sensorsutils.h header
This header is used by sensors. For more information, see:
sensorsutils.h contains the following programming interfaces:
CollectionsListAllocateBufferAndSerialize This routine allocates a buffer and then serializes a sensor collection list to it. |
CollectionsListCopyAndMarshall This routine copies and marshalls a collection list from source to target. |
CollectionsListDeserializeFromBuffer This routine deserializes a collection list from the input buffer. |
CollectionsListGetFillableCount Returns the number of elements a SENSOR_COLLECTION_LIST buffer of a certain size can possibly hold. |
CollectionsListGetMarshalledSize Returns the size needed to accommodate serializing and marshaling a collection list, including embedded memory. |
CollectionsListGetMarshalledSizeWithoutSerialization Returns the size of the entire collection list, including size of memories blocks that are pointed by embedded pointers. |
CollectionsListGetSerializedSize This routine returns the larger of the two sizes to provide for sufficient buffer sizes to accommodate passing the collection list across processes that can have different bit-ness values. |
CollectionsListMarshall This routine is similar to CollectionsListCopyAndMarshall, except that it marshalls a collection list in-place. |
CollectionsListSerializeToBuffer This routine serializes a collection list to the caller-allocated buffer. |
CollectionsListSortSubscribedActivitiesByConfidence This routine rearranges activity data collection under certain conditions. |
CollectionsListUpdateMarshalledPointer This routine update embedded pointers. |
EvaluateActivityThresholds This routine determines whether the new incoming activity data meets the threshold. |
GetPerformanceTime This routine calculates system time in milliseconds. |
InitPropVariantFromCLSIDArray This routine initializes a PROPVARIANT from a given array of GUIDs. |
InitPropVariantFromFloat This routine initializes a PROPVARIANT with the given float. |
IsCollectionListSame This routine compares two collection lists to see if they are the same. |
IsGUIDPresentInList This routine looks for a GUID in a list of GUIDs. |
IsKeyPresentInCollectionList This routine determine if a key is present in a collection list. |
IsKeyPresentInPropertyList This routine determine if a key is present in a property list. |
IsSensorSubscribed For internal use only. |
MILLISECONDS_FROM_100NANOSECONDS This macro converts time, provided as 100 nanosecond units, to milliseconds. |
MILLISECONDS_TO_100NANOSECONDS This macro converts time, in milliseconds, to 100 nanosecond units. |
PropertiesListCopy This routine copies a properties list from source to target. |
PropertiesListGetFillableCount Returns the number of elements a properties list buffer of a certain size can possibly hold. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetBool This routine gets a BOOL value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetDouble This routine gets a double precision floating point value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetFileTime This routine gets a FILETIME value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetFloat This routine gets a single precision floating point value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetGuid This routine gets a GUID value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetInt32 This routine gets an INT32 value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetInt64 This routine gets an INT64 value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetNthInt64 This routine gets the nth INT64 value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetNthUlong This routine gets the nth ULONG value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetNthUshort This routine gets the nth USHORT value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetPropVariant This routine finds the PROPVARIANT from a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetUlong This routine gets a ULONG value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetUshort This routine gets a USHORT value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeySetPropVariant This routine finds and sets the PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropVariantGetInformation This routine gets offset, size, location pointer and DEVPROPTYPE, of a PROPVARIANT. |
SensorCollectionGetAt This routine returns the PROPERTYKEY and PROPVARIANT associated with the nth element in the provided sensor collection list. |
SerializationBufferAllocate Exported memory allocation function for allocating a serialized buffer. |
SerializationBufferFree Exported memory allocation function for freeing a serialization buffer. |