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Contains the current size of the Unified Write Filter (UWF) overlay and manages the critical and warning thresholds for the overlay size.


class UWF_Overlay {
    [key]  string Id;
    [read] UInt32 OverlayConsumption;
    [read] UInt32 AvailableSpace;
    [read] UInt32 CriticalOverlayThreshold;
    [read] UInt32 WarningOverlayThreshold;

    UInt32 GetOverlayFiles(
        [in] string Volume,
        [out, EmbeddedInstance("UWF_OverlayFile")] string OverlayFiles[]
    UInt32 SetWarningThreshold(
        UInt32 size
    UInt32 SetCriticalThreshold(
        UInt32 size


The following tables list any methods and properties that belong to this class.

Methods Description
UWF_Overlay.GetOverlayFiles Returns a list of files of a volume that were cached in the UWF overlay.
UWF_Overlay.SetWarningThreshold Sets the warning threshold for monitoring the size of the UWF overlay.
UWF_Overlay.SetCriticalThreshold Sets the critical warning threshold for monitoring the size of the UWF overlay.


Property Data type Qualifiers Description
ID string [key] A unique ID. This is always set to UWF_Overlay.
OverlayConsumption Uint32 [read] The current size, in megabytes, of the UWF overlay.
AvailableSpace Uint32 [read] The amount of free space, in megabytes, available to the UWF overlay.
CriticalOverlayThreshold Uint32 [read] The critical threshold size, in megabytes. UWF sends a critical threshold notification event when the UWF overlay size reaches or exceeds this value.
WarningOverlayThreshold Uint32 [read] The warning threshold size, in megabytes. UWF sends a warning threshold notification event when the UWF overlay size reaches or exceeds this value.


The following example demonstrates how to use the UWF overlay by using the WMI provider in a PowerShell script.

$COMPUTER = "localhost"
$NAMESPACE = "root\standardcimv2\embedded"

# Function to set the Unified Write Filter overlay warning threshold

function Set-OverlayWarningThreshold($ThresholdSize) {

# Retrieve the overlay WMI object

    $OverlayInstance = Get-WMIObject -namespace $NAMESPACE -class UWF_Overlay;

    if(!$OverlayInstance) {
        "Unable to get handle to an instance of the UWF_Overlay class"

# Call the instance method to set the warning threshold value

    $retval = $OverlayInstance.SetWarningThreshold($ThresholdSize);

# Check the return value to verify that setting the warning threshold is successful

    if ($retval.ReturnValue -eq 0) {
        "Overlay warning threshold has been set to " + $ThresholdSize + " MB"
    } else {
        "Unknown Error: " + "{0:x0}" -f $retval.ReturnValue

# Function to set the Unified Write Filter overlay critical threshold

function Set-OverlayCriticalThreshold($ThresholdSize) {

# Retrieve the overlay WMI object

    $OverlayInstance = Get-WMIObject -namespace $NAMESPACE -class UWF_Overlay;

    if(!$OverlayInstance) {
        "Unable to get handle to an instance of the UWF_Overlay class"

# Call the instance method to set the warning threshold value

    $retval = $OverlayInstance.SetCriticalThreshold($ThresholdSize);

# Check the return value to verify that setting the critical threshold is successful

    if ($retval.ReturnValue -eq 0) {
        "Overlay critical threshold has been set to " + $ThresholdSize + " MB"
    } else {
        "Unknown Error: " + "{0:x0}" -f $retval.ReturnValue

# Function to print the current overlay information

function Get-OverlayInformation() {

# Retrieve the Overlay WMI object

    $OverlayInstance = Get-WMIObject -namespace $NAMESPACE -class UWF_Overlay;

    if(!$OverlayInstance) {
        "Unable to get handle to an instance of the UWF_Overlay class"

# Display the current values of the overlay properties

    "`nOverlay Consumption: " + $OverlayInstance.OverlayConsumption
    "Available Space: " + $OverlayInstance.AvailableSpace
    "Critical Overlay Threshold: " + $OverlayInstance.CriticalOverlayThreshold
    "Warning Overlay Threshold: " + $OverlayInstance.WarningOverlayThreshold

# Examples of using these functions

"`nSetting the warning threshold to 768 MB."
Set-OverlayWarningThreshold( 768 )

"`nSetting the critical threshold to 896 MB."
Set-OverlayCriticalThreshold( 896 )

"`nDisplaying the current state of the overlay."


Only one UFW_Overlay instance exists for a system protected with UWF.


Windows Edition Supported
Windows Home No
Windows Pro No
Windows Enterprise Yes
Windows Education Yes
Windows IoT Enterprise Yes