
Delen via

PredictAssociation (DMX)

Applies to: SQL Server Analysis Services

Predicts associative membership.

For example, you can use the PredictAssociation function to obtain the set of recommendations given the current state of the shopping basket for a customer.


PredictAssociation(<table column reference>, option1, option2, n ...)  

Applies To

Algorithms that contain predictable nested tables, including association and some classification algorithms. Classification algorithms that support nested tables include the Microsoft Decision Trees, Microsoft Naive Bayes, and Microsoft Neural Network algorithms.

Return Type

<table expression>


The options for the PredictAssociation function include EXCLUDE_NULL, INCLUDE_NULL, INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE (default), INPUT_ONLY, INCLUDE_STATISTICS, and INCLUDE_NODE_ID.


INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE, INPUT_ONLY, and INCLUDE_STATISTICS apply only for a table column reference, and EXCLUDE_NULL and INCLUDE_NULL apply only for a scalar column reference.

INCLUDE_STATISTICS only returns $Probability and $AdjustedProbability.

If the numeric parameter n is specified, the PredictAssociation function returns the top n most likely values based on the probability:

PredictAssociation(colref, [$AdjustedProbability], n)  

If you include $AdjustedProbability, the statement returns the top n values based on the $AdjustedProbability.


The following example uses the PredictAssociation function to return the four products in the Adventure Works database that are most likely to be sold together.

  PredictAssociation([Association].[v Assoc Seq Line Items],4)  

The following example demonstrates how you can use a nested table as input to the prediction function, using the SHAPE clause. The SHAPE query creates a rowset with customerId as one column and a nested table as a second column, which contains the list of products a customer has already brought.

SELECT T.[CustomerId], PredictAssociation(MyNestedTable, 5) // returns top 5 associated items
FROM My Model
    OPENQUERY([Adventure Works DW],'SELECT CustomerID, OrderNumber
    FROM vAssocSeqOrders ORDER BY OrderNumber')
    {OPENQUERY([Adventure Works DW],'SELECT OrderNumber, model FROM 
    dbo.vAssocSeqLineItems ORDER BY OrderNumber, Model')}
  RELATE OrderNumber to OrderNumber) AS T

See Also

Data Mining Extensions (DMX) Function Reference
Functions (DMX)
General Prediction Functions (DMX)