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Post-Upgrade tasks when upgrading to System Center Operations Manager

After you've completed the upgrade process, you must perform many post-upgrade tasks.

Post-upgrade tasks

Perform the following tasks when you've completed the upgrade process.

  1. Re-enable the Notification Subscriptions

  2. Restart or re-enable the Connector Services (if needed)

  3. Re-enable Audit Collection Services (ACS) on agents that were upgraded

  4. Reset agent HealthService Cache size

  5. Verify the upgrade was successful

Re-enable the notification subscriptions

After the upgrade has finished, use the following procedure to re-enable subscriptions.

  1. Open the Operations console with an account that is a member of the Operations Manager Administrators role for the Operations Manager management group.

  2. In the Operations console, in the navigation pane, select the Administration button.


    When you run the Operations console on a computer that isn't a management server, the Connect To Server dialog appears. In the Server name text box, enter the name of the Operations Manager management server to which you want to connect.

  3. In the Administration pane, under Notifications, select Subscriptions.

  4. In the Actions pane, select Enable for each subscription listed that was enabled prior to performing the upgrade.

Restart or re-enable the connector services

Refer to third-party documentation for any installed connectors to determine if the connectors are supported for System Center Operations Manager. If you stopped a connector for any reason during upgrade, restart the service.

Follow these steps to restart a connector service:

  1. Open the Services MMC snap-in. Select Start, and then enter services.msc in the Start Search box.
  2. In the Name column, right-click the connector that you want to restart, and select Start.

Re-enable Audit Collection Services

If you had Audit Collection Services (ACS) enabled for an agent prior to upgrade, it was disabled as part of the agent upgrade process. Re-enable ACS as appropriate.

Reset agent HealthService cache size

Restore the default setting for the agent HealthService cache size by updating the following registry setting on the agents manually or automated with your configuration management or orchestration solution: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlsSet\Services\HealthService\Parameters\Management Groups<ManagementGroupName>\maximumQueueSizeKb

The default decimal value of DWORD type is 15360 (15 MB).

Verify that the upgrade was successful

Perform the following tasks to verify that the upgrade was successful.

  • Check the health state of the management and gateway servers, and agents in the Health Service Watcher state view. In the Administration workspace of the Operations console, ensure that the management and gateway servers and agents are healthy. In the Monitoring workspace, check if there are any alerts related to the management group health.
  • Review the event logs of all the management servers for new errors. Sort alerts by the last-modified column to review the new alerts.
  • Monitor CPU and memory utilization and disk I/O on your database servers to ensure that they're functioning normally.
  • If the Reporting feature is installed, select Reporting, and then run a generic performance report to ensure that Reporting is functioning correctly.

Apply the workaround to make the AD rules work

Previous AD rules don't work after upgrading to Operations Manager 2019. After you upgrade to Operations Manager 2019 from Operations Manager 2016 (or 2016 URs earlier to UR7), previous AD rules don't work due to the change in Active Directory rules' format. Upgrade to Operations Manager 2019 from Operations Manager 2016 UR7 and UR8 doesn't have this issue.

Previous AD rules don't work after upgrading to Operations Manager 2025. After you upgrade to Operations Manager 2025 from Operations Manager 2022, previous AD rules don't work due to the change in Active Directory rules' format.

Use the following steps to fix this issue:

  1. After you upgrade to 2022, export the default management pack to a folder.
  1. After you upgrade to 2025, export the default management pack to a folder.
  1. Open Microsoft.SystemCenter.OperationsManager.DefaultUser.xml from the exported folder.

  2. Rename all the AD rules to use <NetBIOS Domain Name of Management Server> instead of <FQDN of Management Server>, example below.


    Domain name is case-sensitive.


    Before: Rule ID="" Enabled="true"

    After: Rule ID="" Enabled="true"

  3. Import the updated management pack.

    The rules are now visible on the console.

    For detailed information about this issue, see update an active directory integration with Operations Manager.

Next steps

To understand the sequence and steps for installing the Operations Manager server roles across multiple servers in your management group, see Distributed Deployment of Operations Manager.