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In order to determine private TWAIN-supported capabilities, a TWAIN application notifies the TWAIN compatibility layer, which then sends the ESC_TWAIN_PRIVATE_SUPPORTED_CAPS escape code to the WIA driver's IStiUSD::Escape method. The following pseudocode implementation of the Escape method demonstrates how it should respond to the ESC_TWAIN_PRIVATE_SUPPORTED_CAPS escape code to report private TWAIN-support capabilities.

Note   The Escape method in this example is the same as the one shown in ESC_TWAIN_CAPABILITY Escape Code, although the focus of each sample is a different escape code.

  LPVOID               lpInData,
  DWORD                cbInDataSize,
  LPVOID               pOutData,
  DWORD                dwOutDataSize,
  LPDWORD              pdwActualData)
  // Only process EscapeFunction codes that are known to your driver.
  // Any application can send escape calls to your driver using the
  // IWiaItemExtras interface Escape() method call.  The driver must
  // be prepared to validate all incoming calls to Escape().

  // Because this driver does not support any escape functions, it will
  // reject all incoming EscapeFunction codes.
  // If your driver supports an EscapeFunction, then add your function
  // code to the switch statement, and set hr = S_OK. This will allow
  // the function to continue to the incoming/outgoing buffer
  // validation.

  switch(EscapeFunction) {
  case ESC_TWAIN_PRIVATE_SUPPORTED_CAPS: // processing TWAIN supported caps Escapecode
     hr = S_OK;

  // If an EscapeFunction code is supported, then first validate the
  // incoming and outgoing buffers.

  if(S_OK == hr) {

     // Validate the incoming data buffer.

     if(IsBadReadPtr(lpInData,cbInDataSize)) {
         hr = E_UNEXPECTED;

     // If the incoming buffer is valid, proceed to validate the
     // outgoing buffer.

     if(S_OK == hr) {
         if(IsBadWritePtr(pOutData,dwOutDataSize)) {
             hr = E_UNEXPECTED;
         } else {

             // Validate the outgoing size pointer.

             if(IsBadWritePtr(pdwActualData,sizeof(DWORD))) {
                 hr = E_UNEXPECTED;

     // Now that buffer validation is complete, proceed to process the
     // proper EscapeFunction code.

     if(S_OK == hr) {

       // Only process a validated EscapeFunction code, and buffers.

       if(EscapeFunction == ESC_TWAIN_PRIVATE_SUPPORTED_CAPS) {

           // Process a TWAIN supported capabilities message.

           // Check the lpInData buffer for the number of bytes
           // of the capability array.
           // 1. Create variable of type LONG*, initializing it
           //    to the value in lpInData.
           // 2. Dereference this variable to obtain the size, in
           //    bytes, of the private TWAIN capability array.

           LONG *pSupportedCapsSize = NULL;
           pSupportedCapsSize = (LONG*)lpInData;

           if(pSupportedCapsSize) {
               LONG lNumBytes = *pSupportedCapsSize;

                // lNumBytes determines the operation to perform.

               if(lNumBytes == 0) {
                // If lNumBytes is zero:
                // a. Create a variable of type LONG*, and
                //    initialize it to the value in pOutData.
                // b. Dereference this variable, and set the size,
                //    in bytes, of the private TWAIN capability array.
                //  c. Set *pchActualData to sizeof(LONG).
                //  d. Set the HRESULT to S_OK, and return.

                  LONG *pCapArraySize = (LONG*)pOutData;
                  *pCapArraySize = (NUM_PRIVATE_TWAIN_CAPS * sizeof(LONG));
                  *pdwActualData = sizeof(LONG);
                   hr = S_OK;
               } else if(lNumBytes > 0) {
                  // If lNumBytes is positive:
                  //  a. Create a variable of type LONG*, and
                  //     initialize it to the value in pOutData.
                  //  b. Dereference this variable, and set each
                  //     capability ID of the private TWAIN capability
                  //     array.
                  //  c. Set *pchActualData to the size, in bytes, of
                  //     the total capability array.
                  //  d. Set the HRESULT to S_OK, and return.

                   LONG *pCapArray = (LONG*)pOutData;
                   pCapArray[0] = ICAP_MY_PRIVATE_CAP1;
                   pCapArray[1] = ICAP_MY_PRIVATE_CAP2;
                   pCapArray[2] = ICAP_MY_PRIVATE_CAP3;
                   pCapArray[3] = ICAP_MY_PRIVATE_CAP4;
                   pCapArray[4] = ICAP_MY_PRIVATE_CAP5;
                   *pdwActualData = (NUM_PRIVATE_TWAIN_CAPS * sizeof(LONG));
                   hr = S_OK;
               } // if (lNumBytes > 0)
           } // if (pSupportedCapsSize)

  // If your driver will not support this entry point, then
  // it must return E_NOTIMPL (error, not implemented).

  return hr;