the walkthrough and porting the sample for yourself as you go.

For a comprehensive catalog of the technical details involved in porting to C++/WinRT from C#, see the companion topic Move to C++/WinRT from C#.

A brief preface about C# and C++ source code files

In a C# project, your source code files are primarily .cs files. When you move to C++, you'll notice that there are more kinds of source code files to get used to. The reason is to do with the difference between compilers, the way C++ source code is reused, and the notions of declaring and defining a type and its functions (its methods).

A function declaration describes just the function's signature (its return type, its name, and its parameter types and names). A function definition includes the function's body (its implementation).

It's a little different when it comes to types. You define a type by providing its name and by (at a minimum) just declaring all of its member functions (and other members). That's right, you can define a type even if you don't define its member functions.

  • Common C++ source code files are .h (dot aitch) and .cpp files. A .h file is a header file, and it defines one or more types. While you can define member functions in a header, that's typically what a .cpp file is for. So for a hypothetical C++ type MyClass, you'd define MyClass in MyClass.h, and you'd define its member functions in MyClass.cpp. For other developers to re-use your classes, you'd share out just the .h files and object code. You'd keep your .cpp files secret, because the implementation constitutes your intellectual property.
  • Precompiled header (pch.h). Typically there's a set of header files that you include in your application, and you don't change those files very often. So rather than processing the contents of that set of headers each time you compile, you can aggregate those headers into one file, compile that once, and then use the output of that precompilation step each time you build. You do that via a precompiled header file (usually named pch.h).
  • .idl files. These files contain Interface Definition Language (IDL). You can think of IDL as header files for Windows Runtime types. We'll talk more about IDL in the section IDL for the MainPage type.

Download and test the Clipboard sample

Visit the Clipboard sample web page, and click Download ZIP. Unzip the downloaded file, and take a look at the folder structure.

  • The C# version of the sample source code is contained in the folder named cs.
  • The C++/WinRT version of the sample source code is contained in the folder named cppwinrt.
  • Other files—used by both the C# version and the C++/WinRT version—can be found in the shared and SharedContent folders.

The walkthrough in this topic shows how you can recreate the C++/WinRT version of the Clipboard sample by porting it from the C# source code. That way, you can see how you can port your own C# projects to C++/WinRT.

To get a feel for what the sample does, open the C# solution (\Clipboard_sample\cs\Clipboard.sln), change the configuration as appropriate (perhaps to x64), build, and run. The sample's own user interface (UI) guides you through its various features, step by step.


The root folder of the sample that you downloaded might be named Clipboard rather than Clipboard_sample. But we'll continue to refer to that folder as Clipboard_sample to distinguish it from the C++/WinRT version that you'll be creating in a later step.

Create a Blank App (C++/WinRT), named Clipboard


For info about installing and using the C++/WinRT Visual Studio Extension (VSIX) and the NuGet package (which together provide project template and build support), see Visual Studio support for C++/WinRT.

Begin the porting process by creating a new C++/WinRT project in Microsoft Visual Studio. Create a new project using the Blank App (C++/WinRT) project template. Set its name to Clipboard, and (so that your folder structure will match the walkthrough) make sure that Place solution and project in the same directory is unchecked.

Just to get a baseline, make sure that this new, empty, project builds and runs.

Package.appxmanifest, and asset files

If the C# and C++/WinRT versions of the sample don't need to be installed side by side on the same machine, then the two projects' app package manifest source files (Package.appxmanifest) can be identical. In that case, you can just copy Package.appxmanifest from the C# project to the C++/WinRT project, and you're done.

For the two versions of the sample to coexist, they need different identifiers. In that case, in the C++/WinRT project, open the Package.appxmanifest file in an XML editor, and make a note of these three values.

  • Inside the /Package/Identity element, note the value of the Name attribute. This is the package name. For a newly-created project, the project will give it an initial value of a unique GUID.
  • Inside the /Package/Applications/Application element, note the value of the Id attribute. This is the application id.
  • Inside the /Package/mp:PhoneIdentity element, note the value of the PhoneProductId attribute. Again, for a newly-created project, this will be set to the same GUID as the package name is set to.

Then copy Package.appxmanifest from the C# project to the C++/WinRT project. Finally, you can restore the three values that you noted. Or you can edit the copied values to make them unique and/or appropriate for the application and for your organization (as you ordinarily would for a new project). For example, in this case instead of restoring the value of the package name, we can just change the copied value from Microsoft.SDKSamples.Clipboard.CS to Microsoft.SDKSamples.Clipboard.CppWinRT. And we can leave the application id set to App. As long as either the package name or the application id are different, then the two applications will have different Application User Model IDs (AUMIDs). And that's what's necessary for two apps to be installed side by side on the same machine.

For the purposes of this walkthrough, it makes sense to make a few other changes in Package.appxmanifest. There are three occurrences of the string Clipboard C# Sample. Change that to Clipboard C++/WinRT Sample.

In the C++/WinRT project, the Package.appxmanifest file and the project are now out of sync with respect to the asset files that they reference. To remedy that, first remove the assets from the C++/WinRT project by selecting all the files in the Assets folder (in Solution Explorer in Visual Studio) and removing them (choose Delete in the dialog).

The C# project references asset files from a shared folder. You can do the same in the C++/WinRT project, or you can copy the files as we'll do in this walkthrough.

Navigate to the \Clipboard_sample\SharedContent\media folder. Select the seven files that the C# project includes (microsoft-sdk.png, smalltile-sdk.png, splash-sdk.png, squaretile-sdk.png, storelogo-sdk.png, tile-sdk.png, and windows-sdk.png), copy them, and paste them into the \Clipboard\Clipboard\Assets folder in the new project.

Right-click the Assets folder (in Solution Explorer in the C++/WinRT project) > Add > Existing item... and navigate to \Clipboard\Clipboard\Assets. In the file picker, select the seven files and click Add.

Package.appxmanifest is now back in sync with the project's asset files.

MainPage, including the functionality that configures the sample

The Clipboard sample—like all of the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app samples—consists of a collection of scenarios that the user can step through one at a time. The collection of scenarios in a given sample is configured in the sample's source code. Each scenario in the collection is a data item that stores a title, as well as the type of the class in the project that implements the scenario.

In the C# version of the sample, if you look in the SampleConfiguration.cs source code file, you'll see two classes. Most of the configuration logic is in the MainPage class, which is a partial class (it forms a complete class when combined with the markup in MainPage.xaml and the imperative code in MainPage.xaml.cs). The other class in this source code file is Scenario, with its Title and ClassType properties.

Over the next few subsections, we'll look at how to port MainPage and Scenario.

IDL for the MainPage type

Let's begin this section by talking briefly about Interface Definition Language (IDL), and how it helps us when we're programming with C++/WinRT. IDL is a kind of source code that describes the callable surface of a Windows Runtime type. The callable (or public) surface of a type is projected out into the world, so that the type can be consumed. That projected portion of the type contrasts with the actual internal implementation of the type, which is of course not callable, and not public. It's only the projected portion that we define in IDL.

Having authored IDL source code (within an .idl file), you can then compile the IDL into machine-readable metadata files (also known as Windows Metadata). Those metadata files have the extension .winmd, and here are some of their uses.

  • A .winmd can describe the Windows Runtime types in a component. When you reference a Windows Runtime Component (WRC) from an application project, the application project reads the Windows Metadata belonging to the WRC (that metadata may be in a separate file, or it may be packaged into the same file as the WRC itself) so that you can consume the WRC's types from within the application.
  • A .winmd can describe the Windows Runtime types in one part of your application so that they can be consumed by a different part of the same application. For example, a Windows Runtime type that's consumed by a XAML page in the same app.
  • To make it easier for you to consume Windows Runtime types (built-in or third party), the C++/WinRT build system uses .winmd files to generate wrapper types to represent the projected portions of those Windows Runtime types.
  • To make it easier for you to implement your own Windows Runtime types, the C++/WinRT build system turns your IDL into a .winmd file, and then uses that to generate wrappers for your projection, as well as stubs on which to base your implementation (we'll talk more about these stubs later in this topic).

The specific version of IDL that we use with C++/WinRT is Microsoft Interface Definition Language 3.0. In the remainder of this section of the topic, we'll examine the C# MainPage type in some detail. We'll decide which parts of it need to be in the projection of the C++/WinRT MainPage type (that is, in its callable, or public, surface), and which can be just part of its implementation. That distinction is important because when we come to author our IDL (which we'll do in the section after this one), we'll be defining only the callable parts in there.

The C# source code files that together implement the MainPage type are: MainPage.xaml (which we'll port soon, by copying it), MainPage.xaml.cs, and SampleConfiguration.cs.

In the C++/WinRT version, we'll factor our MainPage type into source code files in a similar way. We'll take the logic in MainPage.xaml.cs and translate it for the most part to MainPage.h and MainPage.cpp. And for the logic in SampleConfiguration.cs, we'll translate that to SampleConfiguration.h and SampleConfiguration.cpp.

The classes in a C# Universal Windows Platform (UWP) application are of course Windows Runtime types. But when you author a type in a C++/WinRT application, you can choose whether that type is a Windows Runtime type, or a regular C++ class/struct/enumeration.

Any XAML page in our project needs to be a Windows Runtime type, so MainPage needs to be a Windows Runtime type. In the C++/WinRT project, MainPage is already a Windows Runtime type, so we don't need to change that aspect of it. Specifically, it's a runtime class.

  • For more details about whether or not you should author a runtime class for a given type, see the topic Author APIs with C++/WinRT.
  • In C++/WinRT, the internal implementation of a runtime class, and the projected (public) parts of it, exist in the form of two different classes. These are known as the implementation type and the projected type. You can learn more about them in the topic mentioned in the previous bullet-point, and also in Consume APIs with C++/WinRT.
  • For more info about the connection between runtime classes and IDL (.idl files), you can read and follow along with the topic XAML controls; bind to a C++/WinRT property. That topic walks through the process of authoring a new runtime class, the first step of which is to add a new Midl File (.idl) item to the project.

For MainPage, we actually have the necessary MainPage.idl file already in the C++/WinRT project. That's because the project template created it for us. But later in this walkthrough we'll be adding further .idl files to the project.

We'll shortly see a listing of exactly what IDL we need to add to the existing MainPage.idl file. Before that, we have some reasoning to do about what does, and what doesn't, need to go in the IDL.

To determine which members of MainPage we need to declare in MainPage.idl (so that they become part of the MainPage runtime class), and which can simply be members of the MainPage implementation type, let's make a list of the members of the C# MainPage class. We find those members by looking in MainPage.xaml.cs and in SampleConfiguration.cs.

We find a total of twelve protected and private fields and methods. And we find the following public members.

  • The default constructor MainPage().
  • The static fields Current and FEATURE_NAME.
  • The properties IsClipboardContentChangedEnabled and Scenarios.
  • The methods BuildClipboardFormatsOutputString, DisplayToast, EnableClipboardContentChangedNotifications, and NotifyUser.

It's those public members that are candidates for declaring in MainPage.idl. So let's examine each one and see whether they need to be part of the MainPage runtime class, or whether they need only to be part of its implementation.

  • The default constructor MainPage(). For a XAML Page, it's normal to declare a default constructor in its IDL. That way, the XAML UI framework can activate the type.
  • The static field Current is used from within the individual scenario XAML pages to access the application's instance of MainPage. Since Current isn't being used to interoperate with the XAML framework (nor is it used across compilation units), we could reserve it to be solely a member of the implementation type. With your own projects in cases like this, you might choose to do that. But since the field is an instance of the projected type, it feels logical to declare it in the IDL. So that's what we'll do here (and doing so also makes the code slightly cleaner).
  • It's a similar case for the static FEATURE_NAME field, which is accessed within the MainPage type. Again, choosing to declare it in the IDL makes our code slightly cleaner.
  • The property IsClipboardContentChangedEnabled is used only in the OtherScenarios class. So during the port, we'll simplify things a little, and make it a private field of the OtherScenarios runtime class. So that one won't go in the IDL.
  • The property Scenarios is a collection of objects of type Scenario (a type that we mentioned earlier). We'll talk about Scenario in the next subsection, so let's leave the Scenarios property until then, too.
  • The methods BuildClipboardFormatsOutputString, DisplayToast, and EnableClipboardContentChangedNotifications are utility functions that feel more to do with the general state of the sample than about the main page. So during the port, we'll refactor these three methods onto a new utility type named SampleState (which doesn't need to be a Windows Runtime type). For that reason, these three methods won't go in the IDL.
  • The method NotifyUser is called from within the individual scenario XAML pages on the instance of MainPage that's returned from the static Current field. Since (as already noted) Current is an instance of the projected type, we need to declare NotifyUser in the IDL. NotifyUser takes a parameter of type NotifyType. We'll talk about that in the next subsection.

Any member that you want to databind to also needs to be declared in IDL (whether you're using {x:Bind} or {Binding}). For more info, see Data binding.

We're making progress: we're developing a list of which members to add, and which not to add, to the MainPage.idl file. But we still have to discuss the Scenarios property, and the NotifyType type. So let's do that next.

IDL for the Scenario and NotifyType types

The Scenario class is defined in SampleConfiguration.cs. We have a decision to make about how to port that class to C++/WinRT. By default, we would probably make it an ordinary C++ struct. But if Scenario is being used across binaries, or to interoperate with the XAML framework, then it needs to be declared in IDL as a Windows Runtime type.

Studying the C# source code, we find that Scenario is used in this context.

<ListBox x:Name="ScenarioControl" ... >
var itemCollection = new List<Scenario>();
int i = 1;
foreach (Scenario s in scenarios)
    itemCollection.Add(new Scenario { Title = $"{i++}) {s.Title}", ClassType = s.ClassType });
ScenarioControl.ItemsSource = itemCollection;

A collection of Scenario objects is being assigned to the ItemsSource property of a ListBox (which is an items control). Since Scenario does need to interoperate with XAML, it needs to be a Windows Runtime type. So it needs to be defined in IDL. Defining the Scenario type in IDL causes the C++/WinRT build system to generate a source code definition of Scenario for you in a behind-the-scenes header file (the name and location of which are not important for this walkthrough).

And you'll recall that MainPage.Scenarios is a collection of Scenario objects, which we've just said need to be in IDL. For that reason, MainPage.Scenarios itself also needs to be declared in the IDL.

NotifyType is an enum declared in C#'s MainPage.xaml.cs. Because we pass NotifyType to a method belonging to the MainPage runtime class, NotifyType too needs to be a Windows Runtime type; and it needs to be defined in MainPage.idl.

Now let's add to the MainPage.idl file the new types and the new member of Mainpage that we've decided to declare in IDL. At the same time, we'll remove from the IDL the placeholder members of Mainpage that the Visual Studio project template gave us.

So, in your C++/WinRT project, open MainPage.idl, and edit it so that it looks like the listing below. Note that one of the edits is to change the namespace name from Clipboard to SDKTemplate. If you like, you can just replace the entire contents of MainPage.idl with the following code. Another tweak to note is that we're changing the name of Scenario::ClassType to Scenario::ClassName.

// MainPage.idl
namespace SDKTemplate
    struct Scenario
        String Title;
        Windows.UI.Xaml.Interop.TypeName ClassName;

    enum NotifyType

    runtimeclass MainPage : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Page

        static MainPage Current{ get; };
        static String FEATURE_NAME{ get; };

        static Windows.Foundation.Collections.IVector<Scenario> scenarios{ get; };

        void NotifyUser(String strMessage, NotifyType type);


For more info about the contents of an .idl file in a C++/WinRT project, see Microsoft Interface Definition Language 3.0.

With your own porting work, you might not want or need to change the namespace name like we did above. We're doing it here only because the default namespace of the C# project that we're porting is SDKTemplate; while the name of the project and of the assembly is Clipboard.

But, as we proceed with the port in this walkthrough, we'll be changing every occurrence in source code of the Clipboard namespace name to SDKTemplate. There's also a place in C++/WinRT project properties where the Clipboard namespace name appears, so we'll take the opportunity to change that now.

In Visual Studio, for the C++/WinRT project, set the project property Common Properties > C++/WinRT > Root Namespace to the value SDKTemplate.

Save the IDL, and re-generate stub files

The topic XAML controls; bind to a C++/WinRT property introduces the notion of stub files, and shows you a walkthrough of them in action. We also mentioned stubs earlier in this topic when we mentioned that C++/WinRT build system turns the contents of your .idl files into Windows Metadata, and then from that metadata a tool named cppwinrt.exe generates stubs on which you can base your implementation.

Each time you add, remove, or change something in your IDL, and build, the build system updates the stub implementations in those stubs files. So each time you change your IDL and build, we recommend that you view those stubs files, copy any changed signatures, and paste them into your project. We'll give more specifics and examples of exactly how to do that in a moment. But the advantage of doing this is to give you an error-free way of knowing at all times what the shape of your implementation type should be, and what the signature of its methods should be.

At this point in the walkthrough, we're done editing the MainPage.idl file for the time being, so you should save it now. The project won't build to completion at the moment, but performing a build now is a useful thing to do because it regenerates the stub files for MainPage. So build the project now, and disregard any build errors.

For this C++/WinRT project, the stub files are generated in the \Clipboard\Clipboard\Generated Files\sources folder. You'll find them there after the partial build has come to an end (again, as expected, the build won't succeed entirely. But the step that we're interested in—generating stubs—will have succeeded). The files we're interested in are MainPage.h and MainPage.cpp.

In those two stub files, you'll see new stub implementations of the members of MainPage that we added to the IDL (Current and FEATURE_NAME, for example). You'll want to copy those stub implementations into the MainPage.h and MainPage.cpp files that are already in the project. At the same time, just as we did with the IDL, we'll remove from those existing files the placeholder members of Mainpage that the Visual Studio project template gave us (the dummy property named MyProperty, and the event handler named ClickHandler).

In fact, the only member of the current version of MainPage that we want to keep is the constructor.

Once you've copied the new members from the stub files, deleted the members we don't want, and updated the namespace, the MainPage.h and MainPage.cpp files in your project should look like the code listings below. Notice that there are two MainPage types. One in the implementation namespace, and a second one in the factory_implementation namespace. The only change we've made to the factory_implementation one is to add SDKTemplate to its namespace.

// MainPage.h
#pragma once
#include "MainPage.g.h"

namespace winrt::SDKTemplate::implementation
    struct MainPage : MainPageT<MainPage>

        static SDKTemplate::MainPage Current();
        static hstring FEATURE_NAME();
        static Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector<SDKTemplate::Scenario> scenarios();
        void NotifyUser(hstring const& strMessage, SDKTemplate::NotifyType const& type);
namespace winrt::SDKTemplate::factory_implementation
    struct MainPage : MainPageT<MainPage, implementation::MainPage>
// MainPage.cpp
#include "pch.h"
#include "MainPage.h"
#include "MainPage.g.cpp"

namespace winrt::SDKTemplate::implementation
    SDKTemplate::MainPage MainPage::Current()
        throw hresult_not_implemented();
    hstring MainPage::FEATURE_NAME()
        throw hresult_not_implemented();
    Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector<SDKTemplate::Scenario> MainPage::scenarios()
        throw hresult_not_implemented();
    void MainPage::NotifyUser(hstring const& strMessage, SDKTemplate::NotifyType const& type)
        throw hresult_not_implemented();

For strings, C# uses System.String. See the MainPage.NotifyUser method for an example. In our IDL, we declare a string with String, and when the cppwinrt.exe tool generates C++/WinRT code for us, it uses the winrt::hstring type. Any time we come across a string in C# code, we'll port that to winrt::hstring. For more info, see String handling in C++/WinRT.

For an explanation of the const& parameters in the method signatures, see Parameter-passing.

Update all remaining namespace declarations/references, and build

Before building the C++/WinRT project, find any declarations of (and references to) the Clipboard namespace, and change them to SDKTemplate.

  • MainPage.xaml and App.xaml. The namespace appears in the values of the x:Class and xmlns:local attributes.
  • App.idl.
  • App.h.
  • App.cpp. There are two using namespace directives (search for the substring using namespace Clipboard), and two qualifications of the MainPage type (search for Clipboard::MainPage). Those need changing.

Since we removed the event handler from MainPage, also go into MainPage.xaml and delete the Button element from the markup.

Save all the files. Clean the solution (Build > Clean Solution), and then build it. Having followed all of the changes so far, exactly as written, the build is expected to succeed.

Implement the MainPage members that we declared in IDL

The constructor, Current, and FEATURE_NAME

Here's the relevant code (from the C# project) that we need to port.

<!-- MainPage.xaml -->
<TextBlock x:Name="SampleTitle" ... />
// MainPage.xaml.cs
public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
    public static MainPage Current;

    public MainPage()
        Current = this;
        SampleTitle.Text = FEATURE_NAME;

// SampleConfiguration.cs
public partial class MainPage : Page
    public const string FEATURE_NAME = "Clipboard C# sample";

Soon, we'll be re-using MainPage.xaml in its entirety (by copying it). For now (below), we'll temporarily add a TextBlock element, with the appropriate name, into the MainPage.xaml of the C++/WinRT project.

FEATURE_NAME is a static field of MainPage (a C# const field is essentially static in its behavior), defined in SampleConfiguration.cs. For C++/WinRT, instead of a (static) field, we'll make it the C++/WinRT expression of a (static) read-only property. The C++/WinRT way of expressing a property getter is as a function that returns the property value, and takes no parameters (an accessor). So the C# FEATURE_NAME static field becomes the C++/WinRT FEATURE_NAME static accessor function (in this case, returning the string literal).

Incidentally, we'd do the same thing if we were porting a C# read-only property. For a C# writeable property, the C++/WinRT way of expressing a property setter is as a void function that takes the property value as a parameter (a mutator). In either case, if the C# field or property is static, then so is the C++/WinRT accessor and/or mutator.

Current is a static (not a constant) field of MainPage. Again, we'll make it (the C++/WinRT expression of) a read-only property, and again make it static. Where FEATURE_NAME is constant, Current is not. So in C++/WinRT we'll need a backing field, and our accessor will return that. So, in the C++/WinRT project, we'll declare in MainPage.h a private static field named current, we'll define/initialize current in MainPage.cpp (because it has static storage duration), and we'll access it via a public static accessor function named Current.

The constructor itself performs a couple of assignments, which are straightforward to port.

In the C++/WinRT project, add a new Visual C++ > Code > C++ File (.cpp) item with the name SampleConfiguration.cpp.

Edit MainPage.xaml, MainPage.h, MainPage.cpp, and SampleConfiguration.cpp to match the listings below.

<!-- MainPage.xaml -->
<StackPanel ...>
    <TextBlock x:Name="SampleTitle" />
// MainPage.h
namespace winrt::SDKTemplate::implementation
    struct MainPage : MainPageT<MainPage>
        static SDKTemplate::MainPage Current() { return current; }
        static SDKTemplate::MainPage current;

// MainPage.cpp
namespace winrt::SDKTemplate::implementation
    SDKTemplate::MainPage MainPage::current{ nullptr };

        MainPage::current = *this;

// SampleConfiguration.cpp
#include "pch.h"
#include "MainPage.h"

using namespace winrt;
using namespace SDKTemplate;

hstring implementation::MainPage::FEATURE_NAME()
    return L"Clipboard C++/WinRT Sample";

Also, be sure to delete the existing function bodies from MainPage.cpp for MainPage::Current() and MainPage::FEATURE_NAME(), because we're now defining those methods elsewhere.

As you can see, MainPage::current is declared as being of type SDKTemplate::MainPage, which is the projected type. It's not of type SDKTemplate::implementation::MainPage, which is the implementation type. The projected type is the one that's designed to be consumed either within the project for XAML interoperation, or across binaries. The implementation type is what you use to implement the facilities that you've exposed on your projected type. Because the declaration of MainPage::current (in MainPage.h) appears within the implementation namespace (winrt::SDKTemplate::implementation), an unqualified MainPage would have referred to the implementation type. So, we qualify with SDKTemplate:: in order to be clear that we want MainPage::current to be an instance of the projected type winrt::SDKTemplate::MainPage.

In the constructor, there are some points related to MainPage::current = *this; that deserve an explanation.

  • When you use the this pointer inside a member of the implementation type, the this pointer is of course a pointer to the implementation type.
  • To convert the this pointer to the corresponding projected type, dereference it. Provided you generate your implementation type from IDL (as we have here), the implementation type has a conversion operator that converts to its projected type. That's why the assignment here works.

For more info about those details, see Instantiating and returning implementation types and interfaces.

Also in the constructor is SampleTitle().Text(FEATURE_NAME());. The SampleTitle() part is a call to a simple accessor function named SampleTitle, which returns the TextBlock that we added to the XAML. Whenever you x:Name a XAML element, the XAML compiler generates an accessor for you that's named for the element. The .Text(...) part calls the Text mutator function on the TextBlock object that the SampleTitle accessor returned. And FEATURE_NAME() calls our static MainPage::FEATURE_NAME accessor function to return the string literal. Altogether, that line of code sets the Text property of the TextBlock named SampleTitle.

Note that since strings are wide in the Windows Runtime, to port a string literal we prefix it with the wide-char encoding prefix L. So we change (for example) "a string literal" to L"a string literal". Also see Wide string literals.


Here's the relevant C# code that we need to port.

// MainPage.xaml.cs
public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
    public List<Scenario> Scenarios
        get { return this.scenarios; }

// SampleConfiguration.cs
public partial class MainPage : Page
    List<Scenario> scenarios = new List<Scenario>
        new Scenario() { Title = "Copy and paste text", ClassType = typeof(CopyText) },
        new Scenario() { Title = "Copy and paste an image", ClassType = typeof(CopyImage) },
        new Scenario() { Title = "Copy and paste files", ClassType = typeof(CopyFiles) },
        new Scenario() { Title = "Other Clipboard operations", ClassType = typeof(OtherScenarios) }

From our earlier investigation, we know that this collection of Scenario objects is being displayed in a ListBox. In C++/WinRT, there are limits to the kind of collection that we can assign to the ItemsSource property of an items control. The collection must be either a vector or an observable vector, and its elements must be one of the following:

For the IInspectable case, if the elements are not themselves runtime classes, then those elements need to be of a kind that can be boxed and unboxed to and from IInspectable. And that means that they have to be Windows Runtime types (see Boxing and unboxing values to IInspectable).

For this case study, we didn't make Scenario a runtime class. That is still a reasonable option, though. And there'll be cases in your own porting work where a runtime class will definitely be the way to go. For example, if you need to make the element type observable (see XAML controls; bind to a C++/WinRT property), or if the element needs to have methods for any other reason, and it's more than just a set of data members.

Since, in this walkthrough, we're not going with a runtime class for the Scenario type, then we need to think about boxing. If we'd made Scenario a regular C++ struct, then we wouldn't be able to box it. But we declared Scenario as a struct in IDL, and so we can box it.

We're left with the choice of boxing the Scenario ahead of time, or waiting until we're about to assign to the ItemsSource, and box them on a just-in-time basis. Here are some considerations regarding those two options.

  • Boxing ahead of time. For this option, our data member is a collection of IInspectable ready to assign to the UI. On initialization, we box the Scenario objects into that data member. We need only one copy of that collection, but we have to unbox an element every time we needed to read its fields.
  • Boxing just in time. For this option, our data member is a collection of Scenario. When the time comes to assign to the UI, we box the Scenario objects from the data member into a new collection of IInspectable. We can read the fields of the elements in the data member without unboxing, but we need two copies of the collection.

As you can see, for a small collection like this, the pros and cons make it something of a wash. So, for this case study, we'll go with the just-in-time option.

The scenarios member is a field of MainPage, defined and initialized in SampleConfiguration.cs. And Scenarios is a read-only property of MainPage, defined in MainPage.xaml.cs (and implemented to simply return the scenarios field). We'll do something similar in the C++/WinRT project; but we'll make the two members static (since we need only one instance across the application; and so that we can access them without needing a class instance). And we'll name them scenariosInner and scenarios, respectively. We'll declare scenariosInner in MainPage.h. And, because it has static storage duration, we'll define/initialize it in a .cpp file (SampleConfiguration.cpp, in this case).

Edit MainPage.h and SampleConfiguration.cpp to match the listings below.

// MainPage.h
struct MainPage : MainPageT<MainPage>
    static Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector<Scenario> scenarios() { return scenariosInner; }
    static winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector<Scenario> scenariosInner;

// SampleConfiguration.cpp
using namespace Windows::Foundation::Collections;
IVector<Scenario> implementation::MainPage::scenariosInner = winrt::single_threaded_observable_vector<Scenario>(
    Scenario{ L"Copy and paste text", xaml_typename<SDKTemplate::CopyText>() },
    Scenario{ L"Copy and paste an image", xaml_typename<SDKTemplate::CopyImage>() },
    Scenario{ L"Copy and paste files", xaml_typename<SDKTemplate::CopyFiles>() },
    Scenario{ L"History and roaming", xaml_typename<SDKTemplate::HistoryAndRoaming>() },
    Scenario{ L"Other Clipboard operations", xaml_typename<SDKTemplate::OtherScenarios>() },

Also, be sure to delete the existing function body from MainPage.cpp for MainPage::scenarios(), because we're now defining that method in the header file.

As you can see, in SampleConfiguration.cpp, we initialize the static data member scenariosInner by calling a C++/WinRT helper function named winrt::single_threaded_observable_vector. That function creates a new Windows Runtime collection object for us, and returns it as an IObservableVector interface. Since, in this sample, the collection is not observable (it doesn't need to be, because it doesn't add nor remove elements after initialization), we could instead have opted to call winrt::single_threaded_vector. That function returns the collection as an IVector interface.

For more info about collections, and binding to them, see XAML items controls; bind to a C++/WinRT collection, and Collections with C++/WinRT.

The initialization code you just added references types that aren't yet in the project (for example, winrt::SDKTemplate::CopyText. To remedy that, let's go ahead and add five new blank XAML pages to the project.

Add five new blank XAML pages

Add a new Visual C++ > Blank Page (C++/WinRT) item to the project (be certain that it's the Blank Page (C++/WinRT) item template, and not the Blank Page one). Name it CopyText. The new XAML page is defined within the SDKTemplate namespace, which is what we want.

Repeat the above process another four times, and named the XAML pages CopyImage, CopyFiles, HistoryAndRoaming, and OtherScenarios.

You'll now be able to build again, if you wish.


In the C# project, you'll find the implementation of the MainPage.NotifyUser method in MainPage.xaml.cs. MainPage.NotifyUser has a dependency on MainPage.UpdateStatus, and that method in turn has dependencies on XAML elements that we haven't yet ported. So for now we'll just stub out an UpdateStatus method in the C++/WinRT project, and we'll port that later.

Here's the relevant C# code that we need to port.

// MainPage.xaml.cs
public void NotifyUser(string strMessage, NotifyType type)
if (Dispatcher.HasThreadAccess)
    UpdateStatus(strMessage, type);
    var task = Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => UpdateStatus(strMessage, type));
private void UpdateStatus(string strMessage, NotifyType type) { ... }{

NotifyUser uses the Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority enum. In C++/WinRT, whenever you want to use a type from a Windows namespaces, you need to include the corresponding C++/WinRT Windows namespace header file (for more info about that, see Get started with C++/WinRT). In this case, as you'll see in the code listing below, the header is winrt/Windows.UI.Core.h, and we'll be including it in pch.h.

UpdateStatus is private. So we'll make that a private method on our MainPage implementation type. UpdateStatus isn't meant to be called on the runtime class, so we won't declare it in IDL.

After porting MainPage.NotifyUser, and stubbing out MainPage.UpdateStatus, this is what we have in the C++/WinRT project. After this code listing, we'll examine some of the details.

// pch.h
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Core.h>

// MainPage.h
struct MainPage : MainPageT<MainPage>
    void NotifyUser(hstring const& strMessage, SDKTemplate::NotifyType const& type);
    void UpdateStatus(hstring const& strMessage, SDKTemplate::NotifyType const& type);

// MainPage.cpp
void MainPage::NotifyUser(hstring const& strMessage, SDKTemplate::NotifyType const& type)
    if (Dispatcher().HasThreadAccess())
        UpdateStatus(strMessage, type);
        Dispatcher().RunAsync(Windows::UI::Core::CoreDispatcherPriority::Normal, [strMessage, type, this]()
                UpdateStatus(strMessage, type);
void MainPage::UpdateStatus(hstring const& strMessage, SDKTemplate::NotifyType const& type)
    throw hresult_not_implemented();

In C#, you can use dot notation to dot into nested properties. So, the C# MainPage type can access its own Dispatcher property with the syntax Dispatcher. And C# can further dot into that value with syntax such as Dispatcher.HasThreadAccess. In C++/WinRT, properties are implemented as accessor functions, so the syntax differs only in that you add parentheses for each function call.

C# C++/WinRT
Dispatcher.HasThreadAccess Dispatcher().HasThreadAccess()

When the C# version of NotifyUser calls CoreDispatcher.RunAsync, it implements the asynchronous callback delegate as a lambda function. The C++/WinRT version does the same thing, but the syntax is a little different. In C++/WinRT, we capture the two parameters that we're going to use, as well as the this pointer (since we're going to call a member function). There's more info about implementing delegates as lambdas, and code examples, in the topic Handle events by using delegates in C++/WinRT. Also, we can disregard the var task = part in this particular case. We're not waiting on the returned asynchronous object, so there's no need to store it.

Implement the remaining MainPage members

Let's make a full list of the members of MainPage (implemented across MainPage.xaml.cs and SampleConfiguration.cs) so that we can see which ones we've ported so far, and which ones are yet to do.

Member Access Status
MainPage constructor public Ported
Current property public Ported
FEATURE_NAME property public Ported
IsClipboardContentChangedEnabled property public Not started
Scenarios property public Ported
BuildClipboardFormatsOutputString method public Not started
DisplayToast method public Not started
EnableClipboardContentChangedNotifications method public Not started
NotifyUser method public Ported
OnNavigatedTo method protected Not started
isApplicationWindowActive field private Not started
needToPrintClipboardFormat field private Not started
scenarios field private Ported
Button_Click method private Not started
DisplayChangedFormats method private Not started
Footer_Click method private Not started
HandleClipboardChanged method private Not started
OnClipboardChanged method private Not started
OnWindowActivated method private Not started
ScenarioControl_SelectionChanged method private Not started
UpdateStatus method private Stubbed out

We'll talk about the as-yet-unported members in the next few subsections, then.


From time to time, we'll come across references in the source code to UI elements in the XAML markup (in MainPage.xaml). As we come to these references, we'll temporarily work around them by adding simple placeholder elements to the XAML. That way, the project will continue to build after each subsection. The alternative is to resolve the references by copying the entire contents of MainPage.xaml from the C# project to the C++/WinRT project now. But if we do that then it'll be a long time before we can come to a pit stop and build again (thus potentially obscuring any typos or other errors that we make along the way).

Once we're done porting the imperative code for the MainPage class, then we'll copy the contents of the XAML file and be confident that the project will still build.


This is a get-set C# property that defaults to false. It's a member of MainPage, and is defined in SampleConfiguration.cs.

For C++/WinRT, we'll need an accessor function, a mutator function, and a backing data member as a field. Since IsClipboardContentChangedEnabled represents the state of one of the scenarios in the sample, rather than the state of MainPage itself, we'll create the new members on a new utility type called SampleState. And we'll implement that in our SampleConfiguration.cpp source code file, and we'll make the members static (since we need only one instance across the application; and so that we can access them without needing a class instance).

To accompany our SampleConfiguration.cpp in the C++/WinRT project, add a new Visual C++ > Code > Header File (.h) item with the name SampleConfiguration.h. Edit SampleConfiguration.h and SampleConfiguration.cpp to match the listings below.

// SampleConfiguration.h
#pragma once 
#include "pch.h"

namespace winrt::SDKTemplate
    struct SampleState
        static bool IsClipboardContentChangedEnabled();
        static void IsClipboardContentChangedEnabled(bool checked);
        static bool isClipboardContentChangedEnabled;

// SampleConfiguration.cpp
#include "SampleConfiguration.h"
bool SampleState::isClipboardContentChangedEnabled = false;
bool SampleState::IsClipboardContentChangedEnabled()
    return isClipboardContentChangedEnabled;
void SampleState::IsClipboardContentChangedEnabled(bool checked)
    if (isClipboardContentChangedEnabled != checked)
        isClipboardContentChangedEnabled = checked;

Again, a field with static storage (such as SampleState::isClipboardContentChangedEnabled) must be defined once in the application, and a .cpp file is a good place for that (SampleConfiguration.cpp in this case).


This method is a public member of MainPage, and it's defined in SampleConfiguration.cs.

// SampleConfiguration.cs
public string BuildClipboardFormatsOutputString()
    DataPackageView clipboardContent = Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.Clipboard.GetContent();
    StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();

    if (clipboardContent != null && clipboardContent.AvailableFormats.Count > 0)
        output.Append("Available formats in the clipboard:");
        foreach (var format in clipboardContent.AvailableFormats)
            output.Append(Environment.NewLine + " * " + format);
        output.Append("The clipboard is empty");
    return output.ToString();

In C++/WinRT, we'll make BuildClipboardFormatsOutputString a public static method of SampleState. We can make it static because it doesn't access any instance members.

To use the Clipboard and DataPackageView types in C++/WinRT, we'll need to include the C++/WinRT Windows namespace header file winrt/Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.h.

In C#, the DataPackageView.AvailableFormats property is an IReadOnlyList, so we can access the Count property of that. In C++/WinRT, the DataPackageView::AvailableFormats accessor function returns an IVectorView, which has a Size accessor function that we can call.

To port the use of the C# System.Text.StringBuilder type, we'll make use of the standard C++ type std::wostringstream. That type is an output stream for wide strings (and to use it we'll need to include the sstream header file). Instead of using an Append method like you do with a StringBuilder, you use the insertion operator (<<) with an output stream such as wostringstream. For more info, see iostream programming, and Formatting C++/WinRT strings.

The C# code constructs a StringBuilder with the new keyword. In C#, objects are reference types by default, declared on the heap with new. In modern standard C++, objects are value types by default, declared on the stack (without using new). So we port StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); to C++/WinRT as simply std::wostringstream output;.

The C# var keyword asks the compiler to infer a type. You port var to auto in C++/WinRT. But in C++/WinRT, there are cases where (in order to avoid copies) you want a reference to an inferred (or deduced) type, and you express an lvalue reference to a deduced type with auto&. There are also cases where you want a special kind of reference that binds correctly whether it's initialized with an lvalue or with an rvalue. And you express that with auto&&. That's the form that you see used in the for loop in the ported code below. For an introduction to lvalues and rvalues, see Value categories, and references to them.

Edit pch.h, SampleConfiguration.h, and SampleConfiguration.cpp to match the listings below.

// pch.h
#include <sstream>
#include "winrt/Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.h"

// SampleConfiguration.h
struct SampleState
    static hstring BuildClipboardFormatsOutputString();

// SampleConfiguration.cpp
using namespace Windows::ApplicationModel::DataTransfer;
hstring SampleState::BuildClipboardFormatsOutputString()
    DataPackageView clipboardContent{ Clipboard::GetContent() };
    std::wostringstream output;

    if (clipboardContent && clipboardContent.AvailableFormats().Size() > 0)
        output << L"Available formats in the clipboard:";
        for (auto&& format : clipboardContent.AvailableFormats())
            output << std::endl << L" * " << std::wstring_view(format);
        output << L"The clipboard is empty";

    return hstring{ output.str() };


The syntax in the line of code DataPackageView clipboardContent{ Clipboard::GetContent() }; uses a feature of modern standard C++ called uniform initialization, with its characteristic use of curly brackets instead of an = sign. That syntax makes it clear that initialization, rather than assignment, is taking place. If you prefer the form of syntax that looks like assignment (but actually isn't), then you can replace the syntax above with the equivalent DataPackageView clipboardContent = Clipboard::GetContent();. It's a good idea to become comfortable with both ways of expressing initialization, though, because you're likely to see both used frequently in the code you encounter.


DisplayToast is a public static method of the C# MainPage class, and you'll find it defined in SampleConfiguration.cs. In C++/WinRT, we'll make it a public static method of SampleState.

We've already encountered most of the details and techniques that are relevant to porting this method. One new item to note is that you port a C# verbatim string literal (@) to a standard C++ raw string literal (LR).

Also, when you reference the ToastNotification and XmlDocument types in C++/WinRT, you can either qualify them by namespace name, or you can edit SampleConfiguration.cpp and add using namespace directives such as the following example.

using namespace Windows::UI::Notifications;

You have the same choice when you reference the XmlDocument type, and whenever you reference any other Windows Runtime type.

Apart from those items, just follow the same guidance that you did previously to accomplish the following steps.

  • Declare the method in SampleConfiguration.h, and define it in SampleConfiguration.cpp.
  • Edit pch.h to include any necessary C++/WinRT Windows namespace header files.
  • Construct C++/WinRT objects on the stack, not on the heap.
  • Replace calls to property get accessors with function-call syntax (()).

A very common cause of compiler/linker errors is forgetting to include the C++/WinRT Windows namespace header files that you need. For more info about one possible error, see C3779: Why is the compiler giving me a "consume_Something: function that returns 'auto' cannot be used before it is defined" error?.

If you want to follow along with the walkthrough and port DisplayToast yourself, then you can compare your results to the code in the C++/WinRT version in the ZIP of the Clipboard sample source code that you downloaded.


EnableClipboardContentChangedNotifications is a public static method of the C# MainPage class, and it's defined in SampleConfiguration.cs.

// SampleConfiguration.cs
public bool EnableClipboardContentChangedNotifications(bool enable)
    if (IsClipboardContentChangedEnabled == enable)
        return false;

    IsClipboardContentChangedEnabled = enable;
    if (enable)
        Clipboard.ContentChanged += OnClipboardChanged;
        Window.Current.Activated += OnWindowActivated;
        Clipboard.ContentChanged -= OnClipboardChanged;
        Window.Current.Activated -= OnWindowActivated;
    return true;
private void OnClipboardChanged(object sender, object e) { ... }
private void OnWindowActivated(object sender, WindowActivatedEventArgs e) { ... }

In C++/WinRT, we'll make it a public static method of SampleState.

In C#, you use the += and -= operator syntax to register and revoke event-handling delegates. In C++/WinRT, you have several syntactic options to register/revoke a delegate, as described in Handle events by using delegates in C++/WinRT. But the general form is that you register and revoke with calls to a pair of functions named for the event. To register, you pass your delegate to the registering function, and you retrieve a revocation token in return (a winrt::event_token). To revoke, you pass that token to the revocation function. In this case, the hander is static and (as you can see in the following code listing) the function call syntax is straightforward.

Similar tokens are actually used, behind the scenes, in C#. But the language makes that detail implicit. C++/WinRT makes it explicit.

The object type appears in the C# event handler signatures. In the C# language, object is an alias for the .NET System.Object type. The equivalent in C++/WinRT is winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable. So, you'll see IInspectable in the C++/WinRT event handlers.

Edit SampleConfiguration.h and SampleConfiguration.cpp to match the listings below.

// SampleConfiguration.h
    static bool EnableClipboardContentChangedNotifications(bool enable);
    static event_token clipboardContentChangedToken;
    static event_token activatedToken;
    static void OnClipboardChanged(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& e);
    static void OnWindowActivated(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::UI::Core::WindowActivatedEventArgs const& e);

// SampleConfiguration.cpp
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
using namespace Windows::UI::Core;
using namespace Windows::UI::Xaml;
event_token SampleState::clipboardContentChangedToken;
event_token SampleState::activatedToken;
bool SampleState::EnableClipboardContentChangedNotifications(bool enable)
    if (isClipboardContentChangedEnabled == enable)
        return false;

    if (enable)
        clipboardContentChangedToken = Clipboard::ContentChanged(OnClipboardChanged);
        activatedToken = Window::Current().Activated(OnWindowActivated);
    return true;
void SampleState::OnClipboardChanged(IInspectable const&, IInspectable const&){}
void SampleState::OnWindowActivated(IInspectable const&, WindowActivatedEventArgs const& e){}

Leave the event-handling delegates themselves (OnClipboardChanged and OnWindowActivated) as stubs for now. They're already on our list of members to port, so we'll get to them in later subsections.


OnNavigatedTo is a protected method of the C# MainPage class, and it's defined in MainPage.xaml.cs. Here it is, together with XAML ListBox that it references.

<!-- MainPage.xaml -->
<ListBox x:Name="ScenarioControl" ... />
// MainPage.xaml.cs
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
    // Populate the scenario list from the SampleConfiguration.cs file
    var itemCollection = new List<Scenario>();
    int i = 1;
    foreach (Scenario s in scenarios)
        itemCollection.Add(new Scenario { Title = $"{i++}) {s.Title}", ClassType = s.ClassType });
    ScenarioControl.ItemsSource = itemCollection;

    if (Window.Current.Bounds.Width < 640)
        ScenarioControl.SelectedIndex = -1;
        ScenarioControl.SelectedIndex = 0;

It's an important and interesting method, because here's where our collection of Scenario objects is assigned to the UI. The C# code builds a System.Collections.Generic.List of Scenario objects, and assigns that to the ItemsSource property of a ListBox (which is an items control). And, in C#, we use string interpolation to build the title for each Scenario object (note the use of the $ special character).

In C++/WinRT, we'll make OnNavigatedTo a public method of MainPage. And we'll add a stub ListBox element to the XAML so that a build will succeed. After the code listing, we'll examine some of the details.

<!-- MainPage.xaml -->
<StackPanel ...>
    <ListBox x:Name="ScenarioControl" />
// MainPage.h
void OnNavigatedTo(Windows::UI::Xaml::Navigation::NavigationEventArgs const& e);

// MainPage.cpp
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Navigation;
void MainPage::OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs const& /* e */)
    auto itemCollection = winrt::single_threaded_observable_vector<IInspectable>();
    int i = 1;
    for (auto s : MainPage::scenarios())
        s.Title = winrt::to_hstring(i++) + L") " + s.Title;

    if (Window::Current().Bounds().Width < 640)

Again, we're calling the winrt::single_threaded_observable_vector function, but this time to create a collection of IInspectable. That was part of the decision we made to perform the boxing of our Scenario objects on a just-in-time basis.

And, in place of C#'s use of string interpolation here, we use a combination of the to_hstring function and the concatenation operator of winrt::hstring.


In C#, isApplicationWindowActive is a simple private bool field belonging to the MainPage class, and it's defined in SampleConfiguration.cs. It defaults to false. In C++/WinRT, we'll make it a private static field of SampleState (for the reasons we've already described) in the SampleConfiguration.h and SampleConfiguration.cpp files, with the same default.

We've already seen how to declare, define, and initialize a static field. For a refresher, look back to what we did with the isClipboardContentChangedEnabled field, and do the same with isApplicationWindowActive.


Same pattern as isApplicationWindowActive (see the heading immediately before this one).


Button_Click is a private (event-handling) method of the C# MainPage class, and it's defined in MainPage.xaml.cs. Here it is, together with the XAML SplitView that it references, and the ToggleButton that registers it.

<!-- MainPage.xaml -->
<SplitView x:Name="Splitter" ... />
<ToggleButton Click="Button_Click" .../>
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    Splitter.IsPaneOpen = !Splitter.IsPaneOpen;

And here's the equivalent, ported to C++/WinRT. Note that in the C++/WinRT version, the event handler is public (as you can see, you declare it before the private:declarations). This is because an event handler that's registered in XAML markup, like this one is, needs to be public in C++/WinRT in order for the XAML markup to access it. On the other hand, if you register an event handler in imperative code (like we did in MainPage::EnableClipboardContentChangedNotifications earlier), then the event handler doesn't need to be public.

<!-- MainPage.xaml -->
<StackPanel ...>
    <SplitView x:Name="Splitter" />
// MainPage.h
    void Button_Click(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs const& e);

// MainPage.cpp
void MainPage::Button_Click(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& /* sender */, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs const& /* e */)


In C#, DisplayChangedFormats is a private method belonging to the MainPage class, and it's defined in SampleConfiguration.cs.

private void DisplayChangedFormats()
    string output = "Clipboard content has changed!" + Environment.NewLine;
    output += BuildClipboardFormatsOutputString();
    NotifyUser(output, NotifyType.StatusMessage);

In C++/WinRT, we'll make it a private static field of SampleState (it doesn't access any instance members), in the SampleConfiguration.h and SampleConfiguration.cpp files. The C# code for this method doesn't use System.Text.StringBuilder; but it does enough string formatting that for the C++/WinRT version this is another good place to use std::wostringstream.

Instead of the static System.Environment.NewLine property, which is used in the C# code, we'll insert the standard C++ std::endl (a newline character) into the output stream.

// SampleConfiguration.h
    static void DisplayChangedFormats();

// SampleConfiguration.cpp
void SampleState::DisplayChangedFormats()
    std::wostringstream output;
    output << L"Clipboard content has changed!" << std::endl;
    output << BuildClipboardFormatsOutputString().c_str();
    MainPage::Current().NotifyUser(output.str(), NotifyType::StatusMessage);

There is a small inefficiency in the design of the C++/WinRT version above. First, we create a std::wostringstream. But we also call the BuildClipboardFormatsOutputString method (which we ported earlier). That method creates its own std::wostringstream. And it turns its stream into a winrt::hstring and returns that. We call the hstring::c_str function to turn that returned hstring back into a C-style string, and then we insert that into our stream. It would be more efficient to create just one std::wostringstream, and pass (a reference to) that around, so that methods can insert strings into it directly.

That's what we do in the C++/WinRT version of the Clipboard sample source code (in the ZIP that you downloaded). In that source code, there's a new private static method named SampleState::AddClipboardFormatsOutputString, which takes and operates on a reference to an output stream. And then the methods SampleState::DisplayChangedFormats and SampleState::BuildClipboardFormatsOutputString are refactored to call that new method. It's functionally equivalent to the code listings in this topic, but it's more efficient.

Footer_Click is an asynchronous event handler belonging to the C# MainPage class, and it's defined in MainPage.xaml.cs. The code listing below is functionally equivalent to the method in the source code that you downloaded. But here I've unpacked it from one line to four, to make it easier to see what it's doing, and consequently how we should port it.

async void Footer_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    var hyperlinkButton = (HyperlinkButton)sender;
    string tagUrl = hyperlinkButton.Tag.ToString();
    Uri uri = new Uri(tagUrl);
    await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(uri);

While, technically, the method is asynchronous, it doesn't do anything after the await, so it doesn't need the await (nor the async keyword). It probably uses them in order to avoid the IntelliSense message in Visual Studio.

The equivalent C++/WinRT method will also be asynchronous (because it calls Launcher.LaunchUriAsync). But it doesn't need to co_await, nor to return an asynchronous object. For info about co_await and asynchronous objects, see Concurrency and asynchronous operations with C++/WinRT.

Now let's talk about what the method is doing. Because this is an event handler for the Click event of a HyperlinkButton, the object named sender is actually a HyperlinkButton. So the type conversion is safe (we could alternatively have expressed this conversion as sender as HyperlinkButton). Next, we retrieve the value of the Tag property (if you look at the XAML markup in the C# project, you'll see that this is set to a string representing a web url). Although the FrameworkElement.Tag property (HyperlinkButton is a FrameworkElement) is of type object, in C# we can stringify that with Object.ToString. From the resulting string, we construct a Uri object. And finally (with the help of the Shell) we launch a browser and navigate to the url.

Here's the method ported to C++/WinRT (again, expanded for clarity), after which is a description of the details.

// pch.h
#include "winrt/Windows.System.h"

// MainPage.h
    void Footer_Click(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs const& e);

// MainPage.cpp
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls;
void MainPage::Footer_Click(Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs const&)
    auto hyperlinkButton{<HyperlinkButton>() };
    hstring tagUrl{ winrt::unbox_value<hstring>(hyperlinkButton.Tag()) };
    Uri uri{ tagUrl };

As always, we make the event handler public. We use the as function on the sender object to convert it to HyperlinkButton. In C++/WinRT, the Tag property is an IInspectable (the equivalent of Object). But there's no Tostring on IInspectable. Instead, we have to unbox the IInspectable to a scalar value (a string, in this case). Again, for more info on boxing and unboxing, see Boxing and unboxing values to IInspectable.

The last two lines repeat porting patterns we've seen before, and they pretty much echo the C# version.


There's nothing new involved in porting this method. You can compare the C# and C++/WinRT versions in the ZIP of the Clipboard sample source code that you downloaded.

OnClipboardChanged and OnWindowActivated

So far we have only empty stubs for these two event handlers. But porting them is straightforward, and it doesn't raise anything new to discuss.


This is another private event handler belonging to the C# MainPage class, and defined in MainPage.xaml.cs. In C++/WinRT, we'll make it public, and implement it in MainPage.h and MainPage.cpp.

For this method, we'll need MainPage::navigating, which is a private Boolean field, initialized to false. And you'll need a Frame in MainPage.xaml, named ScenarioFrame. But, apart from those details, porting this method reveals no new techniques.

If, instead of porting by hand, you're copying code from the C++/WinRT version in the ZIP of the Clipboard sample source code that you downloaded, then you'll see a MainPage::NavigateTo being used there. For now, just refactor the contents of NavigateTo into ScenarioControl_SelectionChanged.


We have only a stub so far for MainPage.UpdateStatus. Porting its implementation, again, covers largely old ground. One new point to note is that while in C# we can compare a string to String.Empty, In C++/WinRT we instead call the winrt::hstring::empty function. Another is that nullptr is the standard C++ equivalent of C#'s null.

You can perform the rest of the port with techniques we've already covered. Here's a list of the kinds of things you'll need to do before the ported version of this method will compile.

  • To MainPage.xaml, add a Border named StatusBorder.
  • To MainPage.xaml, add a TextBlock named StatusBlock.
  • To MainPage.xaml, add a StackPanel named StatusPanel.
  • To pch.h, add #include "winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.h".
  • To pch.h, add #include "winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers.h".
  • To MainPage.cpp add using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Media;.
  • To MainPage.cpp add using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Automation::Peers;.

Copy the XAML and styles necessary to finish up porting MainPage

For XAML, the ideal case is that you can use the same XAML markup across a C# and a C++/WinRT project. And the Clipboard sample is one of those cases.

In its Styles.xaml file, the Clipboard sample has a XAML ResourceDictionary of styles, which are applied to the buttons, menus, and other UI elements across the UI of the application. The Styles.xaml page is merged into App.xaml. And then there's the standard MainPage.xaml starting point for the UI, which we've already seen briefly. We can now re-use those three .xaml files, unchanged, in the C++/WinRT version of the project.

As with asset files, you can choose to reference the same, shared XAML files from multiple versions of your application. In this walkthrough, just for the sake of simplicity, we'll copy files into the C++/WinRT project and add them that way.

Navigate to the \Clipboard_sample\SharedContent\xaml folder, select and copy App.xaml and MainPage.xaml, and then paste those two files into the \Clipboard\Clipboard folder in your C++/WinRT project, choosing to replace files when prompted.

In the C++/WinRT project in Visual Studio, click Show All Files to toggle it on. Now add a new folder, immediately under the project node, and name it Styles. In File Explorer, navigate to the \Clipboard_sample\SharedContent\xaml folder, select and copy Styles.xaml, and paste it into the \Clipboard\Clipboard\Styles folder that you just created. Back in Solution Explorer in the C++/WinRT project, right-click the Styles folder > Add > Existing item... and navigate to \Clipboard\Clipboard\Styles. In the file picker, select Styles and click Add.

Add a new folder to the C++/WinRT project, immediately under the project node, and named Styles. Navigate to the \Clipboard_sample\SharedContent\xaml folder, select and copy Styles.xaml, and paste it into the \Clipboard\Clipboard\Styles folder in your C++/WinRT project. Right-click the Styles folder (in Solution Explorer in the C++/WinRT project) > Add > Existing item... and navigate to \Clipboard\Clipboard\Styles. In the file picker, select Styles and click Add.

Click Show All Files again to toggle it off.

We've now finished porting MainPage, and if you've been following along with the steps then your C++/WinRT project will now build and run.

Consolidate your .idl files

In addition to the standard MainPage.xaml starting point for the UI, the Clipboard sample has five other scenario-specific XAML pages, together with their corresponding code-behind files. We'll be re-using the actual XAML markup of all of these pages, unchanged, in the C++/WinRT version of the project. And we'll look at how to port the code-behind in the next few major sections. But before that, let's talk about IDL.

There's value in consolidating the IDL for your runtime classes into a single IDL file. To learn about that value, see Factoring runtime classes into Midl files (.idl). So next we'll consolidate the contents of CopyFiles.idl, CopyImage.idl, CopyText.idl, HistoryAndRoaming.idl, and OtherScenarios.idl by moving that IDL into a single file named Project.idl (and then deleting the original files).

While we're doing that, let's also remove the auto-generated dummy property (Int32 MyProperty;, and its implementation) from each of those five XAML page types.

First, add a new Midl File (.idl) item to the C++/WinRT project. Name it Project.idl. Replace the entire contents of Project.idl with the following code.

// Project.idl
namespace SDKTemplate
    runtimeclass CopyFiles : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Page

    runtimeclass CopyImage : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Page

    runtimeclass CopyText : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Page

    runtimeclass HistoryAndRoaming : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Page

    runtimeclass OtherScenarios : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Page

As you can see, that's just a copy of the contents of the individual .idl files, all inside one namespace, and with MyProperty removed from each runtime class.

In Solution Explorer in Visual Studio, multiple-select all of the original IDL files (CopyFiles.idl, CopyImage.idl, CopyText.idl, HistoryAndRoaming.idl, and OtherScenarios.idl) and Edit > Remove them (choose Delete in the dialog).

Finally—and to complete the removal of MyProperty—in the .h and .cpp files for each of those same five XAML page types, delete the declarations and definitions of the int32_t MyProperty() accessor and void MyProperty(int32_t) mutator functions.

Incidentally, it's always a good idea to have the name of your XAML files match the name of the class that they represent. For example, if you have x:Class="MyNamespace.MyPage" in a XAML markup file, then that file should be named MyPage.xaml. While this isn't a technical requirement, not having to juggle different names for the same artifact will make your project more understandable and maintainable, and easier to work with.


In the C# project, the CopyFiles XAML page type is implemented in the CopyFiles.xaml and CopyFiles.xaml.cs source code files. Let's take a look at each of the members of CopyFiles in turn.


This is a private field.

// CopyFiles.xaml.cs
public sealed partial class CopyFiles : Page
    MainPage rootPage = MainPage.Current;

In C++/WinRT, we can define and initialize it like this.

// CopyFiles.h
struct CopyFiles : CopyFilesT<CopyFiles>
    SDKTemplate::MainPage rootPage{ MainPage::Current() };

Again (just like with MainPage::current), CopyFiles::rootPage is declared as being of type SDKTemplate::MainPage, which is the projected type, and not the implementation type.

CopyFiles (the constructor)

In the C++/WinRT project, the CopyFiles type already has a constructor containing the code we want (it just calls InitializeComponent).


The C# CopyButton_Click method is an event handler, and from the async keyword in its signature we can tell that the method does asynchronous work. In C++/WinRT, we implement an asynchronous method as a coroutine. For an introduction to concurrency in C++/WinRT, together with a description of what a coroutine is, see Concurrency and asynchronous operations with C++/WinRT.

It's common to want to schedule further work after a coroutine completes, and for such cases the coroutine would return some asynchronous object type that can be awaited, and that optionally reports progress. But those considerations typically don't apply to an event handler. So when you have an event handler that performs asynchronous operations, you can implement that as a coroutine that returns winrt::fire_and_forget. For more info, see Fire and forget.

Although the idea of a fire-and-forget coroutine is that you don't care when it completes, work is still continuing (or is suspended, awaiting resumption) in the background. You can see from the C# implementation that CopyButton_Click depends on the this pointer (it accesses the instance data member rootPage). So we must be sure that the this pointer (a pointer to a CopyFiles object) outlives the CopyButton_Click coroutine. In a situation like this sample application, where the user navigates between UI pages, we can't directly control the lifetime of those pages. Should the CopyFiles page be destroyed (by navigating away from it) while CopyButton_Click is still in flight on a background thread, it won't be safe to access rootPage. To make the coroutine correct, it needs to obtain a strong reference to the this pointer, and keep that reference for the duration of the coroutine. For more info, see Strong and weak references in C++/WinRT.

If you look in the C++/WinRT version of the sample, at CopyFiles::CopyButton_Click, you'll see that it's done with a simple declaration on the stack.

fire_and_forget CopyFiles::CopyButton_Click(IInspectable const&, RoutedEventArgs const&)
    auto lifetime{ get_strong() };

Let's look at the other aspects of the ported code that are noteworthy.

In the code, we instantiate a FileOpenPicker object, and two lines later we access that object's FileTypeFilter property. The return type of that property implements an IVector of strings. And on that IVector, we call the IVector<T>.ReplaceAll(T[]) method. The interesting aspect is the value that we're passing to that method, where an array is expected. Here's the line of code.

filePicker.FileTypeFilter().ReplaceAll({ L"*" });

The value that we're passing ({ L"*" }) is a standard C++ initializer list. It contains a single object, in this case, but an initializer list can contain any number of comma-separated objects. The pieces of C++/WinRT that allow you the convenience of passing an initializer list to a method such as this are explained in Standard initializer lists.

We port the C# await keyword to co_await in C++/WinRT. Here's the example from the code.

auto storageItems{ co_await filePicker.PickMultipleFilesAsync() };

Next, consider this line of C# code.


C# is able to implicitly convert the IReadOnlyList<StorageFile> represented by storageItems into the IEnumerable<IStorageItem> expected by DataPackage.SetStorageItems. But in C++/WinRT we need to explicitly convert from IVectorView<StorageFile> to IIterable<IStorageItem>. And so we have another example of the as function in action.


Where we use the null keyword in C# (for example, Clipboard.SetContentWithOptions(dataPackage, null)), we use nullptr in C++/WinRT (for example, Clipboard::SetContentWithOptions(dataPackage, nullptr)).


This is another event handler in the form of a fire-and-forget coroutine. Let's look at the aspects of the ported code that are noteworthy.

In the C# version of the sample, we catch exceptions with catch (Exception ex). In the ported C++/WinRT code, you'll see the expression catch (winrt::hresult_error const& ex). For more info about winrt::hresult_error and how to work with it, see Error handling with C++/WinRT.

An example of testing whether a C# object is null or not is if (storageItems != null). In C++/WinRT, we can rely on a conversion operator to bool, which does the test against nullptr internally.

Here's a slightly simplified version of a fragment of code from the ported C++/WinRT version of the sample.

std::wostringstream output;
output << std::wstring_view(ApplicationData::Current().LocalFolder().Path());

Constructing a std::wstring_view from a winrt::hstring like that illustrates an alternative to calling the hstring::c_str function (to turn the winrt::hstring into a C-style string). This alternative works thanks to hstring's conversion operator to std::wstring_view.

Consider this fragment of C#.

var file = storageItem as StorageFile;
if (file != null)

To port the C# as keyword to C++/WinRT, so far we've seen the as function used a couple of times. That function throws an exception if the type conversion fails. But if we want the conversion to return nullptr if it fails (so that we can handle that condition in the code), then we instead use the try_as function.

auto file{ storageItem.try_as<StorageFile>() };
if (file)

Copy the XAML necessary to finish up porting CopyFiles

You can now select the entire contents of the CopyFiles.xaml file from the shared folder of the original sample source code download, and paste that into the CopyFiles.xaml file in the C++/WinRT project (replacing the existing contents of that file in the C++/WinRT project).

Finally, edit CopyFiles.h and .cpp and delete the dummy ClickHandler function, since we just overwrote the corresponding XAML markup.

We've now finished porting CopyFiles, and if you've been following along with the steps then your C++/WinRT project will now build and run, and the CopyFiles scenario will be functional.


To port the CopyImage XAML page type, you follow the same process as for CopyFiles. While porting CopyImage, you'll encounter the use of the C# using statement, which ensures that objects that implement the IDisposable interface are disposed correctly.

if (imageReceived != null)
    using (var imageStream = await imageReceived.OpenReadAsync())
        ... // Pass imageStream to other APIs, and do other work.

The equivalent interface in C++/WinRT is IClosable, with its single Close method. Here's the C++/WinRT equivalent of the C# code above.

if (imageReceived)
    auto imageStream{ co_await imageReceived.OpenReadAsync() };
    ... // Pass imageStream to other APIs, and do other work.

C++/WinRT objects implement IClosable primarily for the benefit of languages that lack deterministic finalization. C++/WinRT has deterministic finalization, and so we often don't need to call IClosable::Close when we're writing C++/WinRT. But there are times when it's good to call it, and this is one of those times. Here, the imageStream identifier is a reference-counted wrapper around an underlying Windows Runtime object (in this case, an object that implements IRandomAccessStreamWithContentType). Although we can determine that the finalizer of imageStream (its destructor) will run at the end of the enclosing scope (the curly brackets), we can't be certain that that finalizer will call Close. That's because we passed imageStream to other APIs, and they might still be contributing to the reference count of the underlying Windows Runtime object. So this is a case where it's a good idea to call Close explicitly. For more info, see Do I need to call IClosable::Close on runtime classes that I consume?.

Next, consider the C# expression (uint)(imageDecoder.OrientedPixelWidth * 0.5), which you'll find in the OnDeferredImageRequestedHandler event handler. That expression multiplies a uint by a double, resulting in a double. It then casts that to a uint. In C++/WinRT, we could use a similar-looking C-style cast ((uint32_t)(imageDecoder.OrientedPixelWidth() * 0.5)), but it's preferable to make it clear exactly what kind of cast we intend, and in this case we would do that with static_cast<uint32_t>(imageDecoder.OrientedPixelWidth() * 0.5).

The C# version of CopyImage.OnDeferredImageRequestedHandler has a finally clause, but not a catch clause. We went just a little bit further in the C++/WinRT version, and implemented a catch clause so that we can report whether or not the delayed rendering was successful.

Porting the remainder of this XAML page doesn't yield anything new to discuss. Remember to delete the dummy ClickHandler function. And, just like with CopyFiles, the last step in the port is to select the entire contents of CopyImage.xaml, and paste it into the same file in the C++/WinRT project.


You can port CopyText.xaml and CopyText.xaml.cs using techniques we've already covered.


There are some points of interest that arise while porting the HistoryAndRoaming XAML page type.

First, take a look at the C# source code, and follow the flow of control from OnNavigatedTo through the OnHistoryEnabledChanged event handler, and finally to the asynchronous function CheckHistoryAndRoaming (which is not awaited, so it's essentially fire and forget). Because CheckHistoryAndRoaming is asynchronous, we'll need to be careful in C++/WinRT about the lifetime of the this pointer. You can see the outcome if you look at the implementation in the HistoryAndRoaming.cpp source code file. First, when we attach delegates to the Clipboard::HistoryEnabledChanged and Clipboard::RoamingEnabledChanged events, we take only a weak reference to the HistoryAndRoaming page object. We do that by creating the delegate with a dependency on the value returned from winrt::get_weak, instead of a dependency on the this pointer. Which means that the delegate itself, which eventually calls into asynchronous code, doesn't keep the HistoryAndRoaming page alive, should we navigate away from it.

And second, when we do finally reach our fire-and-forget CheckHistoryAndRoaming coroutine, the first thing we do is to take a strong reference to this to guarantee that the HistoryAndRoaming page lives at least until the coroutine finally completes. For more info about both of the aspects just described, see Strong and weak references in C++/WinRT.

We find another point of interest while porting CheckHistoryAndRoaming. It contains code to update the UI; so we need to be certain that we're doing that on the main UI thread. The thread that initially calls into an event handler is the main UI thread. But typically, an asynchronous method can execute and/or resume on any arbitrary thread. In C#, the solution is to call CoreDispatcher.RunAsync, and update the UI from within the lambda function. In C++/WinRT, we can use the winrt::resume_foreground function together with the this pointer's Dispatcher to suspend the coroutine and immediately resume on the main UI thread.

The relevant expression is co_await winrt::resume_foreground(Dispatcher());. Alternatively, although with less clarity, we could express that simply as co_await Dispatcher();. The shorter version is achieved courtesy of a conversion operator supplied by C++/WinRT.

Porting the remainder of this XAML page doesn't yield anything new to discuss. Remember to delete the dummy ClickHandler function, and to copy over the XAML markup.


You can port OtherScenarios.xaml and OtherScenarios.xaml.cs using techniques we've already covered.


Hopefully this walkthrough has armed you with sufficient porting info and techniques that you can now go ahead and port your own C# applications to C++/WinRT. By way of a refresher, you can continue to refer back to the before (C#) and after (C++/WinRT) versions of the source code in the Clipboard sample, and compare them side by side to see the correspondence.