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DXGKARG_PRESENT structure (d3dkmddi.h)

The DXGKARG_PRESENT structure describes a source-to-primary copy operation.


typedef struct _DXGKARG_PRESENT {
  [out]    VOID                     *pDmaBuffer;
  [in]     UINT                     DmaSize;
  [in]     VOID                     *pDmaBufferPrivateData;
  [in]     UINT                     DmaBufferPrivateDataSize;
  union {
    [in]     DXGK_ALLOCATIONLIST               *pAllocationList;
    [in]     DXGK_PRESENTALLOCATIONINFO        *pAllocationInfo;
    [in]     DXGK_PRESENTMULTIPLANEOVERLAYINFO *pPresentMultiPlaneOverlayInfo;
#if ...
  [in/out] D3DDDI_PATCHLOCATIONLIST *pPatchLocationListOut;
#if ...
  [in]     UINT                     PatchLocationListOutSize;
  [in]     DXGK_ALLOCATIONLIST      *pAllocationList;
  [in/out] D3DDDI_PATCHLOCATIONLIST *pPatchLocationListOut;
  [in]     UINT                     PatchLocationListOutSize;
  [in/out] UINT                     MultipassOffset;
  [in]     UINT                     Color;
  [in]     RECT                     DstRect;
  [in]     RECT                     SrcRect;
  [in]     UINT                     SubRectCnt;
  [in]     const RECT               *pDstSubRects;
  [in]     D3DDDI_FLIPINTERVAL_TYPE FlipInterval;
  [in]     DXGK_PRESENTFLAGS        Flags;
  [in]     UINT                     DmaBufferSegmentId;
  [in]     PHYSICAL_ADDRESS         DmaBufferPhysicalAddress;
  [in]     UINT                     Reserved;
           D3DGPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS   DmaBufferGpuVirtualAddress;
           UINT                     NumSrcAllocations;
           UINT                     NumDstAllocations;
           UINT                     PrivateDriverDataSize;
           PVOID                    pPrivateDriverData;


[out] pDmaBuffer

A pointer to the start of the DMA buffer, which is aligned on 4 KB. This buffer can be sent through DMA to the graphics hardware. Before the display miniport driver returns from the DxgkDdiPresent function, the driver should set pDmaBuffer to the next empty byte that follows the last byte that the driver wrote to, or the driver should point to the location (one byte beyond the buffer space) if no more space is available. This location would have been correct if the buffer was large enough.

[in] DmaSize

The size, in bytes, of the DMA buffer that pDmaBuffer points to.

[in] pDmaBufferPrivateData

A pointer to a driver-resident private data structure that is associated with the DMA buffer that pDmaBuffer points to.

[in] DmaBufferPrivateDataSize

The number of bytes that remain in the private data structure that pDmaBufferPrivateData points to for the current operation.

[in] pAllocationList

An array of DXGK_ALLOCATIONLIST structures that describe the source, destination, or both for the copy operation. The driver accesses the source allocation handle through the hDeviceSpecificAllocation member of the pAllocationList[DXGK_PRESENT_SOURCE_INDEX] element (that is, element 1). The driver accesses the destination allocation handle through the hDeviceSpecificAllocation member of the pAllocationList[DXGK_PRESENT_DESTINATION_INDEX] element (that is, element 2).

The handles that are specified in the elements of the allocation list are the device-specific handles that the driver's DxgkDdiOpenAllocation function returned when the allocations were opened. If a source or destination is not present for the operation, the hDeviceSpecificAllocation member of the respective element is NULL. This member is available beginning with Windows 7.


The hDeviceSpecificAllocation member of the first element in the allocation list (element 0) is always NULL.

[in] pAllocationInfo

Reserved for system use. The display miniport driver should ignore this member. This member is available beginning with Windows 7.

[in] pPresentMultiPlaneOverlayInfo

A pointer to a structure of type DXGK_PRESENTMULTIPLANEOVERLAYINFO that specifies info on a VidPN input and an overlay plane to display.

Supported starting with Windows 8.

[in/out] pPatchLocationListOut

An array of D3DDDI_PATCHLOCATIONLIST structures for the patch-location list that the display miniport driver fills. Before the driver returns from a call to its DxgkDdiPresent function, the driver must set pPatchLocationListOut to the next D3DDDI_PATCHLOCATIONLIST element that follows the last D3DDDI_PATCHLOCATIONLIST element that the driver updated.

[in] PatchLocationListOutSize

The number of elements in the patch-location list that pPatchLocationListOut specifies. The display miniport driver is not required to fill all of the elements in the entire list; the driver must use only elements that are necessary to describe the patch location within the DMA buffer.

[in/out] MultipassOffset

A UINT value that specifies the progress of the copying operation if the display miniport driver's DxgkDdiPresent function must return STATUS_GRAPHICS_INSUFFICIENT_DMA_BUFFER to obtain a new DMA buffer. When the driver's DxgkDdiPresent function is first called with a new RECT list, MultipassOffset is initialized to zero. Before the driver returns from the DxgkDdiPresent call, the driver sets MultipassOffset to show copy progress for subsequent DxgkDdiPresent calls with the same command buffer. The Microsoft DirectX graphics kernel subsystem does not change the value further.

[in] Color

The A8R8G8B8 color in either a color-fill operation, which is specified by the ColorFill bit-field flag set in the Flags member, or a color-key operation, which is specified by either the SrcColorKey or DstColorKey bit-field flag. Note that only one of the ColorFill, SrcColorKey, and DstColorKey bit-field flags is set at any time.

If the primary format is palettized RGB, Color contains the palette index rather than the D3DDDIFMT_A8R8G8B8 value from the D3DDDIFORMAT enumeration type.

[in] DstRect

A RECT structure for the destination rectangle that is used to calculate the stretch factor.

[in] SrcRect

A RECT structure for the source rectangle that is used to calculate the stretch factor.

[in] SubRectCnt

The number of destination sub-rectangles in the array that pDstSubRects specifies.

[in] pDstSubRects

An array of RECT structures for the list of destination sub-rectangles that the DxgkDdiPresent function copies to.

[in] FlipInterval

A D3DDDI_FLIPINTERVAL_TYPE-typed value that indicates the flip interval (that is, if the flip occurs after zero, one, two, three, or four vertical syncs).

[in] Flags

A DXGK_PRESENTFLAGS structure that identifies, in bit-field flags, the type of present operation to perform. Note that the ColorFill, SrcColorKey, and DstColorKey bit-field flags in Flags are mutually exclusive.

[in] DmaBufferSegmentId

The identifier of the memory segment that the DMA buffer was paged in. If the identifier is zero, the DMA buffer is not correctly paged in.

[in] DmaBufferPhysicalAddress

A PHYSICAL_ADDRESS data type (which is defined as LARGE_INTEGER) that indicates the physical address where the DMA buffer was paged in. If the physical address is zero, the DMA buffer is not correctly paged in.

[in] Reserved

Reserved for system use. The driver should ignore this member.


A D3DGPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS data type that indicates the virtual address where the DMA buffer was paged in. If the physical address is zero, the DMA buffer is not correctly paged in.


The number of context allocations in the source.


The number of context allocations in the destination.


The size of pPrivateDriverData.


Pointer to a buffer that contains optional private driver data.


The ratio of the source and destination rectangular areas that the SrcRect and DstRect members specify is used to compute a stretch factor. The driver can factor in the stretch-factor calculation when it performs the copy operation.

The driver is not required to perform any clipping. The Microsoft DirectX graphics kernel subsystem preclips the list of destination sub-rectangles that the pDstSubRects member specifies to the coordinates of the destination rectangle that the DstRect member specifies and to the screen (primary). Note that if a list of destination sub-rectangles is supplied in pDstSubRects, the driver should use only SrcRect and DstRect to compute the stretch factor and should use the coordinates of the destination sub-rectangles for the actual copy operation.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Header d3dkmddi.h (include D3dkmddi.h)

See also





