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SplashScreen (extensions schema for Windows 8.1)

Defines the appearance of the splash screen, which is displayed by the app during launch.

Element hierarchy



<SplashScreen BackgroundColor? = A three-byte hexadecimal number preceded by "#" or a named color.
              Image            = A string between 1 and 256 characters in length that ends with ".jpg", ".png", or ".jpeg" that can't contain these characters: <, >, :, ", |, ?, or *. In this string, the / and \ characters can't be the first or last characters. Also, the string can contain / or \ but not both. />


?   optional (zero or one)

Attributes and Elements


Attribute Description Data type Required Default value

Specifies the background color of the splash screen. See the Remarks section for color names.

A three-byte hexadecimal number preceded by "#" or a named color. No

The path to the splash screen image. See the Remarks section for size requirements.

A string between 1 and 256 characters in length that ends with ".jpg", ".png", or ".jpeg" that can't contain these characters: <, >, :, ", |, ?, or *. In this string, the / and \ characters can't be the first or last characters. Also, the string can contain / or \ but not both. Yes


Child Elements


Parent Elements

Parent Element Description

Describes the visual aspects of the UWP app: its default tile, logo images, text and background colors, initial screen orientation, splash screen, and lock screen tile appearance.



The splash screen image can be given as either a direct path to an image file or as a resource. By using a resource reference, you can supply images of different scales so that Windows can choose the best size for the device and screen resolution. You can also supply high contrast images for accessibility and localized images to match different UI languages. For more info, see the Globalization topic.

Size requirements of a splash screen image are shown here:

Image attributes Scale Image size in pixels Applications\Application\VisualElements\SplashScreen\@Image 100 620x300 140 868x420 180 1116x540  

The following are supported background color names:

Name Name Name Name Name Name
aliceBlue antiqueWhite aqua aquamarine azure beige
bisque black blanchedAlmond blue blueViolet brown
burlyWood cadetBlue chartreuse chocolate coral cornflowerBlue
cornsilk crimson cyan darkBlue darkCyan darkGoldenrod
darkGray darkGreen darkKhaki darkMagenta darkOliveGreen darkOrange
darkOrchid darkRed darkSalmon darkSeaGreen darkSlateBlue darkSlateGray
darkTurquoise darkViolet deepPink deepSkyBlue dimGray dodgerBlue
firebrick floralWhite forestGreen fuchsia gainsboro ghostWhite
gold goldenrod gray green greenYellow honeydew
hotPink indianRed indigo ivory khaki lavender
lavenderBlush lawnGreen lemonChiffon lightBlue lightCoral lightCyan
lightGoldenrodYellow lightGreen lightGray lightPink lightSalmon lightSeaGreen
lightSkyBlue lightSlateGray lightSteelBlue lightYellow lime limeGreen
linen magenta maroon mediumAquamarine mediumBlue mediumOrchid
mediumPurple mediumSeaGreen mediumSlateBlue mediumSpringGreen mediumTurquoise mediumVioletRed
midnightBlue mintCream mistyRose moccasin navajoWhite navy
oldLace olive oliveDrab orange orangeRed orchid
paleGoldenrod paleGreen paleTurquoise paleVioletRed papayaWhip peachPuff
peru pink plum powderBlue purple red
rosyBrown royalBlue saddleBrown salmon sandyBrown seaGreen
seaShell sienna silver skyBlue slateBlue slateGray
snow springGreen steelBlue tan teal thistle
tomato transparent turquoise violet wheat white
whiteSmoke yellow yellowGreen


See also

Colors class

