The !wudfext.wudfdevicequeues extension displays information about all the I/O queues for a device.
!wudfext.wudfdevicequeues pWDFDevice
Specifies the address of the IWDFDevice interface for which to display information about all of its associated I/O queues. The !wudfext.wudfdriverinfo extension command determines the address of IWDFDevice.
Additional Information
For more information, see User-Mode Driver Framework Debugging.
The following is an example of the !wudfext.wudfdevicequeues display:
## kd> !wudfdevicequeues 0xf2f80
Queue: 1 (!wudfqueue 0x000f3500)
WdfIoQueueDispatchSequential, POWER MANAGED, WdfIoQueuePowerOn, CAN ACCEPT, CAN DISPATCH
Number of driver owned requests: 1
IWDFIoRequest 0x000fa7c0 CWdfIoRequest 0x000fa748
Number of waiting requests: 199
IWDFIoRequest 0x000fa908 CWdfIoRequest 0x000fa890
IWDFIoRequest 0x000faa50 CWdfIoRequest 0x000fa9d8
IWDFIoRequest 0x000fa678 CWdfIoRequest 0x000fa600
Driver's callback interfaces.
IQueueCallbackRead 0x000f343c
IQueueCallbackDeviceIoControl 0x000f3438
IQueueCallbackWrite 0x000f3440