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The latest version of this topic can be found at _mm_cvtsi64x_ss.

Microsoft Specific**

Generates the x64 extended version of the Convert 64-Bit Integer to Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point Value (cvtsi2ss) instruction.


__m128 _mm_cvtsi64x_ss(   
   __m128 a,   
   __int64 b   


[in] a
An __m128 structure containing four single-precision floating-point values.

[in] b
A 64-bit integer to be converted into a floating-point value.

Return Value

An __m128 structure whose first floating-point value is the result of the conversion. The other three values are copied unchanged from a.


Intrinsic Architecture
_mm_cvtsi64x_ss x64

Header file <intrin.h>


The __m128 structure represents an XMM register, so this intrinsic allows the value b from system memory to be moved into an XMM register.

This routine is only available as an intrinsic.


// _mm_cvtsi64x_ss.cpp  
// processor: x64  
#include <intrin.h>  
#include <stdio.h>  
#pragma intrinsic(_mm_cvtsi64x_ss)  
int main()  
    __m128 a;  
    __int64 b = 54;  
    a.m128_f32[0] = 0;  
    a.m128_f32[1] = 0;  
    a.m128_f32[2] = 0;  
    a.m128_f32[3] = 0;  
    a = _mm_cvtsi64x_ss(a, b);  
    printf_s( "%lf %lf %lf %lf\n",  
              a.m128_f32[0], a.m128_f32[1],   
              a.m128_f32[2], a.m128_f32[3] );  
54.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000  

END Microsoft Specific

See Also

Compiler Intrinsics