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Customize USMT XML files


To use any of the migration .xml files with the ScanState and LoadState tools, specify these files at the command line using the /i option. Because the ScanState and LoadState tools need the .xml files to control the migration, specify the same set of .xml files for both the ScanState.exe and LoadState.exe commands. However, the Config.xml file with the /config option doesn't need to be specified, unless some of the migrated files and settings from the store need to be excluded. For example, to migrate the Documents folder to the store but not to the destination computer. To achieve this scenario, modify the Config.xml file and specify the updated file with the LoadState.exe command. The LoadState.exe command then only migrates the desired files and settings.

If an .xml file is left out from the LoadState.exe command, all of the data in the store that was migrated with the missing .xml files are migrated. However, the migration rules that were specified with the ScanState.exe command don't apply. For example, if an .xml file is left out, and it contains a rerouting rule such as:

MigsysHelperFunction.RelativeMove("c:\data", "%CSIDL_PERSONAL%")

USMT doesn't reroute the files, and they're migrated to C:\data.

To modify the migration, do one or more of the following.

  • Modify the migration .xml files. To exclude a portion of a component, modify the .xml files. For example, to migrate C:\ but exclude all of the .mp3 files, or to move data to a new location on the destination computer. To modify these files, familiarity with the migration rules and syntax is a must. For ScanState and LoadState to use these files, specify them at the command line when each command is entered.

  • Create a custom .xml file. A custom .xml file can also be created to migrate settings for another application, or to change the migration behavior to suit the organization's needs. For ScanState and LoadState to use this file, specify them on both command lines.

  • Create and modify a Config.xml file. Create and modify a Config.xml file to exclude an entire component from the migration. For example, a Config.xml file can be used to exclude the entire Documents folder, or exclude the settings for an application. Excluding components using a Config.xml file is easier than modifying the migration .xml files because familiarity with the migration rules and syntax isn't needed. In addition, using a Config.xml file is the only way to exclude the operating system settings from being migrated.

For more information about excluding data, see the Exclude Files and Settings article.

Migration .xml files

This section describes the migration .xml files that are included with USMT. Each file contains migration rules that control which components are migrated and where they're migrated to on the destination computer.


The asterisk (*) wildcard character can be used in each of these files. However, a question mark (?) can't be used as a wildcard character.

  • The MigApp.xml file. Specify this file with both the ScanState.exe and LoadState.exe commands to migrate application settings.

  • The MigDocs.xml file. Specify this file with both the ScanState and LoadState tools to migrate all user folders and files that are found by the MigXmlHelper.GenerateDocPatterns helper function. This helper function finds user data that resides on the root of any drive and in the Users directory. However, it doesn't find and migrate any application data, program files, or any files in the Windows directory. The MigDocs.xml file can be modified.

  • The MigUser.xml file. Specify this file with both the ScanState.exe and LoadState.exe commands to migrate user folders, files, and file types. The MigUser.xml file can be modified. This file doesn't contain rules that migrate specific user accounts. The only way to specify which user accounts to migrate is on the command line by using the ScanState User options and the LoadState User options.


Don't use the MigUser.xml and MigDocs.xml files together. For more information, see the Identify file types, files, and folders and USMT best practices articles.

Custom .xml files

Custom .xml files can be created to customize the migration for the organization's unique needs. For example, a custom .xml file can be created to migrate a line-of-business application or to modify the default migration behavior. For ScanState.exe and LoadState.exe to use this file, specify it with both commands. For more information, see the Custom XML examples article.

The Config.xml file

The Config.xml file is an optional file that is created using the /genconfig option with the ScanState.exe command. This file should be created and modified to exclude certain components from the migration. In addition, this file must be created and modified to exclude any of the operating system settings from being migrated. The Config.xml file format is different from the migration .xml files because it doesn't contain any migration rules. It contains only a list of the operating system components, applications, and the user documents that can be migrated. For an example, see the Config.xml File article. For this reason, excluding components using the Config.xml file is easier than modifying the migration .xml files. With the Config.xml, familiarity with the migration rules and syntax isn't. However, wildcard characters can't be used in a Config.xml file.

To include all of the default components, a Config.xml file doesn't need to be created. Alternatively, if the default migration behavior defined in the MigApp.xml, MigDocs.xml, and MigUser.xml files are satisfactory, and only some components need to be excluded, a Config.xml file can be created. The other .xml files can be left in their original state.

When the ScanState.exe command is run with the /genconfig option, ScanState.exe reads the other .xml files that are specified using the /i option to create a custom list of components that can be migrated from the computer. This file contains only operating system components, applications, and the user document sections that are in both of the .xml files and that are installed on the computer when the ScanState.exe command is run with the /genconfig option. Therefore, this file should be created on a source computer that contains all of the components, applications, and settings that are present on the destination computers. Creating the file on the source computer ensures that this file contains every component that can be migrated. The components are organized into sections: <Applications>, <WindowsComponents>, and <Documents>. To choose not to migrate a component, change its entry to migrate="no".

After this file is created, it only needs to be specified with the ScanState.exe command using the /Config option for it to affect the migration. However, if additional data that was migrated to the store needs to be excluded, modify the Config.xml file and specify the updated file with the LoadState.exe command. For example, if the Documents folder is collected in the store, but the Documents folder doesn't need to be migrated to a destination computer, the Config.xml file can be modified to indicate migrate="no" before the LoadState.exe command runs, and the file aren't be migrated. For more information about the precedence that takes place when excluding data, see the Exclude files and settings article.

In addition, note the following functionality with the Config.xml file:

  • If a parent component is removed from the migration in the Config.xml file by specifying migrate="no", all of its child components are automatically removed from the migration, even if the child component is set to migrate="yes".

  • If mistakenly two lines of code exist for the same component where one line specifies migrate="no" and the other line specifies migrate="yes", the component is migrated.

  • In USMT, there are several migration policies that can be configured in the Config.xml file. For example, additional <ErrorControl>, <ProfileControl>, and <HardLinkStoreControl> options can be configured. For more information, see the Config.xml File article.


To exclude a component from the Config.xml file, set the migrate value to "no". Deleting the XML tag for the component from the Config.xml file doesn't exclude the component from the migration.


  • The following command creates a Config.xml file in the current directory, but it doesn't create a store:

    ScanState.exe /i:MigApp.xml /i:MigDocs.xml /genconfig:Config.xml /v:5

  • The following command creates an encrypted store using the Config.xml file and the default migration .xml files:

    ScanState.exe \\server\share\migration\mystore /i:MigApp.xml /i:MigDocs.xml /o /config:Config.xml /v:5 /encrypt /key:"mykey"

  • The following command decrypts the store and migrates the files and settings:

    LoadState.exe \\server\share\migration\mystore /i:MigApp.xml /i:MigDocs.xml /v:5 /decrypt /key:"mykey"

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