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Export reference for eDiscovery

Export reports

The following table lists types of reports included in .zip files for export jobs in eDiscovery.

Report Description Report name
Items report Detailed meta data for all exported items (Succeeded/Failed) Items_filecounter.csv
Location report Statistics of the item count and file size, group by location (mailbox/SharePoint site) Locations_timestamp.csv
Settings report Details about the customer settings for the export Settings_timestamp.csv
Summary report Contains high level summary for the export Summary_timestamp.csv

File counts and sizes

The following table lists the default file counts and sizes for .zip files created for exports in eDiscovery:

Export type Attribute Exchange and Teams ( SharePoint and OneDrive (
Direct Export from Search Default size .zip file limit is 40 GB (maximum of 10 GB per .pst within it) 40 GB
File count Unlimited 80,000 limit
Export from Review Set Default size .zip file limit is 40 GB (maximum of 10 GB per .pst within it) 40 GB
File count Unlimited 46,000 limit


If Optimize export package partition size is enabled in the export format options, you might see a reduction in the default size of .zip folders for optimization.

Item report fields

The following table lists the new and changed fields included in export item reports in eDiscovery. This table provides the following information:

  • Field name: The name of the field displayed when viewing the export item file.

  • Previous name: The previous name of the field (if applicable).

  • Description: A description of the export item file field.

Field name Previous name Description
BCC_expanded Bcc users that are part of Distribution group.
CC_expanded CC users that are part of Distribution group.
Classification_type Set from substrate.
Compliance_labels Compliance_tags Provides the compliance tag of the item.
ContainsDeletedMessage Contains_Deleted_Message Indicator whether the item has deleted message (True / False).
ContainsEditedMessage Contains_Edited_Message Indicator whether the item has edited message (True / False).
ConversationName Conversation_Name Indicates the name/subject of the conversation.
ConversationType Conversation_Type Indicates whether it's Teams or email conversation.
CSA Set from substrate.
DataSource Display name of source.
DG_expansion_result Any To/CC/BCC having distributed group.
Doc_Index Index based on the document’s hierarchy. For example, the parent doc is at index 0.
Document_path Document path in SharePoint.
Document_Id_Index Set from substrate.
Email_sender Sender_or_createdBy Sender of the email or creator of the document.
Email_subject Subject_or_title Subject of the email or Title of the document.
Error_Warning Any errors or warning encountered during job.
Export_native_path Target_path The path where the item for export is present.
Is_Attachment_From_Transcript Is attachment part of teams transcript.
Is_Doc_From_Conversation If document is from teams/yammer conversation.
Is_Modern_Attachment If item is a modern attachment.
Location Item_Source Provides the source of the item.
Location_Id Mailbox GUID or SharePoint site ID or unknown.
Location_name Source_ID Provides the ID of the source.
Location_sub_type Type of location like Primary mailbox, site, etc.
Meeting_Name Name of teams meeting.
Modern_attachment_embedded_urls A modern attachment URL is embedded into item.
Native_Copy_From Set to the document extracted blob URL.
Original_path Path of item in mailbox or path in SharePoint
Preservation_original_url The property of preservation library item.
Retention_url Similar to modern attachments
SPOPreservationOriginalDocumentUniqueId SPO_Preservation_Original_Document_UniqueId Provides the original ID of the document found in the Preservation Hold Library.
Status Success or Failed.
TeamName Team_name Provides the name of the Team channel
TeamsAnnouncementTitle Teams_Annoucement_Title Provides details of the announcement within the Team channel.
To_expanded To users that are part of Distribution group.
Type Message or Unknown.
Workload Exchange, SharePoint, External source, etc.