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SCSI Compliance Test 2.0 (LOGO)

This automated test verifies that a block storage device (RAID adapter or disk target) that is supported by the operating system fully complies with the Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) standards described in the SCSI-3 Primary Commands-3 (SPC-3) or later, and SCSI Block Commands-2 (SBC-2) or later specifications. To see these specifications, go to Technical Committee T10 SCSI Storage Interfaces.

Ensuring that the block device and the operating system maintain compliance with these standards results in a more robust and reliable system. Although some block devices might not be using a SCSI transport, the operating system communicates with them using SCSI commands (except for individual ATA disk drives that are not part of a RAID set).

The test uses SCSI pass-through requests (IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH) to construct and send SCSI command descriptor blocks (CDBs) to the device. The test evaluates the results of the commands to verify compliance.


   If you are running this test as a part of a Storage RAID Hardware-based RAID (Storage Array) submission, and your storage array supports Multipath I/O (MPIO), you must configure your MPIO to use Fail-Over Only policy, and set the target storage disk to use the same active path for all MPIO-capable disks.

If you are running this test as a part of a Storage RAID Hardware-based RAID (Storage Array) submission, make sure that LUN0 is configured as the largest size non-boot LUN.


Test details

  • Device.Storage.Hd.ScsiProtocol.SpcCompliance
  • Device.Storage.Controller.Raid.BasicFunction
  • Device.Storage.Hd.ScsiProtocol.ReferenceSpec
  • Device.Storage.Hd.ScsiProtocol.SamCompliance
  • Windows 10, client editions (x86)
  • Windows 10, client editions (x64)
  • Windows Server 2016 (x64)
  • Windows 10, client editions (Arm64)
Supported Releases
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 10, version 1511
  • Windows 10, version 1607
  • Windows 10, version 1703
  • Windows 10, version 1709
  • Windows 10, version 1803
  • Windows 10, version 1809
  • Windows 10, version 1903
  • Next update to Windows 10
Expected run time (in minutes) 5
Category Compatibility
Timeout (in minutes) 300
Requires reboot false
Requires special configuration false
Type automatic


Additional documentation

Tests in this feature area might have additional documentation, including prerequisites, setup, and troubleshooting information, that can be found in the following topic(s):

Running the test

Before you run the test, complete the test setup as described in the test requirements for the type of storage controller that you are testing. See Hard Disk Drive Testing Prerequisites for more information.


For generic troubleshooting of HLK test failures, see Troubleshooting Windows HLK Test Failures.

For general troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting Device.Storage Testing.

Also, the test writes the results to the log files Scsicompliance.wtl and Scsicompliance.wtl.txt. You can use the results to determine:

  • If a device is compliant with the SCSI specification

  • The optional SCSI commands that are supported by a device

To pass, the SCSI device must support every mandatory command and must be fully compliant with those commands. Each command has a different threshold for pass or fail, and the expectations are specified explicitly in the test and in the log file.

Optional commands are also tested. If a device supports the optional commands and the commands are found to be non-compliant, the test fails. If the device does not support optional commands, the test passes.


   Errors from this test occur via issues identified in the log file and in stop errors produced through stressing the driver under test.


During the test, if you are having trouble removing a LUN that is failing or are unable to create a LUN from the storage controller, follow these steps:

  1. Prior to running this test, verify that the storage device works properly. Open diskmgmt.msc, select the disk, and make sure that you can put the device Online and Initialized.

  2. Restart the Windows HLK test computer.

  3. Select and rerun the SCSI Compliance Test 2.0. Do not run any test before it.

  4. Run the SCSI Compliance Test (not the SCSI Compliance Test 2.0 (LOGO)) on the same test client and same test storage device. If the test fails again, verify that the storage device is working properly. If the test fails during steps 3 and 4, run the individual failing command data blocks (cdbs) one at a time with the logging verbosity level set to 4 (the highest level of test logging). This will show what data was sent and what data was returned. A test can fail after several cdbs are completed but pass standalone. If this occurs, there is a problem in the firmware or the test.

If you have a device reset that results in the device falling off the bus and subsequent commands to fail, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the test binary (Scsicompliance.exe) from the Windows HLK controller. This file is located at \\controllername\tests\[processorarchitectureofyourclient]\NTTEST\DriversTest\storage\wdk\

  2. Copy the wttlog.dll file from the Windows HLK controller. This file is located at \\<controllername>\Tests\<processorarchitectureofyourclient >\wtt

  3. Place both of these files on the test computer in a separate folder.

  4. From a command prompt, from the directory containing the test binary, type the following command: Scsicompliance.exe /device <deviceID> /verbosity 4 /operation test /scenario <scenario> /CDB <failingcdbname>


       DeviceID and scenario values can be found by checking the repro line within the test log. The failingcdbname can be found by running the test binary with the /?option (scsicompliance.exe /?).


  5. Go back to the same directory and review the results to see if you can determine the reason for the test failure.

  6. If you need additional help, collect the txt and wtl logs and share the logs with Microsoft Customer Support.

If you are running this test against Windows Server 2003, make sure the disks or LUNs are not MPIO pseudo-LUNs. MPIO on Windows Server 2003 is not supported.

More information

The following commands are validated:


   For more information about Reference, visit the Technical Committee T10 SCSI Storage Interfaces website.


Command: Test Unit Ready

Title: TEST UNIT READY Basic Verification Test

Description: The TEST UNIT READY command provides a means to check if thelogical unit is ready. This is not a request for a self-test. If the logicalunit is able to accept an appropriate medium-access command without returningCHECK CONDITION status, this command shall return a GOOD status.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.33

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Rationale: This is a mandatory SPC-3/SPC-4 command.

Command: Request Sense

Title: REQUEST SENSE (6) Support Test

Description: Checking to see if Request Sense Command is supported and returns GOOD status.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.27

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Rationale: This command is mandatory in SPC-3/SPC-4 and is used by the initiator to retrieve error sense data for failed commands.


Description: Verify that RESPONSE CODE is either 0x70 or 0x71 or 0x72 or 0x73

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.27

Expectation: RESPONSE CODE == 0x70 or RESPONSE CODE == 0x71 or RESPONSE CODE == 0x72 or RESPONSE CODE == 0x73

Title: REQUEST SENSE (6) Sense Data Length Test

Description: Verify that length of SENSE data is correct (data transferred matches data length reported by the command response).

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.27

Expectation: Additional Sense Length <= Sense data size - 8.

Command: Read 6

Title: READ (6) Basic Verification Test

Description: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status and the first two blocks of data correctly. This test sends two READ commands reading two different but overlapped blocks of data. Then, it compares the overlapped data. It returns true if the overlapped data is the same between the read operations (implying that the two commands read the same data correctly).

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.5

Expectation: ScsiStatus == 0x0.

Rationale: Some of the applications still use Read 6 and haven't transitioned into Read 10. Therefore we check if this command is implemented and proceed with testing.

Title: READ (6) Sequential Read Test

Description: The device must read 1000 sequential blocks of data correctly. This test sends the command 1000 times, reading 1024 bytes of data sequentially starting at a random block address.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.5

Expectation: All READ (6) commands succeed.

Title: READ (6) Random Read Test

Description: The device must read 1000 random blocks of data correctly. This test sends the command 1000 times, reading data at random logical block address.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.5

Expectation: All READ (6) commands succeed.

Title: READ (6) Read-With-Disk-Cache-Cleared Test

Description: The device must return data correctly after clearing 12MB disk cache. This test first reads 12 MB sequential data for later verification. Then, it clears the disk cache by reading 12 MB random data. Finally, it reads the same 12 MB sequential data to see if the data is same as the one in first read.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.5

Expectation: The 12 MB data read after cache cleared is correct.

Command: Write 6

Title: WRITE (6) Basic Functionality Test

Description: The command writes one block of data to device correctly.This test compares the data we want to write and the one returned by the READ after the write operation. If the data is the same, this implies that the WRITE command writes the data to disk correctly.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.24

Expectation: ScsiStatus == 0x0.

Rationale: Some of the applications still use Write 6 and haven't transitioned into Write 10. Therefore we check if this command is implemented and proceed with testing.

Title: WRITE (6) Sequential Write Test

Description: The command writes 1000 sequential blocks of data correctly.This test sends the command 1000 times, writing data sequentially starting at a random logical block address.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.24

Expectation: All WRITE (6) commands succeed.

Title: WRITE (6) Random Write Test

Description: The command writes 1000 random blocks of data correctly.This test sends the WRITE command 1000 times, writing data at random logical block address.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.24

Expectation: All WRITE (6) commands succeed.

Title: WRITE (6) Write-With-Disk-Cache-Disabled Test

Description: The command writes 12 MB of data correctly with cache disabled.This test writes 12 MB of data to disk. Then, it reads the same 12 MB data that has just been written to verify that the data we just write are correct.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.24

Expectation: The 12 MB data are written correctly.

Title: WRITE (6) Write-With-Disk-Cache-Enabled Test

Description: The command writes 12 MB of data correctly with cache enabled.This test writes 12 MB of data to disk. Then, it sends a SYNCHRONIZE CACHE (10) command to synchronize the logical block address in cache with the ones in disk. Finally, it will read the same 12 MB data that has just been written to verify that the data we just write are correct.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.24

Expectation: The 12 MB data are written correctly.

Command: Inquiry

Title: INQUIRY Basic Verification Test

Description: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status and data of size smaller than or equal to 255 bytes in response to the INQUIRY command with ALLOCATION LENGTH field set to 255 (0xFF) bytes. The ALLOCATION LENGTH field specifies the maximum number of bytes that an application client has allocated for returned data.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.4

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status and data of size smaller than or equal to 255 bytes.

Title: INQUIRY Test for error when PAGE CODE field is nonzero and EVPD=0.

Description: Checking that an error is returned when PAGE CODE field isnonzero and EVPD=0. Checking that an error is returned when PAGE CODE field isnonzero and EVPD=0.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.4

Expectation: ScsiStatus == 0x2, CHECK CONDITION. ScsiStatus == 0x2, CHECK CONDITION.

Title: INQUIRY Retrieving standard inquiry data.

Description: Checking if we can retrieve standard inquiry data. Checking if we can retrieve standard inquiry data.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.4

Expectation: ScsiStatus == 0x0, GOOD.

Title: INQUIRY Checking size of standard inquiry data.

Description: Standard INQUIRY data shall contain at least 36 bytes.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.4

Expectation: Data Transfer Length >= 36 bytes.

Title: INQUIRY Testing device type field

Description: Checking device type field to ensure it is a direct access device.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.4

Expectation: Device Type == 0x0, Direct-access device.

Title: INQUIRY Testing peripheral qualifier field.

Description: Checking Peripheral Qualifier field.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.4

Expectation: Peripheral qualifier field == 0


Description: The device must return a valid VERSION field of 0x4, 0x5 or 0x6

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.4

Expectation: VERSION is 0x4 (SPC-2) or later for non-SCSI bus type and VERSION is 0x3 (SPC)or later for SCSI bus type.


Description: Checking that RESPONSE DATA FORMAT == 2.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.4

Expectation: RESPONSE DATA FORMAT == 2.

Title: INQUIRY Checking additional length.

Description: Checking additional length field is correct.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.4

Expectation: Additional Length field == Total Data size - 5


Description: Checking that VENDOR IDENTIFICATION field contains valid ASCII.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.4

Expectation: VENDOR IDENTIFICATION field contains valid ASCII.


Description: Checking that PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION field contains valid ASCII.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.4

Expectation: PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION field contains valid ASCII.


Description: Checking that PRODUCT REVISION LEVEL field contains valid ASCII.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.4

Expectation: PRODUCT REVISION LEVEL field contains valid ASCII.

Title: INQUIRY Command Support Data Test.

Description: The device must set the HiSup bit in the Standard Inquiry Data.

Reference: SCSI Architecture Model - 3 (SAM-3) Revision 14 (or later) specification Section 4.9.2

Expectation: HiSup bit is set in Standard Inquiry Data.

Title: INQUIRY Checking for Supported Vital Product Pages.

Description: Checking to see if Vital Product Pages are supported.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.4.4

Expectation: List of Supported Vital Product Data Pages is returned.

Title: INQUIRY Testing access to each supported Vital Product Data Page.

Description: Attempting to access each supported Vital Product Data Page.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.4.4

Expectation: Each supported page is accessible (up to 255 bytes).

Title: INQUIRY Attempting Unit Serial Number Page 0x80.

Description: Checking if Unit Serial Number Page 0x80 is supported, and is valid ASCII.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 7.6.10

Expectation: ScsiStatus == 0x0, and result is valid ASCII.

Title: INQUIRY Attempting Device identification Page 0x83.

Description: Checking if Device identification Page 0x83 is supported.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 7.6.3

Expectation: ScsiStatus == 0x0.

Title: INQUIRY Checking Identification Descriptors in VPD page 0x83.

Description: Checking that Identification Descriptors contain meaningful data.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 7.6.3

Expectation: All descriptors are compliant, and contain meaningful data.

Title: INQUIRY Checking Version Descriptors.

Description: Checking to see if Version Descriptors are compliant.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.4

Expectation: Version descriptors exist.

Command: Mode Select 6

Title: MODE SELECT (6) Basic Test

Description: Checking to see if a simple MODE SELECT command, with PF and SP == 0, passes

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.7

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Rationale: Our Storage stack uses Caching Mode Page to turn on/off the device caching. Therefore the ability to write to mode pages using Mode Select commands is required.

Title: MODE SELECT 6: MODE SENSE (6) Attempting to get Caching mode page.

Description: Checking to see if a simple MODE SENSE command on Page 0x08 will return GOOD status.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.7

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Title: MODE SELECT 6: MODE SENSE (6) Checking Parameters Savable (PS bit).

Description: Checking to see if Parameters Savable bit for the Caching Mode Page is 1.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.7

Expectation: PS == 1.

Title: MODE SELECT 6: MODE SENSE (6) Checking Mode Parameter Header

Description: Verify that MediumType == 0 and BlockDescriptorLength == 0.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.7

Expectation: MediumType == 0x0 and BlockDescriptorLength == 0x0

Title: MODE SELECT 6: MODE SENSE (6) Checking Caching Mode Page Length.

Description: Checking the Caching Mode Page is 20 bytes.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.7

Expectation: cachePageLength == 20 bytes.

Title: MODE SELECT 6: MODE SENSE (6) Getting Changeable values.

Description: Saving away Changeable Values for Caching Mode Page

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.7

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Title: MODE SELECT 6: MODE SENSE (6) Getting default values.

Description: Saving away Default Values for Caching Mode Page.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.7

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Title: MODE SELECT (6) Changing WCE.

Description: Applying MODE SELECT to WCE=0 for the device.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.7

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Title: MODE SELECT 6: MODE SENSE (6) Checking that WCE has been cleared.

Description: Checking that the previous MODE SELECT command actually changed the current mode parameters.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.7

Expectation: WCE is clear.

Title: MODE SELECT 6: MODE SENSE (6) Checking that Saved Values have changed.

Description: Checking that the previous MODE SELECT command actually changed the saved mode parameters.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.7

Expectation: Saved values have changed.

Title: MODE SELECT (6) setting WCE

Description: Applying MODE SELECT to set WCE.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.7

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Title: MODE SELECT 6: MODE SENSE (6) Checking that WCE has been set.

Description: Checking that the previous MODE SELECT command actually set WCE.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.7

Expectation: Current values have been set.

Title: MODE SELECT (6) Attempting to restore original values.

Description: Testing MODE SELECT can return the Caching Mode Page values to their original values.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.7

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Title: MODE SELECT 6: MODE SENSE (6) Verifying values were restored.

Description: Checking that the values were restored in the Caching Mode Page.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.7

Expectation: Current values equal default values.

Command: Mode Sense 6

Title: MODE SENSE (6) Basic Test

Description: Checking to see if a simple MODE SENSE command on Page 0x3f will return GOOD status

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.9

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Rationale: Storage stack uses Caching Mode Page to turn on/off the device caching. Therefore the ability to read to mode pages using Mode Sense commands is required.

Title: MODE SENSE (6) Checking size of returned data.

Description: Checking that we receive a minimum amount of data (i.e. at least the MODE PARAMETER HEADER).

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.9

Expectation: Data Transfer Length >= 4 bytes


Description: Checking that the MODE PARAMETER HEADER length information is valid.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.9

Expectation: ModeDataLength = Data Transfer Length - 1 = -1 bytes.

Title: MODE SENSE (6) Test DBD (disable block descriptors) bit.

Description: Testing to make sure that, when DBD bit is set, no block descriptors are returned.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.9

Expectation: Block Descriptor Length = 0

Title: MODE SENSE (6) Testing new data length when DBD bit is set.

Description: : Testing that new data length should equal old data length minus block descriptor length.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.9

Expectation: New Data Length = Old Data Length

Title: MODE SENSE (6) Comparing MODE PAGE data before and after DBD bit is set

Description: Testing that page data is the same before and after DBD bit is set.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.9

Expectation: Page data will match

Title: MODE SENSE (6) Testing Page Control Field

Description: Testing different values of the Page control field, and enforcing the size of the data returned.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.9

Expectation: Data length for each value of PC is correct.

Title: MODE SENSE (6) Scanning All Mode Pages.

Description: Checking Mode Page 0x3f data to examine supported mode pages.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.9

Expectation: To find supported mode pages: Information exception control mode page and Caching mode page.

Title: MODE SENSE (6) Ensuring mandatory mode pages are supported

Description: Checking that required mode pages are present in MODE PAGE 0x3f

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.9

Expectation: Caching and Informational Exception pages are supported, at a minimum.

Title: MODE SENSE (6) Checking Individual Mode Pages

Description: Testing to ensure we can access each individual mode page, and that the paremeters are correct

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.9

Expectation: Pages should be returned and the headers should be compliant

Title: MODE SENSE (6) Checking Informational Exception Mode Page

Description: Ensuring Informational Exception Mode Page is compliant

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.9

Expectation: Power Condition Mode Page is supported

Title: MODE SENSE (6) Checking Informational Exception Mode Page

Description: Ensuring Informational Exception Mode Page is compliant

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.9

Expectation: Power Condition Mode Page is supported

Title: MODE SENSE (6) Checking Power Condition Mode Page.

Description: Ensuring Power Condition Mode Page is compliant

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.9

Expectation: Informational Exception Mode Page is supported

Title: MODE SENSE (6) Checking Caching Mode Page.

Description: Ensuring Caching Mode Page is compliant.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.9

Expectation: Caching Mode Page is supported.

Title: MODE SENSE (6) Checking Device Specific Parameters

Description: This tests to see if the Device specific parameters are supported.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.9

Expectation: Nothing.

Command: Read Capacity 10

Title: READ CAPACITY (10) Basic Verification Test

Description: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status and 8 bytes of parameter data describing the capacity and medium format of the block device to the data-in buffer.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.10

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Rationale: This command is required for formatting operations and initialization.

Command: Read 10

Title: READ (10) Basic Functionality Test

Description: The command reads the first two blocks of data correctly.This test sends two READ commands reading two different but overlapped blocks of data. Then, it compares the overlapped data. It returns true if the overlapped data is the same between the read operations (implying that the two commands read the same data correctly).

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.6

Expectation: Scsi Status == 0x0.

Rationale: Used to Read data from device.

Title: READ (10) Sequential Read Test

Description: The command reads 1000 sequential blocks of data correctly.This test sends the command 1000 times, reading data sequentially starting at a random logical block address.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.6

Expectation: All READ (10) commands succeed.

Title: READ (10) Random Read Test

Description: The command reads 1000 random blocks of data correctly.This test sends the command 1000 times, reading data at random logical block address.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.6

Expectation: All READ (10) commands succeed.

Title: READ (10) Read-With-Disk-Cache-Cleared Test

Description: The command reads 12 MB of data correctly with disk cache cleared.This test first reads 12 MB sequential data for later verification. Then, it clears the disk cache by reading 12 MB random data. Finally, it reads the same 12 MB sequential data to see if the data is same as the one in first read.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.6

Expectation: The 12 MB data read after cache cleared is correct.

Command: Write 10

Title: WRITE (10) Basic Functionality Test

Description: The command writes one block of data to device correctly.This test compares the data we want to write and the one returned by the READ after the write operation. If the data is the same, this implies that the WRITE command writes the data to disk correctly.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.25

Expectation: ScsiStatus == 0x0.

Rationale: Used to write data to device.

Title: WRITE (10) Sequential Write Test

Description: The command writes 1000 sequential blocks of data correctly.This test sends the command 1000 times, writing data sequentially starting at a random logical block address.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.25

Expectation: All WRITE (10) commands succeed.

Title: WRITE (10) Random Write Test

Description: The command writes 1000 random blocks of data correctly.This test sends the WRITE command 1000 times, writing data at random logical block address.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.25

Expectation: All WRITE (10) commands succeed.

Title: WRITE (10) Write-With-Disk-Cache-Disabled Test

Description: The command writes 12 MB of data correctly with cache disabled.This test writes 12 MB of data to disk. Then, it reads the same 12 MB data that has just been written to verify that the data we just write are correct.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.25

Expectation: The 12 MB data are written correctly

Title: WRITE (10) Write-With-Disk-Cache-Enabled Test

Description: The command writes 12 MB of data correctly with cache enabled.This test writes 12 MB of data to disk. Then, it sends a SYNCHRONIZE CACHE (10) command to synchronize the logical block address in cache with the ones in disk. Finally, it will read the same 12 MB data that has just been written to verify that the data we just write are correct.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.25

Expectation: The 12 MB data are written correctly.

Title: WRITE (10) FUA Test

Description: The command writes data to disk correctly with cache and FUA (Force Unit Access) on.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.25.

Expectation: Data is written correctly to disk with FUA on. Checksums of all WRITE (10) are correct.

Title: VERIFY (10) Support Test

Description: Verify that the device supports the VERIFY (10) command. This test issues a simple VERIFY (10) command and checks whether the return code is 0x2 (meaning not supported).

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 3 (SBC-3) Revision 27 (or published) specification Section 5.28.

Expectation: Scsi Status is 0x0 (GOOD).

Title: VERIFY (10) Zero Length Test

Description: The test sends VERIFY (10) command with both LOGICAL BLOCK ADDRESS and VERIFICATION LENGTH set to 0. Based on the spec, VERIFICATION LENGTH field set to zero specifies that no logical blocks shall be verified. This condition shall not be considered as an error.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 3 (SBC-3) Revision 27 (or published) specification Section 5.28.

Expectation: Scsi Status is 0x0 (GOOD).

Title: VERIFY (10) Random LBA Test

Description: The test sends VEIRFY (10) command with VERIFICATION LENGTH = 1 and randomized LOGICAL BLOCK ADDRESS (random between 0 and last LBA).

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 3 (SBC-3) Revision 27 (or published) specification Section 5.28.

Expectation: Scsi Status is 0x0 (GOOD).

Title: VERIFY (10) Exceed Capacity Test

Description: The test sends VEIRFY (10) command with VERIFICATION LENGTH = 2 and LOGICAL BLOCK ADDRESS set to the last LBA.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 3 (SBC-3) Revision 27 (or published) specification Section 5.28.

Expectation: Scsi Status is 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION).

Command: Mode Select 10

Title: MODE SELECT (10) Basic Test

Description: Checking to see if a simple MODE SELECT command, with PF and SP == 0, passes

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.8

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Rationale: Mode Select 6 is mandatory and Mode Select 10 is Optional and would be tested if-implemented.

Title: MODE SELECT 10: MODE SENSE (10) Attempting to get Caching mode page.

Description: Checking to see if a simple MODE SENSE command on Page 0x08 will return GOOD status.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.8

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Title: MODE SELECT 10: MODE SENSE (10) Checking Parameters Savable (PS bit).

Description: Checking to see if Parameters Savable bit for the Caching Mode Page is 1.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.8

Expectation: PS == 1.

Title: MODE SELECT 10: MODE SENSE (10) Checking Mode Parameter Header

Description: Verify that MediumType == 0 and BlockDescriptorLength == 0.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.8

Expectation: MediumType == 0x0 and BlockDescriptorLength == 0x0

Title: MODE SELECT 10: MODE SENSE (10) Checking Caching Mode Page Length.

Description: Checking the Caching Mode Page is 20 bytes.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.8

Expectation: cachePageLength == 20 bytes.

Title: MODE SELECT 10: MODE SENSE (10) Getting Changeable values.

Description: Saving away Changeable Values for Caching Mode Page

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.8

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Title: MODE SELECT 10: MODE SENSE (10) Getting default values.

Description: Saving away Default Values for Caching Mode Page.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.8

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI statu

Title: MODE SELECT (10) Changing WCE.

Description: Applying MODE SELECT to WCE=0 for the device.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.8

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Title: MODE SELECT 10: MODE SENSE (10) Checking that WCE has been cleared.

Description: Checking that the previous MODE SELECT command actually changed the current mode parameters.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.8

Expectation: : WCE is clear.

Title: MODE SELECT 10: MODE SENSE (10) Checking that Saved Values have changed.

Description: Checking that the previous MODE SELECT command actually changed the saved mode parameters.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.8

Expectation: Saved values have changed.

Title: MODE SELECT (10) setting WCE

Description: Applying MODE SELECT to set WCE.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.8

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Title: MODE SELECT 10: MODE SENSE (10) Checking that WCE has been set.

Description: Checking that the previous MODE SELECT command actually set WCE.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.8

Expectation: Current values have been set.

Title: MODE SELECT (10) Attempting to restore original values.

Description: Testing MODE SELECT can return the Caching Mode Page values to their original values

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.8

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Title: MODE SELECT 10: MODE SENSE (10) Verifying values were restored.

Description: Checking that the values were restored in the Caching Mode Page.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.8

Expectation: Current values equal default values.

Command: Mode Sense 10

Title: MODE SENSE (10) Basic Test

Description: Checking to see if a simple MODE SENSE10 command on Page 0x3f will return GOOD status

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.10

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Rationale: Mode Sense 6 is mandatory and Mode Sense 10 is Optional and would be tested if-implemented.

Title: MODE SENSE (10) Checking size of returned data.

Description: Checking that we receive a minimum amount of data (i.e. at least the MODE PARAMETER HEADER).

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.10

Expectation: Data Transfer Length >= 8 bytes


Description: Checking that the MODE PARAMETER HEADER length information is valid.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.10

Expectation: ModeDataLength = Data Transfer Length - 2 = -2 bytes.

Title: MODE SENSE (10) Test DBD (disable block descriptors) bit.

Description: Testing to make sure that, when DBD bit is set, no block descriptors are returned.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.10

Expectation: Block Descriptor Length = 0

Title: MODE SENSE (10) Comparing MODE PAGE data before and after DBD bit is set

Description: Testing that page data is the same before and after DBD bit is set.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.10

Expectation: Page data will match

Title: MODE SENSE (10) Testing Page Control Field

Description: Testing different values of the Page control field, and enforcing the size of the data returned.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.10

Expectation: Data length for each value of PC is correct and PC=0 and PC=2 return good status.

Command: Read 16

Title: READ (16) Support Test

Description: Verify that the device supports the READ (16) command.This test issues a simple READ (16) command and checks whether the return code is 0x2 (meaning not supported).

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.8

Expectation: Scsi Status is 0x0.

Title: READ (16) Basic Functionality Test

Description: The command reads the first two blocks of data correctly.This test sends two READ commands reading two different but overlapped blocks of data. Then, it compares the overlapped data. It returns true if the overlapped data is the same between the read operations (implying that the two commands read the same data correctly).

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.8

Expectation: Scsi Status is 0x0.

Rationale: If device is 64-bit LBA, Read 16 is Mandatory to read entire disk. Else its if-implemented.

Title: READ (16) Sequential Read Test

Description: The device must read 1000 sequential blocks of data correctly. This test sends the command 1000 times, reading data sequentially starting at a random logical block address.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.8

Expectation: All READ (16) commands succeed.

Title: READ (16) Random Read Test

Description: The command reads 1000 random blocks of data correctly.This test sends READ (16) command 1000 times, reading data at random logical block address.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.8

Expectation: All READ (16) commands succeed.

Title: READ (16) Read-With-Disk-Cache-Cleared Test

Description: The command reads 12 MB of data correctly with disk cache cleared.This test first reads 12 MB sequential data for later verification. Then, it clears the disk cache by reading 12 MB random data. Finally, it reads the same 12 MB sequential data to see if the data is same as the one in first read.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.8

Expectation: The 12 MB data read after cache cleared is correct.

Command: Write 16

Title: WRITE (16) Support Test

Description: Verify that the device supports the command.This test issues a simple WRITE (16) command and checks whether the return code is 0x2 (Check Condition).

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.27

Expectation: ScsiStatus == 0x0.

Title: WRITE (16) Basic Functionality Test

Description: The command writes one block of data to device correctly.This test compares the data we want to write and the one returned by the READ after the write operation. If the data is the same, this implies that the WRITE command writes the data to disk correctly.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.27

Expectation: : ScsiStatus == 0x0.

Rationale: If device is 64-bit LBA, Write 16 is Mandatory to write entire disk. Else its if-implemented.

Title: WRITE (16) Sequential Write Test

Description: The command writes 1000 sequential blocks of data correctly.This test sends the command 1000 times, writing data sequentially starting at a random logical block address.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.27

Expectation: All WRITE (16) commands succeed.

Title: WRITE (16) Random Write Test

Description: The command writes 1000 random blocks of data correctly.This test sends the WRITE command 1000 times, writing data at random logical block address.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.27

Expectation: All WRITE (16) commands succeed.

Title: WRITE (16) Write-With-Disk-Cache-Disabled Test

Description: The command writes 12 MB of data correctly with cache disabled.This test writes 12 MB of data to disk. Then, it reads the same 12 MB data that has just been written to verify that the data we just write are correct.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.27

Expectation: The 12 MB data are written correctly.

Title: WRITE (16) Write-With-Disk-Cache-Enabled Test

Description: The command writes 12 MB of data correctly with cache enabled.This test writes 12 MB of data to disk. Then, it sends a SYNCHRONIZE CACHE (10) command to synchronize the logical block address in cache with the ones in disk. Finally, it will read the same 12 MB data that has just been written to verify that the data we just write are correct.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.27

Expectation: The 12 MB data returned by the WRITEs is correct.

Title: VERIFY (16) Support Test

Description: Verify that the device supports the VERIFY (16) command. This test issues a simple VERIFY (16) command and checks whether the return code is 0x2 (meaning not supported).

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 3 (SBC-3) Revision 27 (or published) specification Section 5.30.

Expectation: Scsi Status is 0x0 (GOOD).

Title: VERIFY (16) Zero Length Test

Description: The test sends VERIFY (16) command with both LOGICAL BLOCK ADDRESS and VERIFICATION LENGTH set to 0. Based on the spec, VERIFICATION LENGTH field set to zero specifies that no logical blocks shall be verified. This condition shall not be considered as an error.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 3 (SBC-3) Revision 27 (or published) specification Section 5.30.

Expectation: Scsi Status is 0x0 (GOOD).

Title: VERIFY (16) Random LBA Test

Description: The test sends VERIFY (16) command with VERIFICATION LENGTH = 1 and randomized LOGICAL BLOCK ADDRESS (random between 0 and last LBA).

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 3 (SBC-3) Revision 27 (or published) specification Section 5.30.

Expectation: Scsi Status is 0x0 (GOOD).

Title: VERIFY (16) Exceed Capacity Test

Description: The test sends VEIRFY (16) command with VERIFICATION LENGTH = 2 and LOGICAL BLOCK ADDRESS set to the last LBA.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 3 (SBC-3) Revision 27 (or published) specification Section 5.30.

Expectation: Scsi Status is 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION).

Command: Report LUNS

Title: REPORT LUNS Basic Verification Test

Description: Attempts to find the LUN 0 corresponding to D.U.T. and execute the REPORT LUNS command. This test will only send REPORT LUNS to LUN 0 at the current target address per SAM-3. This test will only issue a request with SELECT REPORT set to zero per SPC-3.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.21

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status and data of size smaller than or equal to 255 bytes.

Rationale: Report LUNS is used to discover LUNs present on the device. It is Mandatory for UAS. BOT uses the GetMaxLun USB class-specific command instead. So this is optional for BOT devices. Although we check for implementation of this CDB and test this command if implemented.


Description: This test will only send REPORT LUNS to LUN 0 at the current target address per SAM-3.This test will only issue a request with SELECT REPORT set to zero per SPC-3.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.21

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status and data of size smaller than or equal to 255 bytes.

Title: REPORT LUNS Data valid Test

Description: This test will only send REPORT LUNS to LUN 0 at the current target address per SAM-3.This test will only issue a request with SELECT REPORT set to zero per SPC-3.

Reference: SCSI Primary Commands - 3 (SPC-3) Revision 23 (or published) specification Section 6.21

Expectation: Each reported LUN uses single level numbers restricted to <= 255.

Command: Read Capacity 16

Title: READ CAPACITY (16) Allocation length test

Description: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status even though allocation lengthis set to 0 value

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.11

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Rationale: This command is required for formatting operations and initialization.

Title: READ CAPACITY (16) Basic Verification Test

Description: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status and 8 bytes of parameter data describing the capacity and medium format of the block device to the data-in buffer.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.11

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Title: READ CAPACITY (16) Capacity Test

Description: Send a READ CAPACITY command to check the reported block address. If the block address is greater than the READ CAPACITY 10 limit, ensure READ CAPACITY 10 block address is set to 0xFFFF_FFFF.

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.11

Expectation: For block addresses greater than READ CAPACITY 10 can describe, the READ CAPACITY 10 block address is set to 0xFFFF_FFFF.

Command: Start Stop Unit

Title: START STOP UNIT Basic Test 1

Description: Sending StartStopUnit with IMMED=0, LOEJ=0, START=0, spin down drive

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.17

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Rationale: This command is required to ensure data integrity in the face of power state changes and disconnection from the bus.

Title: START STOP UNIT Basic Test 2

Description: Sending StartStopUnit with IMMED=0, LOEJ=0, START=1, spin up drive

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.17

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Title: START STOP UNIT Basic Test 3

Description: Sending StartStopUnit with IMMED=1, LOEJ=0, START=0, spin down drive

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.17

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Title: START STOP UNIT Basic Test 4

Description: Sending StartStopUnit with IMMED=1, LOEJ=0, START=1, spin up drive

Reference: SCSI Block Commands - 2 (SBC-2) Revision 16 (or published) specification Section 5.17

Expectation: The device must return GOOD (0x0) SCSI status

Command syntax

Command Description


The options for the test are listed below


The device which test is to run on

Example: /Device <physical device path>


The operation to run.

Example: /Operation Test


The feature to be tested for.

Example: /Scenario Common


The level of logging verbosity. Larger values cause more verbose output.

Example: /Verbosity 4


   For command-line help for this test binary, type /?.


File list

File Location





Parameter name Parameter description
DiskDeviceObjLink Device path of disk to test EX: \\.\disk0
WDKDeviceID Instance path of device to test
LoggingVerbosity LoggingVerbosity: Detail of logging. Levels are cumulative. 0 = Assertions and results. 1 = Details (default). 2 = CDBs , data, and sense info. 3 = Debug and detailed Mode page information. 4 = Memory usage
ScenarioId Scenario test name.
LLU_NetAccessOnly User account for accessing test fileshare.
LLU_LclAdminUsr User account for running the test.
Destructive (0,1) 0=Passive, 1=Destructive