KB5048038 - Cumulatieve update 17 voor SQL Server 2022
Releasedatum: 16 januari 2025
Versie: 16.0.4175.1
In dit artikel wordt het cumulatieve updatepakket 17 (CU17) voor Microsoft SQL Server 2022 beschreven. Deze update bevat 13 fixes die zijn uitgegeven na de release van SQL Server 2022 Cumulatieve update 16 en onderdelen worden bijgewerkt in de volgende builds:
- SQL Server - Productversie: 16.0.4175.1, bestandsversie: 2022.160.4175.1
- Analysis Services - Productversie:, bestandsversie: 2022.160.43.239
Bekende problemen in deze update
Er zijn geen bekende problemen in deze cumulatieve update.
Verbeteringen en oplossingen die zijn opgenomen in deze update
Een downloadbare Excel-werkmap met een overzichtslijst met builds, samen met de huidige ondersteuningslevenscyclus, is beschikbaar. Het Excel-bestand bevat ook gedetailleerde fixlijsten voor SQL Server 2022, SQL Server 2019 en SQL Server 2017. Selecteer dit Excel-bestand nu te downloaden.
Er kan rechtstreeks naar afzonderlijke vermeldingen in de volgende tabel worden verwezen via een bladwijzer. Als u een bugverwijzings-id in de tabel selecteert, wordt een bladwijzertag aan de URL toegevoegd met behulp van de indeling '#NNNNNNN'. U kunt deze URL vervolgens delen met anderen, zodat ze rechtstreeks naar de gewenste oplossing in de tabel kunnen springen.
Zie de volgende Microsoft Knowledge Base-artikelen voor meer informatie over de fouten die zijn opgelost en verbeteringen die zijn opgenomen in deze cumulatieve update.
Foutverwijzing | Beschrijving | Opgelost gebied | Onderdeel | Platform |
3666640 | Lost een probleem op met het bedrijfsregelitem voor de DBA-optie (domain-based attribute) wanneer u Master Data Services gebruikt. | Master Data Services | Master Data Services | Windows |
3560259 | Lost een probleem op waarbij sommige beschikbaarheidsgroepdatabases zich in een niet-gesynchroniseerde status bevinden na het quorumverlies van Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC). Nadat de oplossing is toegepast, moeten de databases kunnen overschakelen naar een oplossingsstatus wanneer de persistente configuratiegegevens niet kunnen worden gelezen vanwege het WSFC-quorumverlies. | SQL Server Engine | Hoge beschikbaarheid en herstel na noodgevallen | Alle |
3615657 | Voegt traceringsvlag 3478 toe in SQL Server 2022, zodat het maximum aantal parallelle redo-threads kan worden verhoogd op basis van het totale aantal CPU's. Deze wijziging is bedoeld om dezelfde functionaliteit te herstellen als SQL Server 2016 of nieuwere versies als de threadpool is uitgeschakeld in SQL Server 2022. | SQL Server Engine | Hoge beschikbaarheid en herstel na noodgevallen | Alle |
3677296 | Vanaf SQL Server 2022 CU17 kunt u AlwaysOn-beschikbaarheidsgroepen inschakelen met behulp van een Pacemaker-cluster wanneer SQL Server wordt uitgevoerd als een beperkte toepassing waarvoor SECURITY-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is ingeschakeld. | SQL Server Engine | Hoge beschikbaarheid en herstel na noodgevallen | Linux |
3086691 | Hiermee voegt u een serverconfiguratieoptie external xtp dll gen util enabled toe, die is geconfigureerd met behulp van sp_configure de functie Hekaton Dynamic-Link Library (DLL) Generator voor de Functie Hekaton (In-Memory OLTP).
SQL Server compileert en koppelt een DLL voor elke systeemeigen gecompileerde tabel en opgeslagen procedure, die de systeemeigen implementatie van deze objecten in C-code bevat. Hoewel de Hekaton-DLL's dynamisch worden gegenereerd, kunnen de bestanden zelf enkele uitdagingen opleveren wanneer er een nalevingsvereiste is die code-integriteit afdwingt als criterium. Met de introductie van het Hekaton DLL Generator-onderdeel voor de Functie Hekaton (In-Memory OLTP) kunnen nalevingsvereisten voor regelgeving, zoals code-integriteit , worden voldaan aan door Hekaton gegenereerde DLL's. In dit geval zorgt code-integriteit ervoor dat de door Hekaton gegenereerde DLL's intact en ongewijzigd blijven vanaf het moment dat ze worden gemaakt totdat ze worden geladen en uitgevoerd. |
SQL Server Engine | In-Memory OLTP | Windows |
3677980 | OPLOSSING: Problemen met Scalar UDF Inlining in SQL Server 2022 en 2019 (KB4538581) | SQL Server Engine | Programmeerbaarheid | Alle |
3653362 | Lost een prestatieprobleem op van de functie SUBTEKENREEKS die u ondervindt wanneer u de functie uitgebreid gebruikt, zoals het bouwen van indexen voor berekende kolommen met expressies waarbij SUBSTRING wordt aangeroepen. | SQL Server Engine | Programmeerbaarheid | Alle |
3572259 | Lost de fout 'Het XML-gegevenstype is beschadigd' op die wordt gegenereerd door de replicatielogboeklezeragent wanneer u een XML-kolom bijwerkt waarvoor XML-compressie is ingeschakeld. | SQL Server Engine | Replicatie | Windows |
3445709 3538141 3686639 |
Verbetering: microsoft Entra managed identity support for backup and restore database operations and for EKM with AKV in SQL Server on Azure VM's (KB5043526) | SQL Server Engine | Beveiligingsinfrastructuur | Windows |
3514753 | Corrigeert verschillende assertiefouten (bijvoorbeeld Locatie: sosmerge.cpp:2930; Expressie: mrP-mrpgcnt>> 0) die u kunt tegenkomen bij het bouwen van een index in eenvoudige of bulksgewijs vastgelegde herstelmodellen met indirecte controlepunten vanwege ontbrekende leegloop van tussenliggende gegevenspagina's. | SQL Server Engine | SQL-besturingssysteem | Alle |
3616559 | Lost een prestatieprobleem op dat u mogelijk alleen tegenkomt wanneer sp_lock deze vaak wordt aangeroepen vanuit meerdere verbindingen, wat een geheugenlek kan veroorzaken. Het geheugen wordt pas opgeschoond nadat u de SQL Server-service opnieuw hebt opgestart.
Opmerking: U moet traceringsvlag 15915 inschakelen. |
SQL Server Engine | Transaction Services | Alle |
Hoe u dit of het meest recente cumulatieve updatepakket kunt verkrijgen of downloaden
Het meest recente cumulatieve updatepakket voor Windows verkrijgen of downloaden (aanbevolen)
De volgende update is beschikbaar via het Microsoft Downloadcentrum:
Download nu het meest recente cumulatieve updatepakket voor SQL Server 2022
- Microsoft Download Center biedt altijd de nieuwste VERSIE van SQL Server 2022 CU.
- Als de downloadpagina niet wordt weergegeven, neemt u contact op met de klantenservice en de ondersteuning van Microsoft om het cumulatieve updatepakket te verkrijgen.
Dit cumulatieve updatepakket voor Windows verkrijgen of downloaden via Microsoft Update Catalog
De volgende update is beschikbaar in de Microsoft Update-catalogus:
- Microsoft Update Catalog bevat deze SQL Server 2022 CU en eerder uitgebrachte SQL Server 2022 CU-releases.
- Deze CU is ook beschikbaar via Windows Server Update Services (WSUS).
- U wordt aangeraden altijd de meest recente cumulatieve update te installeren die beschikbaar is.
Het meest recente cumulatieve updatepakket voor Linux verkrijgen of downloaden
Als u SQL Server 2022 op Linux wilt bijwerken naar de meest recente CU, moet u eerst de opslagplaats cumulatieve update hebben geconfigureerd. Werk vervolgens uw SQL Server-pakketten bij met behulp van de juiste platformspecifieke updateopdracht.
Informatie over bestands-hash
U kunt het downloaden controleren door de hash van het SQLServer2022-KB5048038-x64.exe-bestand te berekenen via de volgende opdracht:
certutil -hashfile SQLServer2022-KB5048038-x64.exe SHA256
Bestandsnaam | SHA256-hash |
SQLServer2022-KB5048038-x64.exe | 1B3F57691F8A7B9950CB1F05EAF18E87B3275378FF6A0386A0386A017E1543A7880 |
Informatie over het pakketbestand cumulatieve update
De Engelse versie van dit pakket heeft de bestandskenmerken (of latere bestandskenmerken) die worden vermeld in de volgende tabel. De datums en tijden voor deze bestanden worden vermeld in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Wanneer u de bestandsgegevens bekijkt, wordt deze geconverteerd naar lokale tijd. Als u het verschil tussen UTC en lokale tijd wilt vinden, gebruikt u het tabblad Tijdzone in het item Datum en tijd in Configuratiescherm.
SQL Server 2022 Analysis Services
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Anglesharp.dll | | 1240112 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Asplatformhost.dll | 2022.160.43.239 | 336944 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Mashupcompression.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 141760 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.minterop.dll | | 865216 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.server.core.dll | | 2903640 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.edm.netfx35.dll | | 661936 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.mashup.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 224184 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.mashup.oledb.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 32192 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.mashup.preview.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 153528 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.mashup.providercommon.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 113088 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.mashup.providercommon.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 38832 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.mashup.providercommon.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 42928 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.mashup.providercommon.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 33216 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.mashup.providercommon.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 42944 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.mashup.providercommon.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 47040 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.mashup.providercommon.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 42928 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.mashup.providercommon.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 42944 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.mashup.providercommon.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 47024 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.mashup.providercommon.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 38832 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.mashup.providercommon.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 42944 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.mashup.sqlclient.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 25536 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.odata.netfx35.dll | | 1455536 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.odata.query.netfx35.dll | | 182200 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.sapclient.dll | | 931680 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.sapclient.resources.dll | | 35200 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.sapclient.resources.dll | | 36704 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.sapclient.resources.dll | | 37216 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.sapclient.resources.dll | | 49024 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.sapclient.resources.dll | | 36704 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.sapclient.resources.dll | | 39808 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.sqlclient.dll | 2.17.23292.1 | 1997744 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.sqlclient.sni.dll | | 511920 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Microsoft.dataintegration.fuzzyclustering.dll | | 40368 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.dataintegration.fuzzymatching.dll | | 628144 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.dataintegration.fuzzymatchingcommon.dll | | 390064 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.exchange.webservices.dll | 15.0.913.15 | 1124272 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.hostintegration.connectors.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 4964800 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.identity.client.dll | | 1653680 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.identitymodel.jsonwebtokens.dll | | 111536 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.identitymodel.logging.dll | | 38320 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.identitymodel.protocols.dll | | 39856 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.identitymodel.protocols.openidconnect.dll | | 114096 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.identitymodel.tokens.dll | | 992192 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.cdm.icdmprovider.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 21952 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.container.exe | 2.127.602.0 | 25024 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Microsoft.mashup.container.netfx40.exe | 2.127.602.0 | 24000 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Microsoft.mashup.container.netfx45.exe | 2.127.602.0 | 23992 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Microsoft.mashup.eventsource.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 150448 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oauth.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 94144 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 15808 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 16320 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 16312 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 16304 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 16816 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 16304 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 16304 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 17344 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 15792 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oauth.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 16304 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oledbinterop.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 201144 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 67008 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 14264 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 14272 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 14272 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 14272 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 14272 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 14256 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 14256 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 14256 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 14272 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.oledbprovider.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 14256 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.sapbwprovider.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 334256 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.scriptdom.dll | 2.40.4554.261 | 2365872 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.shims.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 29616 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashup.storage.xmlserializers.dll | | 141248 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashupengine.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 15941040 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashupengine.library45.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 7617472 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashupengine.library45.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 35872 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashupengine.library45.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 36288 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashupengine.library45.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 39360 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashupengine.library45.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 39856 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashupengine.library45.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 39872 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashupengine.library45.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 40368 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashupengine.library45.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 40888 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashupengine.library45.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 42424 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashupengine.library45.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 47024 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 620464 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 747448 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 739248 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 718776 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 776128 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 726960 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 702384 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 980912 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 612272 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mashupengine.resources.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 714672 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.mshtml.dll | 7.0.3300.1 | 8017840 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.odata.core.netfx35.dll | | 1438656 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.odata.core.netfx35.v7.dll | | 1262000 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.odata.edm.netfx35.dll | | 779712 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.odata.edm.netfx35.v7.dll | | 745920 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.powerbi.adomdclient.dll | | 1216944 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.spatial.netfx35.dll | | 127408 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.spatial.netfx35.v7.dll | | 125368 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Msmdctr.dll | 2022.160.43.239 | 38984 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdlocal.dll | 2022.160.43.239 | 71818808 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdlocal.dll | 2022.160.43.239 | 53975640 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Msmdpump.dll | 2022.160.43.239 | 10333632 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdredir.dll | 2022.160.43.239 | 8132032 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Msmdsrv.exe | 2022.160.43.239 | 71365704 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrv.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 956880 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrv.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 1884720 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrv.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 1671728 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrv.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 1881160 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrv.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 1848272 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrv.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 1147440 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrv.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 1140272 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrv.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 1769520 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrv.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 1749064 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrv.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 932912 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrv.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 1837616 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrvi.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 955464 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrvi.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 1882576 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrvi.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 1668544 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrvi.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 1876552 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrvi.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 1844808 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrvi.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 1145416 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrvi.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 1138640 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrvi.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 1765456 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrvi.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 1745480 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrvi.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 933448 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdsrvi.rll | 2022.160.43.239 | 1833032 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll | 2022.160.43.239 | 10083400 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll | 2022.160.43.239 | 8265264 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Msolap.dll | 2022.160.43.239 | 10969648 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msolap.dll | 2022.160.43.239 | 8744024 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Msolui.dll | 2022.160.43.239 | 308176 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msolui.dll | 2022.160.43.239 | 289832 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Newtonsoft.json.dll | | 722264 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Parquetsharp.dll | | 412592 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Parquetsharpnative.dll | | 20091320 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Powerbiextensions.dll | 2.127.602.0 | 11111344 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Private_odbc32.dll | 10.0.19041.1 | 735288 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sni.dll | | 555424 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sql_as_keyfile.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 137256 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sqlceip.exe | 16.0.4175.1 | 301112 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 448552 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 378960 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
System.identitymodel.tokens.jwt.dll | | 77248 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
System.spatial.netfx35.dll | | 118704 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Tmapi.dll | 2022.160.43.239 | 5884504 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Tmcachemgr.dll | 2022.160.43.239 | 5575224 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Tmpersistence.dll | 2022.160.43.239 | 1481288 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Tmtransactions.dll | 2022.160.43.239 | 7198296 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Xmsrv.dll | 2022.160.43.239 | 26593328 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Xmsrv.dll | 2022.160.43.239 | 35895760 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
SQL Server 2022 Database Services Common Core
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Instapi150.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 104504 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Instapi150.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 79944 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.adomdclient.dll | | 2633776 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.adomdclient.dll | | 2633800 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.core.dll | | 2933328 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.xmla.dll | | 2323528 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.mgdsqldumper.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 104528 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.mgdsqldumper.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 92200 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.rmo.dll | 16.0.4175.1 | 555048 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.rmo.dll | 16.0.4175.1 | 555064 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Msasxpress.dll | 2022.160.43.239 | 27720 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Msasxpress.dll | 2022.160.43.239 | 32816 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sql_common_core_keyfile.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 137256 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 378960 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 448552 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sqlmgmprovider.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 395304 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Sqlmgmprovider.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 456776 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sqlsvcsync.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 280648 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Sqlsvcsync.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 362536 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Svrenumapi150.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 1247296 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Svrenumapi150.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 972856 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
SQL Server 2022-client voor gegevenskwaliteit
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Microsoft.ssdqs.studio.infra.dll | 16.0.4175.1 | 309328 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.studio.views.dll | 16.0.4175.1 | 2070592 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Sql_dqc_keyfile.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 137256 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
SQL Server 2022-gegevenskwaliteit
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Microsoft.ssdqs.cleansing.dll | 16.0.4175.1 | 469072 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.cleansing.dll | 16.0.4175.1 | 469064 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.core.dll | 16.0.4175.1 | 600104 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.core.dll | 16.0.4175.1 | 600128 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.dll | 16.0.4175.1 | 174120 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.dll | 16.0.4175.1 | 174152 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.infra.dll | 16.0.4175.1 | 1857592 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.infra.dll | 16.0.4175.1 | 1857592 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.proxy.dll | 16.0.4175.1 | 370768 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.proxy.dll | 16.0.4175.1 | 370728 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
SQL Server 2022 Database Services Core Instance
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Adal.dll | | 1618832 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Adalsqlrda.dll | | 1618832 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Aetm-enclave-simulator.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 5994576 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Aetm-enclave.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 5959696 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Aetm-sgx-enclave-simulator.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 6194800 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Aetm-sgx-enclave.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 6160680 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Dcexec.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 96336 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Fssres.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 100416 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Hadrres.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 227336 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Hkcompile.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 1427520 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Hkdllgen.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 1570856 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Hkengine.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 5769272 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Hkruntime.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 190520 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Hktempdb.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 71736 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.xmla.dll | | 2322504 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xe.core.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 84032 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 182312 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 198736 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.linq.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 333880 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.targets.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 96312 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Odsole70.rll | 16.0.4175.1 | 30760 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Odsole70.rll | 16.0.4175.1 | 38968 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Odsole70.rll | 16.0.4175.1 | 34856 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Odsole70.rll | 16.0.4175.1 | 38952 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Odsole70.rll | 16.0.4175.1 | 38952 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Odsole70.rll | 16.0.4175.1 | 30760 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Odsole70.rll | 16.0.4175.1 | 30776 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Odsole70.rll | 16.0.4175.1 | 34856 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Odsole70.rll | 16.0.4175.1 | 38968 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Odsole70.rll | 16.0.4175.1 | 30776 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Odsole70.rll | 16.0.4175.1 | 38952 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Qds.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 1808424 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Rsfxft.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 55368 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Secforwarder.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 84024 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sql_engine_core_inst_keyfile.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 137256 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlaamss.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 120904 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlaccess.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 444480 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlagent.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 722984 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlceip.exe | 16.0.4175.1 | 301112 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x86 |
Sqlcmdss.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 104488 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlctr160.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 157752 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlctr160.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 129064 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x86 |
Sqldk.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4020240 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqldtsss.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 120888 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 1759312 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 3872808 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4089912 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4605992 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4737080 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 3774504 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 3962920 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4601896 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4429888 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4503592 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 2459728 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 2402344 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4286528 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 3921960 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4442168 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4233256 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4216872 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 3999816 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 3876904 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 1697832 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4327464 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4470824 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqliosim.com | 2022.160.4175.1 | 387128 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqliosim.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 3057704 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqllang.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 48953424 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlmin.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 51288120 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlolapss.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 116776 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlos.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 51256 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlpowershellss.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 100392 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlrepss.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 145464 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlscriptdowngrade.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 51256 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlscriptupgrade.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 5834808 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlservr.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 723000 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqlsvc.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 194624 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqltses.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 10668088 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Sqsrvres.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 305232 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Svl.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 247872 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Xe.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 718904 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Xpqueue.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 100432 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Xpstar.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 534584 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:38 | x64 |
Gedeelde SQL Server 2022 Database Services Core
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Azure.core.dll | 1.3600.23.56006 | 384432 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Azure.identity.dll | 1.1000.423.56303 | 334768 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Bcp.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 141376 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Commanddest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 272424 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Datacollectortasks.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 227344 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Distrib.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 260136 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dteparse.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 133160 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dteparsemgd.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 178216 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dtepkg.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 153640 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dtexec.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 76872 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dts.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 3266624 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 493624 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dtsconn.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 550952 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dtshost.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 120360 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dtslog.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 137256 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dtspipeline.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 1337384 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dtuparse.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 104488 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dtutil.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 166480 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Exceldest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 284728 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Excelsrc.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 305208 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Execpackagetask.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 182312 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Flatfiledest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 423992 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 440360 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Logread.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 792632 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.core.dll | | 2933808 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.bcl.asyncinterfaces.dll | | 22144 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.sqlclient.dll | 5.13.23292.1 | 2048632 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.sqlclient.sni.dll | | 504872 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Microsoft.data.tools.sql.batchparser.dll | | 42416 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.scalehelper.dll | 16.0.4175.1 | 30776 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.identity.client.dll | | 1652320 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.identity.client.extensions.msal.dll | | 66552 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.identitymodel.abstractions.dll | | 18864 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.identitymodel.jsonwebtokens.dll | | 85424 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.identitymodel.logging.dll | | 34224 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.identitymodel.protocols.dll | | 38288 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.identitymodel.protocols.openidconnect.dll | | 114048 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.identitymodel.tokens.dll | | 986032 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.connectioninfo.dll | | 126496 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dmf.common.dll | | 63520 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasks.dll | 16.0.4175.1 | 391240 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.sdk.sfc.dll | | 513464 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 1718328 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.rmo.dll | 16.0.4175.1 | 555064 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.servicebrokerenum.dll | | 37920 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll | | 4451872 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smoextended.dll | | 161208 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlclrprovider.dll | | 21536 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll | | 1587744 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 182312 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 198736 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 124968 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msgprox.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 313424 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msoledbsql.dll | 2018.187.4.0 | 2750472 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msoledbsql.dll | 2018.187.4.0 | 153608 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Newtonsoft.json.dll | | 704408 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Oledbdest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 288808 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Oledbsrc.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 313384 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Qrdrsvc.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 526376 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Rawdest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 227384 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Rawsource.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 215080 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Rdistcom.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 944168 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Recordsetdest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 206888 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Repldp.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 337976 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Replerrx.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 198736 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Replisapi.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 419880 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Replmerg.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 596024 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Replprov.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 890960 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Replrec.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 1058896 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Replsub.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 501800 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Spresolv.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 301096 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sql_engine_core_shared_keyfile.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 137256 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sqlcmd.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 276544 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sqldiag.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 1140808 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sqldistx.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 268320 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sqlmergx.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 424000 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sqlnclirda11.dll | 2011.110.5069.66 | 3478208 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sqlsvc.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 153664 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Sqlsvc.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 194624 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 210984 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Ssradd.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 100416 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Ssravg.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 100392 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Ssrmax.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 100392 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Ssrmin.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 100392 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
System.diagnostics.diagnosticsource.dll | 7.0.423.11508 | 173232 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
System.memory.dll | 4.6.31308.1 | 142240 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
System.runtime.compilerservices.unsafe.dll | | 18024 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
System.security.cryptography.protecteddata.dll | | 21640 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txagg.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 395320 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txbdd.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 190504 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txdatacollector.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 469032 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txdataconvert.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 333896 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txderived.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 632912 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txlookup.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 608296 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txmerge.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 243752 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txmergejoin.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 301096 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txmulticast.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 145448 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txrowcount.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 145448 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txsort.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 276520 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txsplit.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 620624 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txunionall.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 194576 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Xe.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 718904 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
SQL Server 2022 sql_extensibility
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Commonlauncher.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 100360 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Exthost.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 247848 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Launchpad.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 1452096 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sql_extensibility_keyfile.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 137256 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sqlsatellite.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 1255488 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
SQL Server 2022 Full Text Engine
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Fd.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 702504 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Fdhost.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 157736 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Fdlauncher.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 100392 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sql_fulltext_keyfile.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 137256 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
SQL Server 2022 Integration Services
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Attunity.sqlserver.cdccontroltask.dll | | 78272 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Attunity.sqlserver.cdcsplit.dll | | 39320 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Attunity.sqlserver.cdcsrc.dll | | 79808 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Commanddest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 231496 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Commanddest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 272424 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dteparse.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 116808 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Dteparse.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 133160 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dteparsemgd.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 165960 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Dteparsemgd.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 178216 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dtepkg.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 129104 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Dtepkg.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 153640 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dtexec.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 65096 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Dtexec.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 76872 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dts.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 2861096 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Dts.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 3266624 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 444488 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 493624 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dtsconn.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 464936 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Dtsconn.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 550952 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dtsdebughost.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 114728 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dtsdebughost.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 94776 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Dtshost.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 120360 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dtshost.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 98344 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Dtslog.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 120904 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Dtslog.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 137256 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dtspipeline.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 1144904 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 1337384 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dtuparse.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 104488 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Dtuparse.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 88128 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Dtutil.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 142360 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Dtutil.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 166480 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Exceldest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 247872 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Exceldest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 284728 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Excelsrc.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 264256 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Excelsrc.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 305208 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Execpackagetask.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 149568 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Execpackagetask.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 182312 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Flatfiledest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 374824 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 423992 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 391192 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 440360 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Isdbupgradewizard.exe | 16.0.4175.1 | 120888 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Isdbupgradewizard.exe | 16.0.4175.1 | 120872 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.core.dll | | 2933808 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.core.dll | | 2933832 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.isserverdbupgrade.dll | 16.0.4175.1 | 509992 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.isserverdbupgrade.dll | 16.0.4175.1 | 510008 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasks.dll | 16.0.4175.1 | 391240 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 170040 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 182312 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 178248 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 198736 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msdtssrvr.exe | 16.0.4175.1 | 219216 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 100392 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 124968 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Msmdpp.dll | 2022.160.43.239 | 10164264 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Newtonsoft.json.dll | | 704408 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Newtonsoft.json.dll | | 704408 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Odbcdest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 342096 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Odbcdest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 383016 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Odbcsrc.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 350272 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Odbcsrc.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 399416 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Oledbdest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 247880 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Oledbdest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 288808 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Oledbsrc.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 268368 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 313384 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Rawdest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 227384 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Rawdest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 190488 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Rawsource.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 215080 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Rawsource.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 186424 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Recordsetdest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 206888 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Recordsetdest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 174152 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Sql_is_keyfile.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 137256 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sqlceip.exe | 16.0.4175.1 | 301112 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Sqldest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 256080 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Sqldest.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 288808 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 210984 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 174136 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txagg.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 346152 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txagg.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 395320 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txbdd.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 149560 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txbdd.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 190504 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txbestmatch.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 567352 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txbestmatch.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 661544 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txcache.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 170008 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txcache.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 202792 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txcharmap.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 280632 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txcharmap.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 325688 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txcopymap.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 165928 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txcopymap.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 202792 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txdataconvert.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 288808 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 333896 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txderived.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 559144 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txderived.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 632912 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txfileextractor.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 186408 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txfileextractor.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 219176 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txfileinserter.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 186440 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txfileinserter.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 219176 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txgroupdups.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 354344 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txgroupdups.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 403520 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txlineage.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 129088 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txlineage.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 157752 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txlookup.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 522280 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txlookup.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 608296 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txmerge.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 194640 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txmerge.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 243752 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txmergejoin.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 256040 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txmergejoin.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 301096 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txmulticast.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 116816 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txmulticast.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 145448 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txpivot.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 198696 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txpivot.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 239672 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txrowcount.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 116776 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txrowcount.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 145448 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txsampling.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 153640 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txsampling.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 186424 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txscd.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 198712 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txscd.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 235560 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txsort.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 231504 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txsort.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 276520 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txsplit.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 550992 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txsplit.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 620624 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txtermextraction.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 8648744 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txtermextraction.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 8702024 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txtermlookup.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4139064 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txtermlookup.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4184104 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txunionall.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 153640 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txunionall.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 194576 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Txunpivot.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 178216 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Txunpivot.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 215080 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
Xe.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 641064 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x86 |
Xe.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 718904 | 13-dec-2024 | 09:53 | x64 |
SQL Server 2022 sql_polybase_core_inst
Bestandsnaam | Bestandsversie | Bestandsgrootte | Datum | Tijd | Platform |
Dms.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 559680 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Dmsnative.dll | 2022.160.1046.0 | 152640 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Dwengineservice.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 45112 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Instapi150.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 104504 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.backup.backupmetadata.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 67640 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.catalog.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 293456 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.common.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 1958472 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.configuration.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 169520 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.datamovement.common.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 647224 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.datamovement.manager.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 246368 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.datamovement.messagetypes.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 139344 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.datamovement.messagingprotocol.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 79968 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.diagnostics.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 51248 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.distributor.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 88656 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.engine.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 1129528 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.engine.statsstream.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 80992 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.eventing.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 70736 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.fabric.appliance.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 35376 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.fabric.interface.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 30784 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.fabric.polybase.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 46672 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.fabric.xdbinterface.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 21552 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.failover.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 26672 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.hadoop.hadoopbridge.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 131664 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.loadercommon.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 86624 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.loadmanager.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 100960 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 293432 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 120376 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 138296 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 141384 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 137776 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 150592 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 139832 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 134712 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 176688 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 117816 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 136768 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.nodes.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 72784 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.nulltransaction.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 22064 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.parallelizer.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 37432 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.resourcemanagement.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 129072 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 3064912 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 3955784 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 118336 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 133184 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 137776 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 133680 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 148528 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 134192 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 130624 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 171064 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 115256 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 132152 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sqldistributor.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 67664 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.transactsql.scriptdom.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 2682936 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.utilities.dll | 16.0.1046.0 | 2436664 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xe.core.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 84032 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 182312 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 198736 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Mpdwinterop.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 297000 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Mpdwsvc.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 9078864 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Secforwarder.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 84024 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Sharedmemory.dll | 2022.160.1046.0 | 61504 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Sqldk.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4020240 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2022.160.4175.1 | 448552 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 1759312 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4605992 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 3774504 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4601896 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4503592 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 2459728 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 2402344 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4233256 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4216872 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 1697832 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 4470824 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Sqlncli17e.dll | 2017.1710.6.1 | 1898520 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Sqlos.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 51256 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Sqlsortpdw.dll | 2022.160.1046.0 | 4841520 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Sqltses.dll | 2022.160.4175.1 | 10668088 | 13-dec-2024 | 10:14 | x64 |
Opmerkingen voor deze update
Als u dit cumulatieve updatepakket wilt toepassen, moet u SQL Server 2022 uitvoeren.
Gegevens opnieuw opstarten
Mogelijk moet u de computer opnieuw opstarten nadat u dit cumulatieve updatepakket hebt toegepast.
Als u een van de hotfixes in dit pakket wilt gebruiken, hoeft u geen wijzigingen aan te brengen in het register.
Belangrijke kennisgevingen
Dit artikel bevat ook de volgende belangrijke informatie.
Buildversie van Analysis Services CU
Vanaf Microsoft SQL Server 2017 komen het versienummer van de Analysis Services-build en het versienummer van de SQL Server Database Engine-build niet overeen. Zie Buildversie van De cumulatieve update van Analysis Services controleren voor meer informatie.
Cumulatieve updates (CU)
- Elke nieuwe CU bevat alle oplossingen die zijn opgenomen in de vorige CU voor de geïnstalleerde versie van SQL Server.
- SQL Server-CA's zijn gecertificeerd voor dezelfde niveaus als servicepacks en moeten op hetzelfde betrouwbaarheidsniveau worden geïnstalleerd.
- We raden u aan doorlopende, proactieve installatie van CA's zodra deze beschikbaar worden volgens deze richtlijnen:
- Historische gegevens tonen aan dat een aanzienlijk aantal ondersteuningsaanvragen betrekking heeft op een probleem dat al is opgelost in een uitgebrachte CU.
- CU's bevatten mogelijk toegevoegde waarde boven en boven hotfixes. Dit omvat ondersteunings-, beheerbaarheid- en betrouwbaarheidsupdates.
- U wordt aangeraden SQL Server-CA's te testen voordat u ze implementeert in productieomgevingen.
Implementatie van hybride omgeving
Wanneer u een update implementeert in een hybride omgeving (zoals AlwaysOn, replicatie, cluster en spiegeling), raden we u aan de volgende artikelen te raadplegen voordat u de update implementeert:
Failovercluster-exemplaar upraden
Als u het rolling updateproces niet wilt gebruiken, volgt u deze stappen om een update toe te passen:
- Installeer de update op het passieve knooppunt.
- Installeer de update op het actieve knooppunt (hiervoor moet de service opnieuw worden opgestart).
Als u AlwaysOn hebt ingeschakeld in combinatie met de SSISDB-catalogus , raadpleegt u de informatie over SSIS met AlwaysOn over het toepassen van een update in deze omgevingen.
Een hotfix toepassen voor SQL Server in een transactionele replicatie en databasespiegelingtopologie
Een hotfix toepassen voor SQL Server in een replicatietopologie
SQL Server-CA's zijn momenteel meertalige. Daarom is dit CU-pakket niet specifiek voor één taal. Deze is van toepassing op alle ondersteunde talen.
Onderdelen (functies) bijgewerkt
Eén CU-pakket bevat alle beschikbare updates voor alle SQL Server 2022-onderdelen (functies). Het cumulatieve updatepakket werkt echter alleen de onderdelen bij die momenteel zijn geïnstalleerd op het SQL Server-exemplaar dat u selecteert om te worden onderhouden. Als er een SQL Server-functie (bijvoorbeeld Analysis Services) wordt toegevoegd aan het exemplaar nadat deze CU is toegepast, moet u deze CU opnieuw toepassen om de nieuwe functie bij te werken naar deze CU.
Ondersteuning voor deze update
Als er andere problemen optreden of als er probleemoplossing is vereist, moet u mogelijk een serviceaanvraag maken. De gebruikelijke ondersteuningskosten zijn van toepassing op aanvullende ondersteuningsvragen en op problemen die niet in aanmerking komen voor dit specifieke cumulatieve updatepakket. Ga naar de microsoft-ondersteuningswebsite voor een volledige lijst met telefoonnummers voor klantenservice en ondersteuning van Microsoft of om een afzonderlijke serviceaanvraag te maken.
Deze update verwijderen
Deze update verwijderen in Windows
- Open in Configuratiescherm het item Programma's en onderdelen en selecteer vervolgens Geïnstalleerde updates weergeven.
- Zoek de vermelding die overeenkomt met dit cumulatieve updatepakket onder SQL Server 2022.
- Houd de vermelding ingedrukt (of klik er met de rechtermuisknop op) en selecteer Verwijderen.
Deze update verwijderen in Linux
Als u deze CU in Linux wilt verwijderen, moet u het pakket terugdraaien naar de vorige versie. Zie Sql Server terugdraaien voor meer informatie over het terugdraaien van de installatie.
- Aankondiging van updates voor het INCREMENTAL Servicing Model (ISM) van SQL Server
- SQL Server-servicepacks worden niet meer ondersteund vanaf SQL Server 2017
- Bepalen welke versie en editie van SQL Server Database Engine wordt uitgevoerd
- Onderhoudsmodellen voor SQL Server
- Naamgevingsschema en gebiedsbeschrijvingen voor SQL Server-software-updatepakketten
- Beschrijving van de standaardterminologie die wordt gebruikt voor het beschrijven van software-updates van Microsoft