Cross Region Restore - Trigger
Restores the specified backed up data in a different region as compared to where the data is backed up.
URI Parameters
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string |
Azure region to hit Api |
path | True |
string |
The subscription Id. |
query | True |
string |
Client Api Version. |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
crossRegionRestoreAccessDetails | CrrAccessToken: |
Access details for cross region restore |
restoreRequest | RestoreRequest: |
Request object for triggering restore |
Name | Type | Description |
200 OK |
OK |
202 Accepted |
Accepted |
Other Status Codes |
Error response describing why the operation failed. |
Azure Active Directory OAuth2 Flow
Authorization URL:
Name | Description |
user_impersonation | impersonate your user account. |
Trigger Cross Region Restore |
Trigger Cross Region Restore with identity |
Trigger Cross Region Restore
Sample request
"crossRegionRestoreAccessDetails": {
"objectType": "WorkloadCrrAccessToken",
"accessTokenString": "**********",
"backupManagementType": "AzureIaasVM",
"containerName": "iaasvmcontainerv2;srinivasccyrg;sriniccylinux",
"containerType": "IaasVMContainer",
"coordinatorServiceStampUri": "",
"datasourceContainerName": "iaasvmcontainerv2;srinivasccyrg;sriniccylinux",
"datasourceId": "1142937031",
"datasourceName": "sriniccylinux",
"datasourceType": "VM",
"protectionServiceStampId": "90d98224-2ac6-4bda-9f35-33fb22841f2a",
"protectionServiceStampUri": "",
"recoveryPointId": "87178355392716",
"recoveryPointTime": "10/9/2019 6:05:54 PM",
"resourceGroupName": "srinivasccyrg",
"resourceId": "1330837906418138160",
"resourceName": "sriniccyvault",
"subscriptionId": "f2edfd5d-5496-4683-b94f-b3588c579009",
"tokenExtendedInformation": "<IaaSVMRecoveryPointMetadataBase xmlns:i=\"\" i:type=\"IaaSVMRecoveryPointMetadata_V2015_09\" xmlns=\"\"><MetadataVersion>V2015_09</MetadataVersion><ContainerType i:nil=\"true\" /><InstantRpGCId>f2edfd5d-5496-4683-b94f-b3588c579009;AzureBackup_sriniccylinux_1142937031;AzureBackup_20191009_060554;AzureBackupRG_centraluseuap_1</InstantRpGCId><IsBlockBlobEnabled>true</IsBlockBlobEnabled><IsManagedVirtualMachine>true</IsManagedVirtualMachine><OriginalSAOption>false</OriginalSAOption><OsType>Linux</OsType><ReadMetadaFromConfigBlob i:nil=\"true\" /><RecoveryPointConsistencyType>FileSystemConsistent</RecoveryPointConsistencyType><RpDiskDetails i:nil=\"true\" /><SourceIaaSVMRPKeyAndSecret i:nil=\"true\" /><SourceIaaSVMStorageType>PremiumVMOnPremiumStorage</SourceIaaSVMStorageType><VMSizeDescription>Standard_D2s_v3</VMSizeDescription></IaaSVMRecoveryPointMetadataBase>"
"restoreRequest": {
"affinityGroup": "",
"createNewCloudService": false,
"encryptionDetails": {
"encryptionEnabled": false
"identityInfo": {
"isSystemAssignedIdentity": false,
"managedIdentityResourceId": "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/asmaskarRG1/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/asmaskartestmsi"
"objectType": "IaasVMRestoreRequest",
"originalStorageAccountOption": false,
"recoveryPointId": "87178355392716",
"recoveryType": "AlternateLocation",
"region": "eastus2euap",
"sourceResourceId": "/subscriptions/f2edfd5d-5496-4683-b94f-b3588c579009/resourceGroups/srinivasccyrg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/sriniccylinux",
"storageAccountId": "/subscriptions/f2edfd5d-5496-4683-b94f-b3588c579009/resourceGroups/00prjaiTestRg1/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/00prjaitestrg1disks993",
"subnetId": "/subscriptions/f2edfd5d-5496-4683-b94f-b3588c579009/resourceGroups/00networkAcklVaultCCY/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/00networkAcklVaultCCY-vnet/subnets/default",
"targetDomainNameId": null,
"targetResourceGroupId": "/subscriptions/f2edfd5d-5496-4683-b94f-b3588c579009/resourceGroups/00networkAckl",
"targetVirtualMachineId": "/subscriptions/f2edfd5d-5496-4683-b94f-b3588c579009/resourceGroups/00networkAckl/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/gaallaVM",
"virtualNetworkId": "/subscriptions/f2edfd5d-5496-4683-b94f-b3588c579009/resourceGroups/00networkAcklVaultCCY/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/00networkAcklVaultCCY-vnet",
"zones": [
Sample response
Location: location:
Azure-AsyncOperation: azure-asyncoperation:
Retry-After: 60
Trigger Cross Region Restore with identityBasedRestoreDetails
Sample request
"crossRegionRestoreAccessDetails": {
"objectType": "WorkloadCrrAccessToken",
"accessTokenString": "**********",
"backupManagementType": "AzureIaasVM",
"containerName": "iaasvmcontainerv2;srinivasccyrg;sriniccylinux",
"containerType": "IaasVMContainer",
"coordinatorServiceStampUri": "",
"datasourceContainerName": "iaasvmcontainerv2;srinivasccyrg;sriniccylinux",
"datasourceId": "1142937031",
"datasourceName": "sriniccylinux",
"datasourceType": "VM",
"protectionServiceStampId": "90d98224-2ac6-4bda-9f35-33fb22841f2a",
"protectionServiceStampUri": "",
"recoveryPointId": "87178355392716",
"recoveryPointTime": "10/9/2019 6:05:54 PM",
"resourceGroupName": "srinivasccyrg",
"resourceId": "1330837906418138160",
"resourceName": "sriniccyvault",
"subscriptionId": "f2edfd5d-5496-4683-b94f-b3588c579009",
"tokenExtendedInformation": "<IaaSVMRecoveryPointMetadataBase xmlns:i=\"\" i:type=\"IaaSVMRecoveryPointMetadata_V2015_09\" xmlns=\"\"><MetadataVersion>V2015_09</MetadataVersion><ContainerType i:nil=\"true\" /><InstantRpGCId>f2edfd5d-5496-4683-b94f-b3588c579009;AzureBackup_sriniccylinux_1142937031;AzureBackup_20191009_060554;AzureBackupRG_centraluseuap_1</InstantRpGCId><IsBlockBlobEnabled>true</IsBlockBlobEnabled><IsManagedVirtualMachine>true</IsManagedVirtualMachine><OriginalSAOption>false</OriginalSAOption><OsType>Linux</OsType><ReadMetadaFromConfigBlob i:nil=\"true\" /><RecoveryPointConsistencyType>FileSystemConsistent</RecoveryPointConsistencyType><RpDiskDetails i:nil=\"true\" /><SourceIaaSVMRPKeyAndSecret i:nil=\"true\" /><SourceIaaSVMStorageType>PremiumVMOnPremiumStorage</SourceIaaSVMStorageType><VMSizeDescription>Standard_D2s_v3</VMSizeDescription></IaaSVMRecoveryPointMetadataBase>"
"restoreRequest": {
"affinityGroup": "",
"createNewCloudService": false,
"encryptionDetails": {
"encryptionEnabled": false
"identityInfo": {
"isSystemAssignedIdentity": false,
"managedIdentityResourceId": "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/asmaskarRG1/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/asmaskartestmsi"
"identityBasedRestoreDetails": {
"targetStorageAccountId": "/subscriptions/f2edfd5d-5496-4683-b94f-b3588c579009/resourceGroups/00prjaiTestRg1/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/00prjaitestrg1disks993"
"objectType": "IaasVMRestoreRequest",
"originalStorageAccountOption": false,
"recoveryPointId": "87178355392716",
"recoveryType": "AlternateLocation",
"region": "eastus2euap",
"sourceResourceId": "/subscriptions/f2edfd5d-5496-4683-b94f-b3588c579009/resourceGroups/srinivasccyrg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/sriniccylinux",
"subnetId": "/subscriptions/f2edfd5d-5496-4683-b94f-b3588c579009/resourceGroups/00networkAcklVaultCCY/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/00networkAcklVaultCCY-vnet/subnets/default",
"targetDomainNameId": null,
"targetResourceGroupId": "/subscriptions/f2edfd5d-5496-4683-b94f-b3588c579009/resourceGroups/00networkAckl",
"targetVirtualMachineId": "/subscriptions/f2edfd5d-5496-4683-b94f-b3588c579009/resourceGroups/00networkAckl/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/gaallaVM",
"virtualNetworkId": "/subscriptions/f2edfd5d-5496-4683-b94f-b3588c579009/resourceGroups/00networkAcklVaultCCY/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/00networkAcklVaultCCY-vnet",
"zones": [
Sample response
Location: location:
Azure-AsyncOperation: azure-asyncoperation:
Retry-After: 60
Name | Description |
Azure |
AzureFileShare Restore Request |
Azure |
AzureWorkload SAP Hana -specific restore. Specifically for PointInTime/Log restore |
Azure |
AzureWorkload-specific restore. |
Azure |
AzureWorkload SAP Hana -specific restore. Specifically for PointInTime/Log restore |
Azure |
AzureWorkload SAP Hana-specific restore. |
Azure |
AzureWorkload SQL -specific restore. Specifically for PointInTime/Log restore |
Azure |
AzureWorkload SQL -specific restore. Specifically for full/diff restore |
Copy |
Options to resolve copy conflicts. |
Cross |
Encryption |
Details needed if the VM was encrypted at the time of backup. |
Error |
The error object. |
Error |
The resource management error additional info. |
Iaas |
IaaS VM workload-specific restore. |
Identity |
IaaS VM workload specific restore details for restores using managed identity |
Identity |
Encapsulates Managed Identity related information |
New |
The resource management error response. |
Overwrite |
Can Overwrite if Target DataBase already exists |
Recovery |
Defines whether the current recovery mode is file restore or database restore |
Recovery |
Type of this recovery. |
Restore |
Restore file specs like file path, type and target folder path info. |
Restore |
Restore Type (FullShareRestore or ItemLevelRestore) |
SQLData |
Encapsulates information regarding data directory |
SQLData |
Type of data directory mapping |
Target |
Target Azure File Share Info. |
Target |
Details about target workload during restore operation. |
Workload |
AzureFileShare Restore Request
Name | Type | Description |
copyOptions |
Options to resolve copy conflicts. |
objectType | string: |
This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorphic chain of types. |
recoveryType |
Type of this recovery. |
restoreFileSpecs |
List of Source Files/Folders(which need to recover) and TargetFolderPath details |
restoreRequestType |
Restore Type (FullShareRestore or ItemLevelRestore) |
sourceResourceId |
string |
Source storage account ARM Id |
targetDetails |
Target File Share Details |
AzureWorkload SAP Hana -specific restore. Specifically for PointInTime/Log restore
Name | Type | Description |
objectType | string: |
This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorphic chain of types. |
pointInTime |
string (date-time) |
PointInTime value |
propertyBag |
object |
Workload specific property bag. |
recoveryMode |
Defines whether the current recovery mode is file restore or database restore |
recoveryType |
Type of this recovery. |
sourceResourceId |
string |
Fully qualified ARM ID of the VM on which workload that was running is being recovered. |
targetInfo |
Details of target database |
targetVirtualMachineId |
string |
This is the complete ARM Id of the target VM For e.g. /subscriptions/{subId}/resourcegroups/{rg}/provider/Microsoft.Compute/virtualmachines/{vm} |
AzureWorkload-specific restore.
Name | Type | Description |
objectType | string: |
This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorphic chain of types. |
propertyBag |
object |
Workload specific property bag. |
recoveryMode |
Defines whether the current recovery mode is file restore or database restore |
recoveryType |
Type of this recovery. |
sourceResourceId |
string |
Fully qualified ARM ID of the VM on which workload that was running is being recovered. |
targetInfo |
Details of target database |
targetVirtualMachineId |
string |
This is the complete ARM Id of the target VM For e.g. /subscriptions/{subId}/resourcegroups/{rg}/provider/Microsoft.Compute/virtualmachines/{vm} |
AzureWorkload SAP Hana -specific restore. Specifically for PointInTime/Log restore
Name | Type | Description |
objectType | string: |
This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorphic chain of types. |
pointInTime |
string (date-time) |
PointInTime value |
propertyBag |
object |
Workload specific property bag. |
recoveryMode |
Defines whether the current recovery mode is file restore or database restore |
recoveryType |
Type of this recovery. |
sourceResourceId |
string |
Fully qualified ARM ID of the VM on which workload that was running is being recovered. |
targetInfo |
Details of target database |
targetVirtualMachineId |
string |
This is the complete ARM Id of the target VM For e.g. /subscriptions/{subId}/resourcegroups/{rg}/provider/Microsoft.Compute/virtualmachines/{vm} |
AzureWorkload SAP Hana-specific restore.
Name | Type | Description |
objectType | string: |
This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorphic chain of types. |
propertyBag |
object |
Workload specific property bag. |
recoveryMode |
Defines whether the current recovery mode is file restore or database restore |
recoveryType |
Type of this recovery. |
sourceResourceId |
string |
Fully qualified ARM ID of the VM on which workload that was running is being recovered. |
targetInfo |
Details of target database |
targetVirtualMachineId |
string |
This is the complete ARM Id of the target VM For e.g. /subscriptions/{subId}/resourcegroups/{rg}/provider/Microsoft.Compute/virtualmachines/{vm} |
AzureWorkload SQL -specific restore. Specifically for PointInTime/Log restore
Name | Type | Description |
alternateDirectoryPaths |
Data directory details |
isNonRecoverable |
boolean |
SQL specific property where user can chose to set no-recovery when restore operation is tried |
objectType | string: |
This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorphic chain of types. |
pointInTime |
string (date-time) |
PointInTime value |
propertyBag |
object |
Workload specific property bag. |
recoveryMode |
Defines whether the current recovery mode is file restore or database restore |
recoveryType |
Type of this recovery. |
shouldUseAlternateTargetLocation |
boolean |
Default option set to true. If this is set to false, alternate data directory must be provided |
sourceResourceId |
string |
Fully qualified ARM ID of the VM on which workload that was running is being recovered. |
targetInfo |
Details of target database |
targetVirtualMachineId |
string |
This is the complete ARM Id of the target VM For e.g. /subscriptions/{subId}/resourcegroups/{rg}/provider/Microsoft.Compute/virtualmachines/{vm} |
AzureWorkload SQL -specific restore. Specifically for full/diff restore
Name | Type | Description |
alternateDirectoryPaths |
Data directory details |
isNonRecoverable |
boolean |
SQL specific property where user can chose to set no-recovery when restore operation is tried |
objectType | string: |
This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorphic chain of types. |
propertyBag |
object |
Workload specific property bag. |
recoveryMode |
Defines whether the current recovery mode is file restore or database restore |
recoveryType |
Type of this recovery. |
shouldUseAlternateTargetLocation |
boolean |
Default option set to true. If this is set to false, alternate data directory must be provided |
sourceResourceId |
string |
Fully qualified ARM ID of the VM on which workload that was running is being recovered. |
targetInfo |
Details of target database |
targetVirtualMachineId |
string |
This is the complete ARM Id of the target VM For e.g. /subscriptions/{subId}/resourcegroups/{rg}/provider/Microsoft.Compute/virtualmachines/{vm} |
Options to resolve copy conflicts.
Value | Description |
CreateCopy | |
FailOnConflict | |
Invalid | |
Overwrite | |
Skip |
Name | Type | Description |
crossRegionRestoreAccessDetails | CrrAccessToken: |
Access details for cross region restore |
restoreRequest | RestoreRequest: |
Request object for triggering restore |
Details needed if the VM was encrypted at the time of backup.
Name | Type | Description |
encryptionEnabled |
boolean |
Identifies whether this backup copy represents an encrypted VM at the time of backup. |
kekUrl |
string |
Key Url. |
kekVaultId |
string |
ID of Key Vault where KEK is stored. |
secretKeyUrl |
string |
Secret Url. |
secretKeyVaultId |
string |
ID of Key Vault where Secret is stored. |
The error object.
Name | Type | Description |
additionalInfo |
The error additional info. |
code |
string |
The error code. |
details |
The error details. |
message |
string |
The error message. |
target |
string |
The error target. |
The resource management error additional info.
Name | Type | Description |
info |
object |
The additional info. |
type |
string |
The additional info type. |
IaaS VM workload-specific restore.
Name | Type | Description |
affinityGroup |
string |
Affinity group associated to VM to be restored. Used only for Classic Compute Virtual Machines. |
createNewCloudService |
boolean |
Should a new cloud service be created while restoring the VM. If this is false, VM will be restored to the same cloud service as it was at the time of backup. |
diskEncryptionSetId |
string |
DiskEncryptionSet's ID - needed if the VM needs to be encrypted at rest during restore with customer managed key. |
encryptionDetails |
Details needed if the VM was encrypted at the time of backup. |
identityBasedRestoreDetails |
IaaS VM workload specific restore details for restores using managed identity. |
identityInfo |
Managed Identity information required to access customer storage account. |
objectType | string: |
This property will be used as the discriminator for deciding the specific types in the polymorphic chain of types. |
originalStorageAccountOption |
boolean |
Original Storage Account Option |
recoveryPointId |
string |
ID of the backup copy to be recovered. |
recoveryType |
Type of this recovery. |
region |
string |
Region in which the virtual machine is restored. |
restoreDiskLunList |
integer[] (int32) |
List of Disk LUNs for partial restore |
restoreWithManagedDisks |
boolean |
Flag to denote of an Unmanaged disk VM should be restored with Managed disks. |
sourceResourceId |
string |
Fully qualified ARM ID of the VM which is being recovered. |
storageAccountId |
string |
Fully qualified ARM ID of the storage account to which the VM has to be restored. |
subnetId |
string |
Subnet ID, is the subnet ID associated with the to be restored VM. For Classic VMs it would be {VnetID}/Subnet/{SubnetName} and, for the Azure Resource Manager VMs it would be ARM resource ID used to represent the subnet. |
targetDomainNameId |
string |
Fully qualified ARM ID of the domain name to be associated to the VM being restored. This applies only to Classic Virtual Machines. |
targetResourceGroupId |
string |
This is the ARM Id of the resource group that you want to create for this Virtual machine and other artifacts. For e.g. /subscriptions/{subId}/resourcegroups/{rg} |
targetVirtualMachineId |
string |
This is the complete ARM Id of the VM that will be created. For e.g. /subscriptions/{subId}/resourcegroups/{rg}/provider/Microsoft.Compute/virtualmachines/{vm} |
virtualNetworkId |
string |
This is the virtual network Id of the vnet that will be attached to the virtual machine. User will be validated for join action permissions in the linked access. |
zones |
string[] |
Target zone where the VM and its disks should be restored. |
IaaS VM workload specific restore details for restores using managed identity
Name | Type | Description |
objectType |
string |
Gets the class type. |
targetStorageAccountId |
string |
Fully qualified ARM ID of the target storage account. |
Encapsulates Managed Identity related information
Name | Type | Description |
isSystemAssignedIdentity |
boolean |
To differentiate if the managed identity is system assigned or user assigned |
managedIdentityResourceId |
string |
Managed Identity Resource Id Optional: Might not be required in the case of system assigned managed identity |
The resource management error response.
Name | Type | Description |
error |
The error object. |
Can Overwrite if Target DataBase already exists
Value | Description |
FailOnConflict | |
Invalid | |
Overwrite |
Defines whether the current recovery mode is file restore or database restore
Value | Description |
FileRecovery | |
Invalid | |
WorkloadRecovery |
Type of this recovery.
Value | Description |
AlternateLocation | |
Invalid | |
Offline | |
OriginalLocation | |
RestoreDisks |
Restore file specs like file path, type and target folder path info.
Name | Type | Description |
fileSpecType |
string |
Indicates what the Path variable stands for |
path |
string |
Source File/Folder path |
targetFolderPath |
string |
Destination folder path in target FileShare |
Restore Type (FullShareRestore or ItemLevelRestore)
Value | Description |
FullShareRestore | |
Invalid | |
ItemLevelRestore |
Encapsulates information regarding data directory
Name | Type | Description |
mappingType |
Type of data directory mapping |
sourceLogicalName |
string |
Restore source logical name path |
sourcePath |
string |
Restore source path |
targetPath |
string |
Target path |
Type of data directory mapping
Value | Description |
Data | |
Invalid | |
Log |
Target Azure File Share Info.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
string |
File share name |
targetResourceId |
string |
Target file share resource ARM ID |
Details about target workload during restore operation.
Name | Type | Description |
containerId |
string |
Resource Id name of the container in which Target DataBase resides |
databaseName |
string |
Database name InstanceName/DataBaseName for SQL or System/DbName for SAP Hana |
overwriteOption |
Can Overwrite if Target DataBase already exists |
targetDirectoryForFileRestore |
string |
Target directory location for restore as files. |
Name | Type | Description |
accessTokenString |
string |
Access token used for authentication |
bMSActiveRegion |
string |
Active region name of BMS Stamp |
backupManagementType |
string |
Backup Management Type |
containerId |
string |
Container Id |
containerName |
string |
Container Unique name |
containerType |
string |
Container Type |
coordinatorServiceStampId |
string |
CoordinatorServiceStampId to be used by BCM in restore call |
coordinatorServiceStampUri |
string |
CoordinatorServiceStampUri to be used by BCM in restore call |
datasourceContainerName |
string |
Datasource Container Unique Name |
datasourceId |
string |
Datasource Id |
datasourceName |
string |
Datasource Friendly Name |
datasourceType |
string |
Datasource Type |
objectType | string: |
Type of the specific object - used for deserializing |
policyId |
string |
Policy Id |
policyName |
string |
Policy Name |
protectableObjectContainerHostOsName |
string |
protectableObjectFriendlyName |
string |
protectableObjectParentLogicalContainerName |
string |
protectableObjectProtectionState |
string |
protectableObjectUniqueName |
string |
protectableObjectWorkloadType |
string |
protectionContainerId |
integer (int64) |
Protected item container id |
protectionServiceStampId |
string |
ProtectionServiceStampId to be used by BCM in restore call |
protectionServiceStampUri |
string |
ProtectionServiceStampUri to be used by BCM in restore call |
recoveryPointId |
string |
Recovery Point Id |
recoveryPointTime |
string |
Recovery Point Time |
resourceGroupName |
string |
Resource Group name of the source vault |
resourceId |
string |
Resource Id of the source vault |
resourceName |
string |
Resource Name of the source vault |
rpIsManagedVirtualMachine |
boolean |
Recovery point information: Managed virtual machine |
rpOriginalSAOption |
boolean |
Recovery point information: Original SA option |
rpTierInformation |
object |
Recovery point Tier Information |
rpVMSizeDescription |
string |
Recovery point information: VM size description |
subscriptionId |
string |
Subscription Id of the source vault |
tokenExtendedInformation |
string |
Extended Information about the token like FileSpec etc. |