The KSPROPERTY_DIRECTSOUND3DBUFFER_VELOCITY property specifies the velocity of a 3D sound buffer.
Usage Summary Table
Get | Set | Target | Property descriptor type | Property value type |
Yes |
Yes |
Pin |
The property value (operation data) is a structure of type DS3DVECTOR that specifies the buffer velocity. Velocity is expressed in units of one meter per second by default, but the units can be changed through the KSPROPERTY_DIRECTSOUND3DLISTENER_DISTANCEFACTOR property.
Return Value
A KSPROPERTY_DIRECTSOUND3DBUFFER_VELOCITY property request returns STATUS_SUCCESS to indicate that it has completed successfully. Otherwise, the request returns an appropriate error status code.
For more information about the velocity of a DirectSound 3D buffer, see the following in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation:
The vVelocity member of the DS3DBUFFER structure.
The IDirectSound3DBuffer::GetVelocity and IDirectSound3DBuffer::GetVelocity methods.
Header |
Ksmedia.h (include Ksmedia.h) |