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Render - Get Copyright For Tile

Gebruik om copyrightgegevens op te halen.

Als u de copyrightgegevens voor een bepaalde tegel wilt verkrijgen, moet de aanvraag het zoomniveau en de x- en y-coördinaten van de tegel opgeven. Zie Zoomniveaus en Tegelraster voor meer informatie.

Copyrights-API is ontworpen om copyrightinformatie te leveren voor de Render-service. Naast het basis copyright voor de hele kaart, biedt API specifieke groepen auteursrechten voor sommige landen/regio's.



Name In Vereist Type Description
path True


Gewenste indeling van het antwoord. De waarde kan json of xml zijn.

query True


Versienummer van Azure Maps-API. Huidige versie is 2024-04-01.

query True



X-coördinaat van de tegel op het zoomraster. De waarde moet in het bereik [0, 2zoom -1] liggen.

Zie Zoomniveaus en Tegelraster voor meer informatie.

query True



Y-coördinaat van de tegel op het zoomraster. De waarde moet in het bereik [0, 2zoom -1] liggen.

Zie Zoomniveaus en Tegelraster voor meer informatie.

query True



Zoomniveau voor de gewenste tegel.

Zie Zoomniveaus en Tegelraster voor meer informatie.



Ja/nee-waarde om tekstgegevens uit te sluiten van antwoord. Alleen afbeeldingen en land-/regionamen worden als antwoord weergegeven.


Name Vereist Type Description


Hiermee geeft u op welk account is bedoeld voor gebruik in combinatie met het Microsoft Entra ID-beveiligingsmodel. Het vertegenwoordigt een unieke id voor het Azure Maps-account en kan worden opgehaald uit de Azure Maps-beheervlak Account-API. Als u Microsoft Entra ID-beveiliging in Azure Maps wilt gebruiken, raadpleegt u de volgende artikelen voor hulp.


Name Type Description
200 OK



Other Status Codes


Er is een onverwachte fout opgetreden.



Dit zijn de Microsoft Entra OAuth 2.0-stromen . Wanneer het wordt gekoppeld aan op rollen gebaseerd toegangsbeheer van Azure , kan het worden gebruikt om de toegang tot Azure Maps REST API's te beheren. Op rollen gebaseerd toegangsbeheer van Azure wordt gebruikt om toegang tot een of meer Azure Maps-resourceaccounts of subresources aan te wijzen. Elke gebruiker, groep of service-principal kan toegang krijgen via een ingebouwde rol of een aangepaste rol die bestaat uit een of meer machtigingen voor Azure Maps REST API's.

Als u scenario's wilt implementeren, raden we u aan om verificatieconcepten te bekijken. Samengevat biedt deze beveiligingsdefinitie een oplossing voor het modelleren van toepassingen via objecten die toegangsbeheer kunnen hebben voor specifieke API's en bereiken.


  • Voor deze beveiligingsdefinitie moet de x-ms-client-id header worden gebruikt om aan te geven tot welke Azure Maps-resource de toepassing toegang aanvraagt. Dit kan worden verkregen via de Beheer-API van Maps.

De Authorization URL is specifiek voor het azure-exemplaar van de openbare cloud. Onafhankelijke clouds hebben unieke autorisatie-URL's en Microsoft Entra ID-configuraties. * Op rollen gebaseerd toegangsbeheer van Azure wordt geconfigureerd vanuit het Azure-beheervlak via Azure Portal, PowerShell, CLI, Azure SDK's of REST API's. * Gebruik van de Azure Maps Web SDK maakt configuratie van een toepassing mogelijk voor meerdere use cases.

Type: oauth2
Stroom: implicit


Name Description


Dit is een gedeelde sleutel die wordt ingericht bij het maken van een Azure Maps-resource via het Azure-beheervlak via Azure Portal, PowerShell, CLI, Azure SDK's of REST API's.

Met deze sleutel wordt elke toepassing gemachtigd voor toegang tot alle REST API's. Met andere woorden, deze kunnen momenteel worden behandeld als hoofdsleutels voor het account waarvoor ze zijn uitgegeven.

Voor openbaar beschikbare toepassingen wordt aanbevolen om server-naar-servertoegang van Azure Maps REST API's te gebruiken, waar deze sleutel veilig kan worden opgeslagen.

Type: apiKey
In: header

SAS Token

Dit is een shared access signature-token dat is gemaakt op basis van de SAS-bewerking List op de Azure Maps-resource via het Azure-beheervlak via Azure Portal, PowerShell, CLI, Azure SDK's of REST API's.

Met dit token is elke toepassing gemachtigd om toegang te krijgen met op rollen gebaseerd toegangsbeheer van Azure en fijnmazige controle over het verloop, de snelheid en de gebruiksregio(s) voor het specifieke token. Met andere woorden, het SAS-token kan worden gebruikt om toepassingen in staat te stellen toegang op een veiligere manier te beheren dan de gedeelde sleutel.

Voor openbaar beschikbaar gemaakte toepassingen wordt aanbevolen om een specifieke lijst met toegestane oorsprongen te configureren op de resource Van het account toewijzen om misbruik van het genereren te beperken en het SAS-token regelmatig te vernieuwen.

Type: apiKey
In: header





  "formatVersion": "0.0.1",
  "generalCopyrights": [
    "© 1992 - 2022 TomTom. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection, database right protection and other intellectual property rights owned by TomTom or its suppliers. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. Any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material will lead to criminal and civil liabilities.",
    "Data Source © 2022 TomTom",
    "based on"
  "regions": [
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "CAN",
        "label": "Canada"
      "copyrights": [
        "You agree to include as soon as practically possible, but no later than the first new release of the Authorized Application following Your receipt of any 3D Landmarks, any copyright notices related to the display of such landmarks on every Authorized Application and in the “about box” of the Authorized Application.  Notwithstanding the aforementioned, TomTom has the right to decide, at its sole discretion, to remove specific 3D Landmarks in subsequent releases of the Licensed Products. In such case, You will remove those 3D Landmarks from the Authorized Application as soon as practically possible, but not later than the first new release of the Authorized Application following Your receipt of the Update to the Licensed Product. TomTom shall not be held responsible for any possible damages, costs or expenses incurred by You related to such removal of a 3D Landmark by TomTom from the Licensed Product or failure to remove a 3D Landmark by You from the Authorized Application.",
        "TomTom hereby grants to You a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Software Licensed Products for the sole and limited purpose of assisting You in viewing, analyzing and sectioning the Licensed Products. In no event shall You use the Software Licensed Products to view, analyze, section or in any way manipulate spatial map data that is not provided by TomTom. You shall not derive or attempt to derive the source code of all or any portion of the Licensed Products by reverse engineering, disassembly, decompilation, translation or any other means. You shall affix the following copyright notice on any copy of the GDF Viewer, or any portion of the Licensed Products: “Software ©2011-2020 TomTom North America, Inc. All rights reserved.",
        "Neither the Data nor the Licensed Products such as Speed Profiles or TomTom Traffic or any derivatives thereof shall be used for the purpose of enforcement of traffic laws including but not limited to the selection of potential locations for the installation of speed cameras, speed traps or other speed tracking devices. With regards to Speed Profiles, You acknowledge and agrees that the actual speeds may not reflect the legally imposed speed limits.",
        "You specifically agree that it shall not: (i) store the data for more than twenty-four (24) hours on Your servers; (ii) broadcast or make Live Services Licensed Products available except to authorized End Users; and (iii) use the feed or information received via the feed for historical data purposes (including but not limited to collection or analysis).",
        "© 1992 – 2021 TomTom. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned or licensed to TomTom. The product includes information copied with permission from Canadian authorities, including © Canada Post Corporation. All rights reserved. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a License Agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material.",
        "The following copyright notice applies to the use of Post- FSA layer and 6-digit layer:  © 1992 – 2021 TomTom. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned or licensed to TomTom. The product includes information copied with permission from Canadian authorities, including © Canada Post Corporation, All rights reserved. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a License Agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material.  The following copyright notice applies to the use of Points of Interest:  © 1992 – 2021 TomTom. All rights reserved. Portions of the POI database contained in Points of Interest North America have been provided by Neustar Localeze  The following copyright notice applies to the use of Telecommunications:  © 2021 Pitney Bowes Software Inc. All rights reserved. This product contains information and/or data of iconectiv, licensed to be included herein. Copyright © 2021 iconectiv. All rights reserved.  The following copyright notice applies to the use of Logistics:  © 1992 – 2021 TomTom. Truck Attribute Data © 2004 - 2021 ProMiles Software Development Corporation. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned or licensed to TomTom.",
        "The 6-digit alpha/numeric Canadian Postal Codes contained in any Licensed Product cannot be used for bulk mailing of items through the Canadian postal system. Furthermore, the 6-digit alpha/numeric Canadian Postal Codes must be wholly contained in the Authorized Application and shall not be extractable. Canadian Postal Codes cannot be displayed or used for postal code look-up on the Internet, nor can they be extracted or exported from any application to be utilized in the creation of any other data set or application. Notwithstanding the above, an End User may optionally correct or derive Canadian Postal Codes using the Authorized Application, but only as part of the address information for locations (e.g.: of delivery points and depots) that have been set up in the Authorized Application, and optionally extract data for fleet management purposes.",
        "This product contains information adapted from Statistics Canada: Boundary Files, 2016 Census; Road Network File, 2018; and Census Population and Dwelling Count Highlight Tables, 2016 Census. This does not constitute an endorsement by Statistics Canada of this product.",
        "Contains information licensed under Open Government Licence – Canada.",
        "Contains data made available by GeoNames licensed under CC-BY 4.0. For more information visit",
        "Contains information provided by TransLink (South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority) under the modified open GTFS Data Terms of Use Agreement. For specifics:",
        "Contains information licensed under Open Government Licence:  * Vancouver  * City of Victoria  * British Columbia  * City of Surrey  * Kamloops  * Nanaimo  * City of Westminster  * City of Prince George  * Burnaby  * City of Kelowna  * Maple Ridge  * North Vancouver"
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "OCP",
        "label": ""
      "copyrights": [
        "You agree to include as soon as practically possible, but no later than the first new release of the Authorized Application following Your receipt of any 3D Landmarks, any copyright notices related to the display of such landmarks on every Authorized Application and in the “about box” of the Authorized Application.  Notwithstanding the aforementioned, TomTom has the right to decide, at its sole discretion, to remove specific 3D Landmarks in subsequent releases of the Licensed Products. In such case, You will remove those 3D Landmarks from the Authorized Application as soon as practically possible, but not later than the first new release of the Authorized Application following Your receipt of the Update to the Licensed Product. TomTom shall not be held responsible for any possible damages, costs or expenses incurred by You related to such removal of a 3D Landmark by TomTom from the Licensed Product or failure to remove a 3D Landmark by You from the Authorized Application.",
        "TomTom hereby grants to You a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Software Licensed Products for the sole and limited purpose of assisting You in viewing, analyzing and sectioning the Licensed Products. In no event shall You use the Software Licensed Products to view, analyze, section or in any way manipulate spatial map data that is not provided by TomTom. You shall not derive or attempt to derive the source code of all or any portion of the Licensed Products by reverse engineering, disassembly, decompilation, translation or any other means. You shall affix the following copyright notice on any copy of the GDF Viewer, or any portion of the Licensed Products: “Software ©2011-2020 TomTom North America, Inc. All rights reserved.",
        "Neither the Data nor the Licensed Products such as Speed Profiles or TomTom Traffic or any derivatives thereof shall be used for the purpose of enforcement of traffic laws including but not limited to the selection of potential locations for the installation of speed cameras, speed traps or other speed tracking devices. With regards to Speed Profiles, You acknowledge and agrees that the actual speeds may not reflect the legally imposed speed limits.",
        "You specifically agree that it shall not: (i) store the data for more than twenty-four (24) hours on Your servers; (ii) broadcast or make Live Services Licensed Products available except to authorized End Users; and (iii) use the feed or information received via the feed for historical data purposes (including but not limited to collection or analysis)."
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "OUP",
        "label": ""
      "copyrights": [
        "You agree to include as soon as practically possible, but no later than the first new release of the Authorized Application following Your receipt of any 3D Landmarks, any copyright notices related to the display of such landmarks on every Authorized Application and in the “about box” of the Authorized Application.  Notwithstanding the aforementioned, TomTom has the right to decide, at its sole discretion, to remove specific 3D Landmarks in subsequent releases of the Licensed Products. In such case, You will remove those 3D Landmarks from the Authorized Application as soon as practically possible, but not later than the first new release of the Authorized Application following Your receipt of the Update to the Licensed Product. TomTom shall not be held responsible for any possible damages, costs or expenses incurred by You related to such removal of a 3D Landmark by TomTom from the Licensed Product or failure to remove a 3D Landmark by You from the Authorized Application.",
        "TomTom hereby grants to You a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Software Licensed Products for the sole and limited purpose of assisting You in viewing, analyzing and sectioning the Licensed Products. In no event shall You use the Software Licensed Products to view, analyze, section or in any way manipulate spatial map data that is not provided by TomTom. You shall not derive or attempt to derive the source code of all or any portion of the Licensed Products by reverse engineering, disassembly, decompilation, translation or any other means. You shall affix the following copyright notice on any copy of the GDF Viewer, or any portion of the Licensed Products: “Software ©2011-2020 TomTom North America, Inc. All rights reserved.",
        "Neither the Data nor the Licensed Products such as Speed Profiles or TomTom Traffic or any derivatives thereof shall be used for the purpose of enforcement of traffic laws including but not limited to the selection of potential locations for the installation of speed cameras, speed traps or other speed tracking devices. With regards to Speed Profiles, You acknowledge and agrees that the actual speeds may not reflect the legally imposed speed limits.",
        "You specifically agree that it shall not: (i) store the data for more than twenty-four (24) hours on Your servers; (ii) broadcast or make Live Services Licensed Products available except to authorized End Users; and (iii) use the feed or information received via the feed for historical data purposes (including but not limited to collection or analysis)."
      "country": {
        "ISO3": "USA",
        "label": "United States"
      "copyrights": [
        "You agree to include as soon as practically possible, but no later than the first new release of the Authorized Application following Your receipt of any 3D Landmarks, any copyright notices related to the display of such landmarks on every Authorized Application and in the “about box” of the Authorized Application.  Notwithstanding the aforementioned, TomTom has the right to decide, at its sole discretion, to remove specific 3D Landmarks in subsequent releases of the Licensed Products. In such case, You will remove those 3D Landmarks from the Authorized Application as soon as practically possible, but not later than the first new release of the Authorized Application following Your receipt of the Update to the Licensed Product. TomTom shall not be held responsible for any possible damages, costs or expenses incurred by You related to such removal of a 3D Landmark by TomTom from the Licensed Product or failure to remove a 3D Landmark by You from the Authorized Application.",
        "TomTom hereby grants to You a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Software Licensed Products for the sole and limited purpose of assisting You in viewing, analyzing and sectioning the Licensed Products. In no event shall You use the Software Licensed Products to view, analyze, section or in any way manipulate spatial map data that is not provided by TomTom. You shall not derive or attempt to derive the source code of all or any portion of the Licensed Products by reverse engineering, disassembly, decompilation, translation or any other means. You shall affix the following copyright notice on any copy of the GDF Viewer, or any portion of the Licensed Products: “Software ©2011-2020 TomTom North America, Inc. All rights reserved.",
        "Neither the Data nor the Licensed Products such as Speed Profiles or TomTom Traffic or any derivatives thereof shall be used for the purpose of enforcement of traffic laws including but not limited to the selection of potential locations for the installation of speed cameras, speed traps or other speed tracking devices. With regards to Speed Profiles, You acknowledge and agrees that the actual speeds may not reflect the legally imposed speed limits.",
        "You specifically agree that it shall not: (i) store the data for more than twenty-four (24) hours on Your servers; (ii) broadcast or make Live Services Licensed Products available except to authorized End Users; and (iii) use the feed or information received via the feed for historical data purposes (including but not limited to collection or analysis).",
        "The following copyright notice applies to the use of Post- FSA layer and 6-digit layer:  © 1992 – 2021 TomTom. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned or licensed to TomTom. The product includes information copied with permission from Canadian authorities, including © Canada Post Corporation, All rights reserved. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a License Agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material.  The following copyright notice applies to the use of Points of Interest:  © 1992 – 2021 TomTom. All rights reserved. Portions of the POI database contained in Points of Interest North America have been provided by Neustar Localeze  The following copyright notice applies to the use of Telecommunications:  © 2021 Pitney Bowes Software Inc. All rights reserved. This product contains information and/or data of iconectiv, licensed to be included herein. Copyright © 2021 iconectiv. All rights reserved.  The following copyright notice applies to the use of Logistics:  © 1992 – 2021 TomTom. Truck Attribute Data © 2004 - 2021 ProMiles Software Development Corporation. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned or licensed to TomTom.",
        "© United States Postal Service 2021",
        "You shall not use the Municipal Boundary layer of the Administrative Areas product to create or derive applications which are used by third parties for the purpose of tariff, tax jurisdiction, or tax rate determination for a particular address or range of addresses.",
        "This product is built on basis on the following elevation data: SRTM, GTOPO, NED data available from the US Geological Survey:",
        "This product is built on basis on the following elevation data: 2-minute Gridded Global Relief Data (ETOPO2v2) available from U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Geophysical Data Center:",
        "Contains data made available by City of Everett, WA with the following disclaimer:",
        "\"The data made available here has been modified for use from its original source, which is the City of Everett. Neither the City of Everett nor the Information Technology Department makes any claims as to the completeness, timeliness, accuracy or content of any data contained in this application; makes any representation of any kind, including, but not limited to, warranty of the accuracy or fitness for a particular use; nor are any such warranties to be implied or inferred with respect to the information or data furnished herein. The data is subject to change as modifications and updates are complete. It is understood that the information contained in the web feed is being used at one's own risk.\" For specifics, please reference:"


Name Description

Dit object wordt geretourneerd na een geslaagde auteursrechtaanvraag




Aanvullende informatie over de resourcebeheerfout.


De foutdetails.




Ja/nee-waarde om tekstgegevens uit te sluiten van antwoord. Alleen afbeeldingen en land-/regionamen worden als antwoord weergegeven.


Gewenste indeling van het antwoord. De waarde kan json of xml zijn.

Dit object wordt geretourneerd na een geslaagde auteursrechtaanvraag

Name Type Description


De eigenschap Versie opmaken



Matrix algemene auteursrechten



Matrix Regio's



Name Type Description







Aanvullende informatie over de resourcebeheerfout.

Name Type Description


De aanvullende informatie.



Het type aanvullende informatie.


De foutdetails.

Name Type Description


De fout aanvullende informatie.



De foutcode.



De foutdetails.



Het foutbericht.



Het foutdoel.



Name Type Description


Het foutobject.


Ja/nee-waarde om tekstgegevens uit te sluiten van antwoord. Alleen afbeeldingen en land-/regionamen worden als antwoord weergegeven.

Name Type Description


Tekstuele gegevens uitsluiten van antwoord. Alleen afbeeldingen en land-/regionamen worden als antwoord weergegeven.



Neem alle tekstuele gegevens op als antwoord.


Name Type Description







Gewenste indeling van het antwoord. De waarde kan json of xml zijn.

Name Type Description


De JavaScript Object Notation Data Interchange-indeling



De uitbreidbare opmaaktaal