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HidP_GetButtonArray function (hidpi.h)

HidP_GetButtonArray returns an array of HIDP_BUTTON_ARRAY_DATA structures for the specified report.


NTSTATUS HidP_GetButtonArray(
  HIDP_REPORT_TYPE        ReportType,
  USAGE                   UsagePage,
  USHORT                  LinkCollection,
  USAGE                   Usage,
  PUSHORT                 ButtonDataLength,
  PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA    PreparsedData,
  PCHAR                   Report,
  ULONG                   ReportLength



A value from the HIDP_REPORT_TYPE enum.


The usage page to which the given usage refers.


(Optional) This value can be used to differentiate between two fields that may have the same UsagePage and Usage but exist in different collections. If the LinkCollection value is HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_UNSPECIFIED, the first button array found matching the UsagePage and Usage will be returned, regardless of location. If the LinkCollection value is HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_ROOT, the first button array found in the root collection matching the UsagePage and Usage will be returned.


The usage whose buttons HidP_GetButtonArray will retrieve.


An array of HIDP_BUTTON_ARRAY_DATA structures where the data of buttons set to ON will be placed. The number of elements required is the ReportCount field of the HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS for this control. This buffer is provided by the caller.


As input, this parameter specifies the length of the ButtonData parameter in number of array elements, not number of bytes. As output, if HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS is returned, this value is set to indicate how many of those array elements were filled in by the function. The maximum number of HIDP_BUTTON_ARRAY_DATA structures that can be returned is determined by HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS.ReportCount. If HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is returned, this value contains the number of array elements needed to successfully complete the request.


The pre-parsed data returned by the HIDCLASS.


The report packet. The first byte must be the ReportId. This will be correctly set if the report is read from the system.


Length of the given report packet in bytes.

Return value

HidP_GetButtonArray returns one of the following status values:

Return code Description
HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS Successfully retrieved the buttons from the report packet
HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE The ReportType parameter is not valid
HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA The PreparsedData parameter is not valid
HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH The length of the report packet is not equal to the length specified in the HIDP_CAPS structure for the given ReportType
HIDP_STATUS_NOT_BUTTON_ARRAY The control specified is not a button array
HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The size of the passed in buffer in which to return the array is too small
HIDP_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_REPORT_ID The specified usage page, usage and link collection exists in a report with a different report ID than the report being passed in
HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND The usage page, usage, and link collection combination does not exist in any reports for this ReportType


The caller should use HidP_GetVersion to determine if this function is available. HidP_GetButtonArray is only available if HidP_GetVersion returns a value of two or greater. Version two of the API corresponds to Windows 11.

A button array occurs when the last usage in the sequence of usages describing a main item, must be repeated because there are less usages defined than the ReportCount declared for the given main item. In this case, a single HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS is allocated for that usage and the ReportCount of the HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS is set to reflect the number of fields to which the usage refers.

A HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS that describes a button array will always have ReportCount greater than one. If ReportCount equals one, then it is not a button array and cannot be used with HidP_GetButtonArray. See HidP_GetUsages instead.


Requirement Value
Header hidpi.h

See also