Configurable retry logic core APIs in SqlClient
Applies to:
.NET Framework
.NET Standard
If the built-in retry logic providers don't cover your needs, you can create your own custom providers. You can then assign those providers to a SqlConnection
or SqlCommand
object to apply your custom logic.
The built-in providers are designed around three interfaces that can be used to implement custom providers. Custom retry providers can then be used in the same way as internal retry providers on a SqlConnection or SqlCommand:
- SqlRetryIntervalBaseEnumerator: Generates a sequence of time intervals.
- SqlRetryLogicBase: Retrieves the next time interval for a given enumerator, if the number of retries has not been exceeded and a transient condition is met.
- SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider: Applies retry logic to connection and command operations.
By implementing a custom retry logic provider, you're in charge of all aspects, including concurrency, performance, and exception management.
The implementation in this sample is as simple as possible to demonstrate step-by-step customization. It doesn't include advanced practices like thread safety, async, and concurrency. For a deep-dive into a real implementation, you can study the pre-defined retry logic in the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient GitHub repository.
Define custom configurable retry logic classes:
- Enumerator: Define a fixed sequence of time intervals and extend the acceptable range of times from two minutes to four minutes.
public class CustomEnumerator : SqlRetryIntervalBaseEnumerator { // Set the maximum acceptable time to 4 minutes private readonly TimeSpan _maxValue = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(4); public CustomEnumerator(TimeSpan timeInterval, TimeSpan maxTime, TimeSpan minTime) : base(timeInterval, maxTime, minTime) {} // Return fixed time on each request protected override TimeSpan GetNextInterval() { return GapTimeInterval; } // Override the validate method with the new time range validation protected override void Validate(TimeSpan timeInterval, TimeSpan maxTimeInterval, TimeSpan minTimeInterval) { if (minTimeInterval < TimeSpan.Zero || minTimeInterval > _maxValue) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(minTimeInterval)); } if (maxTimeInterval < TimeSpan.Zero || maxTimeInterval > _maxValue) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(maxTimeInterval)); } if (timeInterval < TimeSpan.Zero || timeInterval > _maxValue) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(timeInterval)); } if (maxTimeInterval < minTimeInterval) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(minTimeInterval)); } } }
- Retry logic: Implement retry logic on any command that isn't part of an active transaction. Lower the number of retries from 60 to 20.
public class CustomRetryLogic : SqlRetryLogicBase { // Maximum number of attempts private const int maxAttempts = 20; public CustomRetryLogic(int numberOfTries, SqlRetryIntervalBaseEnumerator enumerator, Predicate<Exception> transientPredicate) { if (!(numberOfTries > 0 && numberOfTries <= maxAttempts)) { // 'numberOfTries' should be between 1 and 20. throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(numberOfTries)); } // Assign parameters to the relevant properties NumberOfTries = numberOfTries; RetryIntervalEnumerator = enumerator; TransientPredicate = transientPredicate; Current = 0; } // Prepare this object for the next round public override void Reset() { Current = 0; RetryIntervalEnumerator.Reset(); } public override bool TryNextInterval(out TimeSpan intervalTime) { intervalTime = TimeSpan.Zero; // First try has occurred before starting the retry process. // Check if retry is still allowed bool result = Current < NumberOfTries - 1; if (result) { // Increase the number of attempts Current++; // It's okay if the RetryIntervalEnumerator gets to the last value before we've reached our maximum number of attempts. // MoveNext() will simply leave the enumerator on the final interval value and we will repeat that for the final attempts. RetryIntervalEnumerator.MoveNext(); // Receive the current time from enumerator intervalTime = RetryIntervalEnumerator.Current; } return result; } }
- Provider: Implements a retry provider that retries on synchronous operations without a
event. Adds TimeoutException to the existing SqlException transient exception error numbers.
public class CustomProvider : SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider { // Preserve the given retryLogic on creation public CustomProvider(SqlRetryLogicBase retryLogic) { RetryLogic = retryLogic; } public override TResult Execute<TResult>(object sender, Func<TResult> function) { // Create a list to save transient exceptions to report later if necessary IList<Exception> exceptions = new List<Exception>(); // Prepare it before reusing RetryLogic.Reset(); // Create an infinite loop to attempt the defined maximum number of tries do { try { // Try to invoke the function return function.Invoke(); } // Catch any type of exception for further investigation catch (Exception e) { // Ask the RetryLogic object if this exception is a transient error if (RetryLogic.TransientPredicate(e)) { // Add the exception to the list of exceptions we've retried on exceptions.Add(e); // Ask the RetryLogic for the next delay time before the next attempt to run the function if (RetryLogic.TryNextInterval(out TimeSpan gapTime)) { Console.WriteLine($"Wait for {gapTime} before next try"); // Wait before next attempt Thread.Sleep(gapTime); } else { // Number of attempts has exceeded the maximum number of tries throw new AggregateException("The number of retries has exceeded the maximum number of attempts.", exceptions); } } else { // If the exception wasn't a transient failure throw the original exception throw; } } } while (true); } public override Task<TResult> ExecuteAsync<TResult>(object sender, Func<Task<TResult>> function, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override Task ExecuteAsync(object sender, Func<Task> function, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
Create a retry provider instance consisting of the defined custom types:
public static SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider CreateCustomProvider(SqlRetryLogicOption options) { // 1. create an enumerator instance CustomEnumerator customEnumerator = new CustomEnumerator(options.DeltaTime, options.MaxTimeInterval, options.MinTimeInterval); // 2. Use the enumerator object to create a new RetryLogic instance CustomRetryLogic customRetryLogic = new CustomRetryLogic(5, customEnumerator, (e) => TransientErrorsCondition(e, options.TransientErrors)); // 3. Create a provider using the RetryLogic object CustomProvider customProvider = new CustomProvider(customRetryLogic); return customProvider; }
- The following function will evaluate an exception by using the given list of retryable exceptions and the special TimeoutException exception to determine if it's retryable:
// Return true if the exception is a transient fault. private static bool TransientErrorsCondition(Exception e, IEnumerable<int> retriableConditions) { bool result = false; // Assess only SqlExceptions if (retriableConditions != null && e is SqlException ex) { foreach (SqlError item in ex.Errors) { // Check each error number to see if it is a retriable error number if (retriableConditions.Contains(item.Number)) { result = true; break; } } } // Other types of exceptions can also be assessed else if (e is TimeoutException) { result = true; } return result; }
Use the customized retry logic:
- Define the retry logic parameters:
// Define the retry logic parameters var options = new SqlRetryLogicOption() { // Tries 5 times before throwing an exception NumberOfTries = 5, // Preferred gap time to delay before retry DeltaTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), // Maximum gap time for each delay time before retry MaxTimeInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20), // SqlException retriable error numbers TransientErrors = new int[] { 4060, 1024, 1025} };
- Create a custom retry provider:
// Create a custom retry logic provider SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider provider = CustomRetry.CreateCustomProvider(options);
- Assign the retry provider to the SqlConnection.RetryLogicProvider or SqlCommand.RetryLogicProvider:
// Assumes that connection is a valid SqlConnection object // Set the retry logic provider on the connection instance connection.RetryLogicProvider = provider; // Establishing the connection will trigger retry if one of the given transient failure occurs. connection.Open();
Don't forget to enable the configurable retry logic switch before using it. For more information, see Enable configurable retry logic.