Iterations - Export
Export a trained iteration.
POST {Endpoint}/customvision/v3.3/training/projects/{projectId}/iterations/{iterationId}/export?platform={platform}
POST {Endpoint}/customvision/v3.3/training/projects/{projectId}/iterations/{iterationId}/export?platform={platform}&flavor={flavor}
URI Parameters
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string |
Supported Cognitive Services endpoints. |
path | True |
string (uuid) |
The iteration id. |
path | True |
string (uuid) |
The project id. |
query | True |
string |
The target platform. |
query |
string |
The flavor of the target platform. |
Request Header
Name | Required | Type | Description |
Training-Key | True |
string |
Name | Type | Description |
200 OK |
OK Media Types: "application/json", "application/xml", "text/xml" |
Other Status Codes |
Error response Media Types: "application/json", "application/xml", "text/xml" |
Successful ExportIteration request
Sample request
Sample response
"platform": "TensorFlow",
"status": "Exporting",
"downloadUri": "",
"newerVersionAvailable": false
Name | Description |
Custom |
Custom |
The error code. |
Export | |
Export |
Flavor of the export. These are specializations of the export platform. Docker platform has valid flavors: Linux, Windows, ARM. Tensorflow platform has valid flavors: TensorFlowNormal, TensorFlowLite. ONNX platform has valid flavors: ONNX10, ONNX12. |
Export |
Platform of the export. |
Export |
Status of the export. |
Name | Type | Description |
code |
The error code. |
message |
string |
A message explaining the error reported by the service. |
The error code.
Value | Description |
BadRequest | |
BadRequestCannotMigrateProjectWithName | |
BadRequestClassificationTrainingValidationFailed | |
BadRequestCustomerManagedKeyRevoked | |
BadRequestDetectionTrainingNotAllowNegativeTag | |
BadRequestDetectionTrainingValidationFailed | |
BadRequestDomainNotSupportedForAdvancedTraining | |
BadRequestExceedIterationPerProjectLimit | |
BadRequestExceedProjectLimit | |
BadRequestExceedTagPerImageLimit | |
BadRequestExceedTagPerProjectLimit | |
BadRequestExceededBatchSize | |
BadRequestExceededQuota | |
BadRequestExportAlreadyInProgress | |
BadRequestExportPlatformNotSupportedForAdvancedTraining | |
BadRequestExportValidationFailed | |
BadRequestExportWhileTraining | |
BadRequestImageBatch | |
BadRequestImageDimensions | |
BadRequestImageExceededCount | |
BadRequestImageFormat | |
BadRequestImageMetadataKey | |
BadRequestImageMetadataValue | |
BadRequestImageRegions | |
BadRequestImageSizeBytes | |
BadRequestImageStream | |
BadRequestImageTags | |
BadRequestImageUrl | |
BadRequestInvalid | |
BadRequestInvalidArtifactUri | |
BadRequestInvalidEmailAddress | |
BadRequestInvalidIds | |
BadRequestInvalidImportToken | |
BadRequestInvalidPublishName | |
BadRequestInvalidPublishTarget | |
BadRequestIterationDescription | |
BadRequestIterationIsNotTrained | |
BadRequestIterationIsPublished | |
BadRequestIterationName | |
BadRequestIterationNameNotUnique | |
BadRequestIterationNotPublished | |
BadRequestIterationValidationFailed | |
BadRequestMultiClassClassificationTrainingValidationFailed | |
BadRequestMultiLabelClassificationTrainingValidationFailed | |
BadRequestMultipleGeneralProductTag | |
BadRequestMultipleNegativeTag | |
BadRequestNegativeAndRegularTagOnSameImage | |
BadRequestNotLimitedTrial | |
BadRequestNotSupported | |
BadRequestOperationNotSupported | |
BadRequestPredictionIdsExceededCount | |
BadRequestPredictionIdsMissing | |
BadRequestPredictionInvalidApplicationName | |
BadRequestPredictionInvalidQueryParameters | |
BadRequestPredictionResultsExceededCount | |
BadRequestPredictionTagsExceededCount | |
BadRequestProjectDescription | |
BadRequestProjectDuplicated | |
BadRequestProjectImagePreprocessingSettings | |
BadRequestProjectName | |
BadRequestProjectNameNotUnique | |
BadRequestProjectUnknownClassification | |
BadRequestProjectUnknownDomain | |
BadRequestProjectUnsupportedDomainTypeChange | |
BadRequestProjectUnsupportedExportPlatform | |
BadRequestRequiredParamIsNull | |
BadRequestReservedBudgetInHoursNotEnoughForAdvancedTraining | |
BadRequestSubscriptionApi | |
BadRequestTagDescription | |
BadRequestTagName | |
BadRequestTagNameNotUnique | |
BadRequestTagType | |
BadRequestTrainingAlreadyInProgress | |
BadRequestTrainingNotNeeded | |
BadRequestTrainingNotNeededButTrainingPipelineUpdated | |
BadRequestTrainingValidationFailed | |
BadRequestUnpublishFailed | |
BadRequestUnsupportedDomain | |
BadRequestWorkspaceCannotBeModified | |
BadRequestWorkspaceNotDeletable | |
Conflict | |
ConflictInvalid | |
ErrorExporterInvalidClassifier | |
ErrorExporterInvalidFeaturizer | |
ErrorExporterInvalidPlatform | |
ErrorFeaturizationAugmentationError | |
ErrorFeaturizationAugmentationUnavailable | |
ErrorFeaturizationInvalidFeaturizer | |
ErrorFeaturizationQueueTimeout | |
ErrorFeaturizationServiceUnavailable | |
ErrorFeaturizationUnrecognizedJob | |
ErrorInvalid | |
ErrorIterationCopyFailed | |
ErrorPrediction | |
ErrorPredictionModelNotCached | |
ErrorPredictionModelNotFound | |
ErrorPredictionServiceUnavailable | |
ErrorPredictionStorage | |
ErrorPreparePerformanceMigrationFailed | |
ErrorProjectExportRequestFailed | |
ErrorProjectImportRequestFailed | |
ErrorProjectInvalidDomain | |
ErrorProjectInvalidPipelineConfiguration | |
ErrorProjectInvalidWorkspace | |
ErrorProjectTrainingRequestFailed | |
ErrorRegionProposal | |
ErrorUnknown | |
ErrorUnknownBaseModel | |
Forbidden | |
ForbiddenDRModeEnabled | |
ForbiddenInvalid | |
ForbiddenUser | |
ForbiddenUserDisabled | |
ForbiddenUserDoesNotExist | |
ForbiddenUserInsufficientCapability | |
ForbiddenUserResource | |
ForbiddenUserSignupAllowanceExceeded | |
ForbiddenUserSignupDisabled | |
NoError | |
NotFound | |
NotFoundApimSubscription | |
NotFoundDomain | |
NotFoundImage | |
NotFoundInvalid | |
NotFoundIteration | |
NotFoundIterationPerformance | |
NotFoundProject | |
NotFoundProjectDefaultIteration | |
NotFoundTag | |
UnsupportedMediaType |
Name | Type | Description |
downloadUri |
string |
URI used to download the model. If VNET feature is enabled this will be a relative path to be used with GetArtifact, otherwise this will be an absolute URI to the resource. |
flavor |
Flavor of the export. These are specializations of the export platform. Docker platform has valid flavors: Linux, Windows, ARM. Tensorflow platform has valid flavors: TensorFlowNormal, TensorFlowLite. ONNX platform has valid flavors: ONNX10, ONNX12. |
newerVersionAvailable |
boolean |
Indicates an updated version of the export package is available and should be re-exported for the latest changes. |
platform |
Platform of the export. |
status |
Status of the export. |
Flavor of the export. These are specializations of the export platform. Docker platform has valid flavors: Linux, Windows, ARM. Tensorflow platform has valid flavors: TensorFlowNormal, TensorFlowLite. ONNX platform has valid flavors: ONNX10, ONNX12.
Value | Description |
ARM | |
Linux | |
ONNX10 | |
ONNX12 | |
TensorFlowLite | |
TensorFlowNormal | |
Windows |
Platform of the export.
Value | Description |
CoreML | |
DockerFile | |
ONNX | |
TensorFlow | |
Status of the export.
Value | Description |
Done | |
Exporting | |
Failed |