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This interface gives access to information about the server the process is running in.


IDebugCoreServer3 : IDebugCoreServer2

Notes for Implementers

Visual Studio implements this interface.

Notes for Callers

Use QueryInterface to obtain this interface from an IDebugCoreServer2 interface. A call to GetServer can also return this interface. This interface is used most often by a custom port supplier to launch programs on a server (either local or remote).

Methods in Vtable Order

In addition to the methods on the IDebugCoreServer2 interface, this interface implements the following methods:

Method Description
GetServerName Retrieves the name of the server.
GetServerFriendlyName Retrieves a friendly version of the server name
EnableAutoAttach Tells specific debug engines to automatically attach to processes when those processes start.
DiagnoseWebDebuggingError Retrieves a specific error code when automatic attach fails.
CreateInstanceInServer Creates an instance of a debug engine on the server.
QueryIsLocal Retrieves a flag indicating whether the server is on the same machine as the caller.
GetConnectionProtocol Retrieves a value indicating the protocol being used to communicate with the server.
DisableAutoAttach Disables all auto-attach settings for all debug engines this server knows about.


A custom port supplier receives the IDebugCoreServer2 interface on a call to Event. The IDebugCoreServer3 interface can be obtained from that interface.


Header: msdbg.h

Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop

Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.dll

See also