The !wudfext.wudfdumpobjects extension displays outstanding UMDF objects.
!wudfext.wudfdumpobjects ObjTrackerAddress
Specifies the address to track leaked objects. This address is displayed in the driver-stop message in the debugger when a leak occurs.
Additional Information
For more information, see User-Mode Driver Framework Debugging.
If the UMDF object tracking option (TrackObjects) has been enabled in WDF Verifier, you can use !wudfext.wudfdumpobjects to see any leaked objects that remain after the driver unloads.
If the TrackObjects option has been enabled, the address of the object tracker is automatically displayed when a leak is detected. Use this address as ObjTrackerAddress when executing !wudfext.wudfdumpobjects.
This extension can be used at any time, even if UMDF has not broken in to the debugger.
If UMDF is version 1.9 or above, you can use either !wudfext.umdevstack or !wudfext.umdevstacks to determine the address of the object tracker. This address can then be passed to !wudfext.wudfdumpobjects. Here is an example:
0: kd> !umdevstacks
Number of device stacks: 1
Device Stack: 0x038c6f08 Pdo Name: \Device\USBPDO-11
Number of UM devices: 1
Device 0
Driver Config Registry Path: WUDFOsrUsbFx2
UMDriver Image Path: D:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\UMDF\WUDFOsrUsbFx2.dll
Fx Driver: IWDFDriver 0x3076ff0
Fx Device: IWDFDevice 0x3082e70
IDriverEntry: WUDFOsrUsbFx2!CMyDriver 0x0306eff8
Open UM files (use !umfile <addr> for details):
Device XFerMode: CopyImmediately RW: Buffered CTL: Buffered
Object Tracker Address: 0x03074fd8
Object Tracking ON
Refcount Tracking OFF
DevStack XFerMode: CopyImmediately RW: Buffered CTL: Buffered
0: kd> !wudfdumpobjects 0x03074fd8
WdfTypeDriver Object: 0x03076fb0, Interface: 0x03076ff0
WdfTypeDevice Object: 0x03082e30, Interface: 0x03082e70
WdfTypeIoTarget Object: 0x03088f50, Interface: 0x03088f90
WdfTypeIoQueue Object: 0x0308ce58, Interface: 0x0308ce98
WdfTypeIoQueue Object: 0x03090e58, Interface: 0x03090e98
WdfTypeIoQueue Object: 0x03092e58, Interface: 0x03092e98
WdfTypeIoTarget Object: 0x03098f40, Interface: 0x03098f80
WdfTypeFile Object: 0x0309cfa0, Interface: 0x0309cfe0
WdfTypeUsbInterface Object: 0x030a0f98, Interface: 0x030a0fd8
WdfTypeRequest Object: 0x030a2ef8, Interface: 0x030a2f38
WdfTypeIoTarget Object: 0x030a6f30, Interface: 0x030a6f70
WdfTypeIoTarget Object: 0x030aaf30, Interface: 0x030aaf70
WdfTypeIoTarget Object: 0x030aef30, Interface: 0x030aef70
WdfTypeRequest Object: 0x030c6ef8, Interface: 0x030c6f38
WdfTypeRequest Object: 0x030ceef8, Interface: 0x030cef38
WdfTypeMemoryObject Object: 0x030d6fb0, Interface: 0x030d6ff0
WdfTypeMemoryObject Object: 0x030dcfb0, Interface: 0x030dcff0
WdfTypeFile Object: 0x030e4fa8, Interface: 0x030e4fe8
WdfTypeFile Object: 0x030e6fa8, Interface: 0x030e6fe8
WdfTypeFile Object: 0x030e8fa8, Interface: 0x030e8fe8
WdfTypeRequest Object: 0x030eaef8, Interface: 0x030eaf38
WdfTypeMemoryObject Object: 0x030ecfb0, Interface: 0x030ecff0
WdfTypeMemoryObject Object: 0x030eefb0, Interface: 0x030eeff0