ScanTicket element
The required ScanTicket element defines all of the description and processing parameters of the currently identified scan job.
child elements
There are no attributes.
Child elements
Element |
DocumentParameters |
JobDescription |
Parent elements
Element |
CreateScanJobRequest |
Job |
ValidateScanTicketRequest |
The ScanTicket element contains the values for the scanner settings for the current job that the client selected. The client constructs the ScanTicket by using only those values that the scanner supports. The client obtains such values by calling the GetScannerElementsRequest operation and asking for the scanner's DefaultScanTicket element.
The member elements of ScanTicket map directly to an instance of a Job element, and they are exactly what the client needs to send to the scanner during a CreateScanJobRequest operation.
The client can request the ScanTicket element for a particular job by calling.