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winrt::try_capture function template (C++/WinRT)

A function template that calls a specified function or method (automatically calling winrt::check_hresult on it), captures the interface pointer that's output from the function or method, and returns it as the template parameter typename T if T derives from Windows::Foundation::IUnknown, otherwise, returns a winrt::com_ptr. Returns an empty com_ptr if not successful.

Also see the winrt::com_ptr::try_capture function.


template <typename T, typename F, typename...Args>
impl::com_ref<T> try_capture(F function, Args&& ...args);

template <typename T, typename O, typename M, typename...Args>
impl::com_ref<T> try_capture(O* p, M method, Args&& ...args);

template <typename T, typename O, typename M, typename...Args>
impl::com_ref<T> try_capture(com_ptr<O> const& object, M method, Args&& ...args);

Template parameters

typename T The type of the interface pointer that's output from the function or method.

typename F A function object type, such as a free function, or std::function.

typename O An interface type.

typename M A method type.

typename Args Zero or more argument types.


function A function object of type F.

p A pointer to an object of type O.

object A winrt::com_ptr of type O.

method A method (implemented by O) of type M.

args Zero or more arguments of type Args.

Return value

Returns T if T derives from Windows::Foundation::IUnknown, otherwise, returns winrt::com_ptr. Returns an empty com_ptr if not successful.


  • The try_capture(F function, Args&&...args) overload invokes the function object.
  • The try_capture(O* p, M method, Args&& ...args) overload invokes the method on the pointer.
  • The try_capture(winrt::com_ptr<O> const& object, M method, Args&&...args) overload invokes the method on the object.

All overloads pass through (to the invokee) any additional arguments that you provide. All overloads also pass the two additional arguments that such invokees require—specifically, a REFIID (the ID of the target of the winrt::com_ptr), and a void** (The address of a pointer to the target of the winrt::com_ptr).


Minimum supported SDK: Windows SDK version 10.0.17134.0 (Windows 10, version 1803)

Namespace: winrt

Header: %WindowsSdkDir%Include<WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>\cppwinrt\winrt\base.h (included by default)

See also