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Interpreting Bug Check 0xCB

The most common bug check code associated with debugging a video stream stall is Bug Check 0xCB (DRIVER_LEFT_LOCKED_PAGES_IN_PROCESS). For a detailed list of its parameters, see Bug Check 0xCB.

The message displayed when the bug check occurs will point to Ks.sys as the cause.

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.
BugCheck CB, {f90c6ae0, f9949215, 81861788, 26}
Probably caused by : ks.sys ( ks!KsProbeStreamIrp+333 )

As suggested, use !analyze -v to get more detailed information.

kd> !analyze -v
Caused by a driver not cleaning up completely after an I/O.
When possible, the guilty driver's name (Unicode string) is printed on
the bugcheck screen and saved in KiBugCheckDriver.
Arg3: 81861788, A pointer to the MDL containing the locked pages.

Now, use the !search extension to find the virtual addresses that are associated with the MDL pointer.

kd> !search 81861788
Searching PFNs in range 00000001 - 0000FF76 for [FFFFFFFF81861788 - FFFFFFFF81861788]

Pfn      Offset   Hit      Va       Pte
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
000008A7 00000B0C 81861788 808A7B0C C020229C
00000A04 00000224 16000001 80A04224 C0202810
00001732 000009B4 81861788 817329B4 C0205CC8

For each virtual address (VA) found, look for an IRP signature. Do this by using the dd command with the VA minus one DWORD.

kd> dd 808A7B0C-4 l4
808a7b08  f9949215 81861788 00000026 00000000
kd> $ Not an Irp
kd> dd 80A04224-4 l4
80a04220  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
kd> $ Not an Irp
kd> dd 817329B4-4 l4
817329b0  01900006 81861788 00000070 ffa59220
kd> $ Matches signature

After a VA with an IRP signature has been found, use the !irp extension to find out what driver is pending on this IRP.

kd> !irp 817329b0 7
Irp is active with 2 stacks 2 is current (= 0x81732a44)
 Mdl = 81861788 System buffer = ffa59220 Thread 00000000:  Irp stack trace.
>[  e, 0]   1  1 81a883c8 81ae6158 00000000-00000000    pending
                        Args: 00000070 00000000 002f4017 00000000

In this case, \Driver\TESTCAP is the likely cause of the bug check.