Predefined key combinations
Supported Editions
✅ IoT Enterprise LTSC
✅ IoT Enterprise
✅ Enterprise LTSC
✅ Enterprise
✅ Education
This topic lists a set of key combinations that are predefined by a keyboard filter. You can list the value of the WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id to get a complete list of key combinations defined by a keyboard filter.
You can use the values in the WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id column to configure the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class WEKF_PredefinedKey.
Accessibility keys
The following table contains predefined key combinations for accessibility:
Key combination | WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id | Blocked behavior |
Left Alt + Left Shift + Print Screen | LShift+LAlt+PrintScrn | Open High Contrast. |
Left Alt + Left Shift + Num Lock | LShift+LAlt+NumLock | Open Mouse Keys. |
Windows key + U | Win+U | Open Ease of Access Center. |
Application keys
The following table contains predefined key combinations for controlling application state:
Key combination | WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id | Blocked behavior |
Alt + F4 | Alt+F4 | Close application. |
Ctrl + F4 | Ctrl+F4 | Close window. |
Windows key + F1 | Win+F1 | Open Windows Help. |
Shell keys
The following table contains predefined key combinations for general UI control:
Key combination | WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id | Blocked behavior |
Alt + Spacebar | Alt+Space | Open shortcut menu for the active window. |
Ctrl + Esc | Ctrl+Esc | Open the Start screen. |
Ctrl + Windows key + F | Ctrl+Win+F | Open Find Computers. |
Windows key + Break | Win+Break | Open System dialog box. |
Windows key + E | Win+E | Open Windows Explorer. |
Windows + F | Win+F | Open Search. |
Windows key + P | Win+P | Cycle through Presentation Mode. Also blocks the Windows key + Shift + P and the Windows key + Ctrl + P key combinations. |
Windows key + R | Win+R | Open Run dialog box. |
Alt + Tab | Alt+Tab | Switch task. Also blocks the Alt + Shift + Tab key combination. |
Ctrl + Tab | Ctrl+Tab | Switch window. |
Windows key + Tab | Win+Tab | Cycle through Microsoft Store apps. Also blocks the Windows key + Ctrl + Tab and Windows key + Shift + Tab key combinations. |
Windows key + D | Win+D | Show desktop. |
Windows key + M | Win+M | Minimize all windows. |
Windows key + Home | Win+Home | Minimize or restore all inactive windows. |
Windows key + T | Win+T | Set focus on taskbar and cycle through programs. |
Windows key + B | Win+B | Set focus in the notification area. |
Windows key + Minus Sign | Win+- | Zoom out. |
Windows key + Plus Sign | Win++ | Zoom in. |
Windows key + Esc | Win+Esc | Close Magnifier application. |
Windows key + Up Arrow | Win+Up | Maximize the active window. |
Windows key + Down Arrow | Win+Down | Minimize the active window. |
Windows key + Left Arrow | Win+Left | Snap the active window to the left half of screen. |
Windows key + Right Arrow | Win+Right | Snap the active window to the right half of screen. |
Windows key + Shift + Up Arrow | Win+Shift+Up | Maximize the active window vertically. |
Windows key + Shift + Down Arrow | Win+Shift+Down | Minimize the active window. |
Windows key + Shift + Left Arrow | Win+Shift+Left | Move the active window to left monitor. |
Windows key + Shift + Right Arrow | Win+Shift+Right | Move the active window to right monitor. |
Windows key + Spacebar | Win+Space | Switch layout. |
Windows key + O | Win+O | Lock device orientation. |
Windows key + Page Up | Win+PageUp | Move a Microsoft Store app to the left monitor. |
Windows key + Page Down | Win+PageDown | Move a Microsoft Store app to right monitor. |
Windows key + Period | Win+. | Snap the current screen to the left or right gutter. Also blocks the Windows key + Shift + Period key combination. |
Windows key + C | Win+C | Activate Cortana in listening mode (after user has enabled the shortcut through the UI). |
Windows key + I | Win+I | Open Settings charm. |
Windows key + K | Win+K | Open Connect charm. |
Windows key + H | Win+H | Start dictation. |
Windows key + Q | Win+Q | Open Search charm. |
Windows key + W | Win+W | Open Windows Ink workspace. |
Windows key + Z | Win+Z | Open app bar. |
Windows key + / | Win+/ | Open input method editor (IME). |
Windows key + J | Win+J | Swap between snapped and filled applications. |
Windows key + Comma | Win+, | Peek at the desktop. |
Windows key + V | Win+V | Cycle through toasts in reverse order. |
Modifier keys
The following table contains predefined key combinations for modifier keys (such as Shift and Ctrl):
Key combination | WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id | Blocked key |
Alt | Alt | Both Alt keys |
Application | Application | Application key |
Ctrl | Ctrl | Both Ctrl keys |
Shift | Shift | Both Shift keys |
Windows key | Windows | Both Windows keys |
Security keys
The following table contains predefined key combinations for OS security:
Key combination | WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id | Blocked behavior |
Ctrl + Alt + Delete | Ctrl+Alt+Del | Open the Windows Security screen. |
Ctrl + Shift + Esc | Shift+Ctrl+Esc | Open Task Manager. |
Windows key + L | Win+L | Lock the device. |
Extended shell keys
The following table contains predefined key combinations for extended shell functions (such as automatically opening certain apps):
Key combination | WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id | Blocked key |
LaunchMail | LaunchMail | Start Mail key |
LaunchMediaSelect | LaunchMediaSelect | Select Media key |
LaunchApp1 | LaunchApp1 | Start Application 1 key |
LaunchApp2 | LaunchApp2 | Start Application 2 key |
Browser keys
The following table contains predefined key combinations for controlling the browser:
Key combination | WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id | Blocked key |
BrowserBack | BrowserBack | Browser Back key |
BrowserForward | BrowserForward | Browser Forward key |
BrowserRefresh | BrowserRefresh | Browser Refresh key |
BrowserStop | BrowserStop | Browser Stop key |
BrowserSearch | BrowserSearch | Browser Search key |
BrowserFavorites | BrowserFavorites | Browser Favorites key |
BrowserHome | BrowserHome | Browser Start and Home key |
Media keys
The following table contains predefined key combinations for controlling media playback:
Key combination | WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id | Blocked key |
VolumeMute | VolumeMute | Volume Mute key |
VolumeDown | VolumeDown | Volume Down key |
VolumeUp | VolumeUp | Volume Up key |
MediaNext | MediaNext | Next Track key |
MediaPrev | MediaPrev | Previous Track key |
MediaStop | MediaStop | Stop Media key |
MediaPlayPause | MediaPlayPause | Play/Pause Media key |
Microsoft Surface keyboard keys
The following table contains predefined key combinations for Microsoft Surface devices:
Key combination | WEKF_PredefinedKey.Id | Blocked key |
Left Alt + Windows key | AltWin | Share key |
Left Ctrl + Windows key | CtrlWin | Devices key |
Left Shift + Windows key | ShiftWin | Search key |
F21 | F21 | Settings key |