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Windows updates during Windows 10 OOBE

Critical driver updates, and critical Windows zero-day patch (ZDP) updates, will begin downloading automatically during OOBE after the user has connected to a network. The user can't opt-out of these critical updates as they are required for the device to operate properly. Windows will alert the user that the device is checking for, and applying, the updates:

Windows checking for critical ZDP updates during oobe

If a newer version of Windows is available than the version that shipped with the device and if the device is eligible, during OOBE a user can also opt-in to upgrade to latest version of Windows after OOBE has completed. Version updates are considered non-critical, as the device will still continue to perform well if the user does not select download the update. In Windows 10, version 2004 and newer, the The next version of Windows is here screen is displayed at the end of OOBE.

Get the latest from Windows screen in OOBE


Users will only see this screen in OOBE if there is a newer version of Windows available than the version that shipped with the device and if the device is eligible for the upgrade. This is only offered on devices built from consumer media.

This screen informs the user of the size of the update. The size of the update, and the user's network conditions, will determine the download time.

The user has the option to click Upgrade to Windows 11, or See what's new and different, or Remind me later. In either case, the user's selection will not disrupt their progression through OOBE. Clicking either Upgrade to Windows 11 or Remind me later will cause the user to move to the next screen in OOBE, while clicking See what's new and different will provide user with details about new and different features.

If the user clicks Upgrade to Windows 11, the Windows update will begin downloading as soon as the user has completed OOBE and reached their desktop. It will not begin downloading during OOBE. The user will see a toast message letting them know that the download is taking place, and they will be prompted to restart the device when Windows is ready to install the update. They can continue to use their device while the latest version of Windows is downloading, although performance may be impacted.

If the user selects Remind me later, the Windows update will not download after the user has completed OOBE and reached their desktop. The user can choose to download the update at a time of their choosing from the Settings app in Windows.