
Delen via


The !usb3kd.device_info_from_pdo command displays information about a USB device in the USB 3.0 tree.

!usb3kd.device_info_from_pdo DeviceObject


Address of the physical device object (PDO) of a USB device or hub.




!device_info_from_pdo and !ucx_device both display information about a device, but the information displayed is different. The output of !device_info_from_pdo is from the point of view of the USB 3.0 hub driver, and the output of !ucx_device is from the point of view of the USB host controller extension driver. For example, the !device_info_from_pdo output includes information about configuration and interface descriptors, and !ucx_device output includes information about endpoints.


You can get the address of the PDO from the output of !usb_tree or from a variety of other debugger commands. For example, the !devnode command displays the addresses of PDOs. In the following example, the USBSTOR device node is the direct child of the USBHUB3 node. The address of the PDO for the USBSTOR node is 0xfffffa80059c3800.

3: kd> !devnode 0 1 usbhub3

Dumping IopRootDeviceNode (= 0xfffffa8003609cc0)
DevNode 0xfffffa8005981730 for PDO 0xfffffa8004ffc550
  InstancePath is "USB\ROOT_HUB30\5&11db9684&0&0"
  ServiceName is "USBHUB3"
  State = DeviceNodeStarted (0x308)
  Previous State = DeviceNodeEnumerateCompletion (0x30d)

  DevNode 0xfffffa8005a546a0 for PDO 0xfffffa80059c3800
    InstancePath is "USB\VID_125F&PID_312A\09021000000000000342192873"
    ServiceName is "USBSTOR"
    State = DeviceNodeStarted (0x308)
    Previous State = DeviceNodeEnumerateCompletion (0x30d)

    DevNode 0xfffffa8005a09730 for PDO 0xfffffa8005b3a650
      InstancePath is "USBSTOR\Disk&Ven ...
      ServiceName is "disk"
      State = DeviceNodeStarted (0x308)
      Previous State = DeviceNodeEnumerateCompletion (0x30d)

Now you can pass the address of the PDO to the !usb3kd.device_info_from_pdo command.

3: kd> !device_info_from_pdo 0xfffffa80059c3800

## Dumping Device Information fffffa80059c3800
!devobj 0xfffffa8004ffc550 (Root HUB)
!device_info 0xfffffa8005abd0c0 (dt usbhub3!_DEVICE_CONTEXT 0xfffffa8005abd0c0)
dt USBHUB3!_DEVICE_CONTEXT 0xfffffa8005abd0c0
dt USBHUB3!_HUB_PDO_CONTEXT 0xfffffa8005b118d0
!idle_info 0xfffffa8005b11920 (dt USBHUB3!_ISM_CONTEXT 0xfffffa8005b11920)
Parent !hub_info 0xfffffa8005ad92d0 (dt USBHUB3!_HUB_FDO_CONTEXT 0xfffffa8005ad92d0)
!port_info 0xfffffa8005abe0c0 (dt USBHUB3!_PORT_CONTEXT 0xfffffa8005abe0c0)
!ucx_device 0xfffffa8005992840 !xhci_deviceslots 0xfffffa80051d1940 1

LPMState: U1IsEnabledForUpStreamPort U2IsEnabledForUpStreamPort U1Timeout: 38, U2Timeout: 3
DeviceFlags: HasContainerId NoBOSContainerId Removable HasSerialNumber MsOsDescriptorNotSupported NoWakeUpSupport DeviceIsSuperSpeedCapable 
DeviceHackFlags: WillDisableOnSoftRemove SkipSetIsochDelay WillResetOnResumeS0 DisableOnSoftRemove 

dt _USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR 0xfffffa80053f9259
ProductId: ...
DeviceDescriptor: VID ...

UcxRequest: !wdfrequest 0x57ffa662948, 
ControlRequest: !wdfrequest 0x57ffa667798, !irp 0xfffffa8005997650 !urb 0xfffffa8005abd1c0, NumberOfBytes 0
Device working at SuperSpeed
Current Device State: ConfiguredInD0

Device State History: <Event> NewState (<Operation>(),..) :

    [16] <Yes> ConfiguredInD0 
Device Event History:
    [10] TransferSuccess

The following example shows some of the output of the !usb_tree command. You can see the address of the PDO of one of the child device nodes as the argument to the !devstack command. (!devstack fffffa80059c3800)

3: kd> !usb_tree

## Dumping HUB Tree - !drvObj 0xfffffa800597f770

1)  !xhci_info 0xfffffa80051d1940  ... - PCI: VendorId ...
    !hub_info 0xfffffa8005ad92d0 (ROOT)
        !port_info 0xfffffa8005a5ca80 !device_info 0xfffffa8005b410c0 Desc: <none> Speed: High
## Enumerated Device List

2) !device_info 0xfffffa8005abd0c0, !devstack fffffa80059c3800
    Current Device State: ConfiguredInD0
    Desc: ... Flash Drive
    !ucx_device 0xfffffa8005992840 !xhci_deviceslots 0xfffffa80051d1940 1

See also

USB 3.0 Extensions


Universal Serial Bus (USB) Drivers