Delen via


Enables or disables Unified Write Filter (UWF), resets configuration settings for UWF, and shuts down or restarts your device.


class UWF_Filter{
    [key]  string Id;
    [read] boolean CurrentEnabled;
    [read] boolean NextEnabled;
    UInt32 Enable();
    UInt32 Disable();
    UInt32 ResetSettings();
    UInt32 ShutdownSystem();
    UInt32 RestartSystem();


The following tables list any methods and properties that belong to this class.


Methods Description
UWF_Filter.Enable Enables UWF on the next restart.
UWF_Filter.Disable Disables UWF on the next restart.
UWF_Filter.ResetSettings Restores UWF settings to the original state that was captured at install time.
UWF_Filter.ShutdownSystem Safely shuts down a system protected by UWF, even if the overlay is full.
UWF_Filter.RestartSystem Safely restarts a system protected by UWF, even if the overlay is full.


Property Data type Qualifiers Description
Id string [key] A unique ID. This is always set to UWF_Filter
CurrentEnabled Boolean [read] Indicates if UWF is enabled for the current session.
NextEnabled Boolean [read] Indicates if UWF is enabled after the next restart.


You must use an administrator account to make any changes to the configuration settings for UWF. Users with any kind of account can read the current configuration settings.


The following example demonstrates how to enable or disable UWF by using the WMI provider in a PowerShell script.

The PowerShell script creates three functions to help enable or disable UWF. It then demonstrates how to use each function.

The first function, Disable-UWF, retrieves a WMI object for UWF_Filter, and calls the Disable() method to disable UWF after the next device restart.

The second function, Enable-UWF, retrieves a WMI object for UWF_Filter, and calls the Enable() method to enable UWF after the next device restart.

The third function, Display-UWFState, examines the properties of the UWF_Filter object, and prints out the current settings for UWF_Filter.

$COMPUTER = "localhost"
$NAMESPACE = "root\standardcimv2\embedded"

# Create a function to disable the Unified Write Filter driver after the next restart.
function Disable-UWF() {

# Retrieve the UWF_Filter settings.
    $objUWFInstance = Get-WMIObject -namespace $NAMESPACE -class UWF_Filter;

    if(!$objUWFInstance) {
        "Unable to retrieve Unified Write Filter settings."

# Call the method to disable UWF after the next restart.  This sets the NextEnabled property to false.

    $retval = $objUWFInstance.Disable();

# Check the return value to verify that the disable is successful
    if ($retval.ReturnValue -eq 0) {
        "Unified Write Filter will be disabled after the next system restart."
    } else {
        "Unknown Error: " + "{0:x0}" -f $retval.ReturnValue

# Create a function to enable the Unified Write Filter driver after the next restart.
function Enable-UWF() {

# Retrieve the UWF_Filter settings.
    $objUWFInstance = Get-WMIObject -namespace $NAMESPACE -class UWF_Filter;

    if(!$objUWFInstance) {
        "Unable to retrieve Unified Write Filter settings."

# Call the method to enable UWF after the next restart.  This sets the NextEnabled property to false.

    $retval = $objUWFInstance.Enable();

# Check the return value to verify that the enable is successful
    if ($retval.ReturnValue -eq 0) {
        "Unified Write Filter will be enabled after the next system restart."
    } else {
        "Unknown Error: " + "{0:x0}" -f $retval.ReturnValue

# Create a function to display the current settings of the Unified Write Filter driver.
function Display-UWFState() {

# Retrieve the UWF_Filter object
    $objUWFInstance = Get-WmiObject -Namespace $NAMESPACE -Class UWF_Filter;

    if(!$objUWFInstance) {
        "Unable to retrieve Unified Write Filter settings."

# Check the CurrentEnabled property to see if UWF is enabled in the current session.
    if($objUWFInstance.CurrentEnabled) {
        $CurrentStatus = "enabled";
    } else {
        $CurrentStatus = "disabled";

# Check the NextEnabled property to see if UWF is enabled or disabled after the next system restart.
    if($objUWFInstance.NextEnabled) {
        $NextStatus = "enabled";
    } else {
        $NextStatus = "disabled";

# Some examples of how to call the functions


"Enabling Unified Write Filter"


"Disabling Unified Write Filter"



Windows Edition Supported
Windows Home No
Windows Pro No
Windows Enterprise Yes
Windows Education Yes
Windows IoT Enterprise Yes