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PTPHQA (touchpad-ptphqa)

This is to test the PTPHQA reporting capabilities of a Windows Precision Touchpad device.

Test name

  • Test.PTPHQA

Core requirements tested

  • Device.Input.PrecisionTouchpad.HIDCompliance.PTPHQA

Test purpose

  • Verifies that the device is able to report a PTPHQA certification blob.

  • Test only checks that the usage is available. For Windows 8.1 compatibility, the device is responsible for accurately reporting its PTPHQA blob.

Tools required

  • PTLogo.exe

Validation steps

  1. Launch Test.PTPHQA.json.

  2. PTLogo will automatically pass, if the device correctly reports the PTPHQA usage. Conversely, the test will fail if the PTPHQA usage is incorrectly reported.

Here's a screenshot from the test, showing a passing result.

screenshot from the ptphqa test for a windows precision touchpad device, showing a passing result.

Note  If this is a re-certification, this test will fail and should be manually verified by entering the following command: GetThqaBlob.exe –usage=TouchPad -verifyCertified

Common error messages

  • None.

Passing criteria

  • 1/1 (100%) iterations must pass in order to complete with passing status.