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Shutdown Processes Duration

Most Applicable to: Application developers

Relevant Assessments:

  • Boot Performance (Fast Startup)

When the assessment initiates the user session shutdown, each UI thread in every Graphical User Interface (GUI) application is sent a WM_QUERYENDSESSION message. After Windows receives a response to the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message, Windows sends the WM_ENDSESSION to the same threads. If after 5 seconds any application has not responded to these notifications, Windows terminates the application. Any application can delay system shutdown by not promptly responding to the messages.


If a user initiates the shutdown, a user dialog box displays after the timeout expires. This dialog shows information about the application that is blocking the shutdown, and allows the user to Force or Cancel the shutdown.

This metric measures the time that the computer spends shutting down all processes in the user session.

Detailed Sub-metrics

When the metric is expanded, a more detailed view is presented of a set of sub-metrics that measure times each individual process took to respond to shutdown notifications. The columns show the following information:

  • A PID by iteration in the Detail column. In the default view, this column might contain the value “Various” because PIDs cannot be aggregated across iterations. Expand iterations to see individual PIDs.

  • The time that this particular process took during this phase.

Typical Influencing Factors

This metric captures the cumulative time of all running processes that have UI threads to respond to shutdown notification. This metric can be affected by a single process that takes too long, in addition to the cumulative time of all process responses.

Each process that has a UI thread can delay system shutdown by delaying its response to the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message or WM_ENDSESSION message.


To impact this metric, a process must be running. Because this assessment reboots before it collects data for analysis, the running processes are almost exclusively from startup applications or scheduled tasks.

Analysis and Remediation Steps

You can identify processes that most significantly impact this metric by using the Find the Largest Contributor technique in the Results for the On/Off Assessments topic.

If possible, remove applications from the startup path. Because the assessment reboots before it performs measurements, the only applications that are running at shutdown are the applications that began at startup. As a best practice, startup applications should be kept to a minimum. If an unessential application is causing delays, consider removing it from the list of startup applications.

Find the possible reasons that responses to WM_QUERYENDSESSION message or WM_ENDSESSION can be delayed, and troubleshoot and fix the underlying issues. See Best Practices for Time-Critical Tasks in the Results for the On/Off Assessments topic for a list of common best practices.

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