The !scsikd.scsiext extension displays detailed information about the specified SCSI port extension.
!scsikd.scsiext Device
Specifies the device object or device extension of a SCSI port extension.
Additional Information
For more information, see SCSI Miniport Debugging.
Here is an example of the !scsikd.scsiext display, where the SCSI port extension has been specified by a functional device object (FDO); this can be obtained from the DO field or DevExt field in the !minipkd.adapters display:
kd> !scsikd.scsiext 816f9a40
Scsiport functional device extension at address 816f9af8
Common Extension:
DO 0x816f9a40 LowerObject 0x816e8030 SRB Flags 00000000
Current Power (D0,S0) Desired Power D-1 Idle 00000000
Current PnP state 0x0 Previous state 0xff
DispatchTable f9aee200 UsePathCounts (P0, H0, C0)
Adapter Extension:
Port 2 IsPnp VirtualSlot HasInterrupt
LowerPdo 0x816e8030 HwDevExt 0x8170a004 Active Requests 0xffffffff
MaxBus 0x01 MaxTarget 0x10 MaxLun 0x08
Port Flags (0x00001000): PD_DISCONNECT_RUNNING
NonCacheExt 0x81702000 IoBase 0x00002000 Int 0x1a
RealBus# 0x0 RealSlot# 0x2
Timeout 0xffffffff DpcFlags 0x00000000 Sequence 0x00000003
Srb Ext Header 0x817061a0 No. Requests 0x00000012
QueueTag BitMap 0x00000000 Hint 0x00000000
MaxQueueTag 0xfe (@0x816f9c58)
LuExt Size 0x00000038 SrbExt Size 0x00000188
SG List Size - Small 17 Large 0
Emergency - SrbData 0x816f9830 Blocked List @0x816f9e94
CommonBuff - Size: 0x00006000 PA: 0x0000000001702000 VA: 0x81702000
Ke Objects - Int1: 0x8175ba50 Int2: 0x00000000 Dma: 0x816f9340
Lookaside - SrbData @ 0x816f9e40 SgList @0x00000000 Remove: @0x00000000
Resources - Raw: 0x817ba190 Translated: 0x81709678
Port Config 8177fde8
DeviceMap Handles: Port 0000009c Busses e12d7b38
Interrupt Data @0x816f9ce4:
Flags (0x00000000):
Ready LUN 0x00000000 Wmi Events 0x00000000
Completed Request List (@0x816f9ce8): 0 entries
LUN 816ea0e8 @ ( 0, 1, 0) c ev pnp(00/ff) pow(0 ,0) DevObj 816ea030
Here is an example of the !scsikd.scsiext display, where the SCSI port extension has been specified by a physical device object (PDO); this can be obtained from the DevObj field or LUN field in the !minipkd.adapters display:
kd> !scsikd.scsiext 816ea030
Scsiport physical device extension at address 816ea0e8
Common Extension:
DO 0x816ea030 LowerObject 0x816f9a40 SRB Flags 00000000
Current Power (D0,S0) Desired Power D-1 Idle 0x8176c780
Current PnP state 0x0 Previous state 0xff
DispatchTable f9aee180 UsePathCounts (P0, H0, C0)
Logical Unit Extension:
Address (2, 0, 1, 0) Claimed Enumerated Visible
LuFlags (0x00000000):
Retry 0x00 Key 0x00000000
Lock 0x00000000 Pause 0x00000000 CurrentLock: 0x00000000
HwLuExt 0x8177ce10 Adapter 0x816f9af8 Timeout 0xffffffff
NextLun 0x00000000 ReadyLun 0x00000000
Pending 0x00000000 Busy 0x00000000 Untagged 0x00000000
Q Depth 000 (1628450047) InquiryData 0x816ea206
DeviceMap Keys: Target 0x0000d0 Lun 00000000
Bypass SRB_DATA blocks 4 @ 816ea270 List 816ea810
RS Irp 8177dd80 Srb @ 816eaa0c MDL @ 816eaa4c
Request List @0x816ea1f0 is empty