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Inf2Cat Properties for Driver Package Projects

Sets the properties for the Inf2Cat tool. The Inf2Cat tool can be used to create catalog files for any driver package that has an INF file.

Setting Inf2Cat properties for driver package projects

  1. Open the property pages for your driver package. Select and hold (or right-click) the driver package project in Solution Explorer and select Properties.
  2. In the property pages for the driver package, select Configuration Properties and then select Inf2Cat.
  3. Select the Run Inf2Cat option. This option runs the Inf2Cat tool on any INF files in the project (for example, .inf, .inx, or .inv files).

If the driver package is installed by using an INF file, use the Inf2Cat tool to create the catalog file. Inf2Cat validates that files referenced in the INF file are present in the package. To add files to the package, use the property pages for the package project and driver project. See Creating a Driver Package for more information.

Option Description

Run Inf2Cat

Runs the Inf2Cat tool on any INF files in the project (for example, .inf, .inx, or .inv files).

Windows Version List

Specifies a list of Windows versions supported by the .inf file. Separate each Windows version with a comma. The default setting is $(Inf2CatWindowsVersionList), a macro that builds the driver for the active platform and configuration.

This setting is equivalent to specifying the Inf2Cat option /os:WindowsVersionList.

Include Page Hashes

Include page hashes with files. Optionally followed by a list of files.

This setting is equivalent to specifying the Inf2Cat option /pageHashes[:file1][,file2]...].

Add PE Attribute

Adds a PE catalog attribute to files. Optionally followed by a list of files.

This setting is equivalent to specifying the Inf2Cat option /pe[:file1[,file2]...].

Add Drm

Adds a DRM-level catalog attribute to files. Optionally followed by a list of files.

This setting is equivalent to specifying the Inf2Cat option /drm[:file1[,file2]...].


Displays detailed information about tool output in the Visual Studio Output window.

This setting is equivalent to specifying the Inf2Cat option /verbose.

No Catalog

Prevents the creation of any catalog files.

This setting is equivalent to specifying the Inf2Cat option /nocat.

Use Local Time

Use the local time zone while verifying the INF DriverVer Directive directive. By default UTC, is used.

This setting is equivalent to specifying the Inf2Cat option /uselocaltime.

For more information about the Inf2Cat tool, see Using Inf2Cat to Create a Catalog File.

For information about property pages and projects, see the WDK and Visual Studio build environment.