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Retrieving Network Configuration Interface Pointers

When the network configuration subsystem initializes an instance of the notify object as described in Creating and Initializing an Instance of a Notify Object, the object receives INetCfgComponent and INetCfg interface pointers. INetCfgComponent points to the notify object's component interface that the object can use to access and control the component. INetCfg points to the root network configuration interface that the notify object can use to access all aspects of network configuration. The following code uses these INetCfgComponent and INetCfg interface pointers to retrieve other network configuration interfaces that the notify object might require.

// Using the notify object's component interface that the notify 
// object received:
INetCfgComponent *pncfgcompThis, *pncfgcompUp, *pncfgcompLow;
INetCfgComponentBindings *pncfgcompbind;
IEnumNetCfgBindingPath *penumncfgbindpath;
INetCfgBindingPath *pncfgbindpath;
IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface *penumncfgbindintrfc;
INetCfgBindingInterface *pncfgbindintrfc;
ULONG celt, celtFetched; // Number of requested and returned elements

// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgComponentBindings to control and 
// retrieve information about bindings for the component.
hr = pncfgcompThis->QueryInterface(IID_INetCfgComponentBindings, 
// Retrieve a pointer to IEnumNetCfgBindingPath to enumerate binding 
// paths for the component.
hr = pncfgcompbind->EnumBindingPaths(dwFlags, &penumncfgbindpath);
// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgBindingPath that points to one or more 
// binding paths for the component.
hr = penumncfgbindpath->Next(celt, &pncfgbindpath, &celtFetched);
// Retrieve a pointer to IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface to enumerate 
// the collection of binding interfaces for the binding path.
hr = pncfgbindpath->EnumBindingInterfaces(&penumncfgbindintrfc);
// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgBindingInterface that points to one or 
// more binding interfaces for the binding path.
hr = penumncfgbindintrfc->Next(celt, &pncfgbindintrfc, &celtFetched);
// Retrieve pointers to INetCfgComponent for network components 
// above and below the binding interface.
hr = pcfgbindintrfc->GetUpperComponent(&pncfgcompUp);
hr = pcfgbindintrfc->GetLowerComponent(&pncfgcompLow);

// Using the root network configuration interface that the notify 
// object received:
INetCfg *pnetcfg;
INetCfgLock *pncfglock;
INetCfgClass *pncfgclass;
INetCfgComponent *pncfgcompOther, *pncfgcompInstall;
INetCfgClassSetup *pncfgclsSetup
GUID *pguidClass; // For example, set to GUID_DEVCLASS_NETTRANS
IEnumNetCfgComponent *penumncfgcomp;
HWND hwndParent; // Handle to Window for selecting.
OBO_TOKEN *pOboToken; // Another component or the user installs.
DWORD dwSetupFlags, dwUpgradeFromBuildNo;
// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgLock to obtain a lock on network 
// configuration.
hr = pnetcfg->QueryInterface(IID_INetCfgLock, (LPVOID*)&pncfglock);
// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgComponent for a specific component.
hr = pnetcfg->FindComponent(TEXT("MS_TCPIP"), &pncfgcompOther);
// Retrieve a pointer to IEnumNetCfgComponent to enumerate 
// the collection of a particular type of component.
hr = pnetcfg->EnumComponents(pguidClass, &penumncfgcomp);
// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgClass for a specific class of 
// component.
hr = pnetcfg->QueryNetCfgClass(pguidClass, IID_INetCfgClass, 
// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgComponent for a specific component.
hr = pncfgclass->FindComponent(TEXT("MS_TCPIP"), &pncfgcompOther);
// Retrieve a pointer to IEnumNetCfgComponent to enumerate 
// the collection of a particular type of component.
hr = pncfgclass->EnumComponents(&penumncfgcomp);
// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgComponent that points to one or 
// more components for the particular type of component.
hr = penumncfgcomp->Next(celt, &pncfgcompOther, &celtFetched);
// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgClassSetup that enables installation 
// or removal of a particular type of component.
hr = pncfgclass->QueryInterface(IID_INetCfgClassSetup, 
// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgComponent for an installed component.
hr = pncfgclsSetup->SelectAndInstall(hwndParent, pOboToken,
// Retrieve a pointer to INetCfgComponent for an installed component.
hr = pncfgclsSetup->Install(TEXT("MS_TCPIP"), pOboToken, dwSetupFlags, 
                           dwUpgradeFromBuildNo, TEXT("AnswerFile"), 
                    TEXT("AnswerFileSections"), &pncfgcompInstall);