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Exception Marshaling in Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Mac

Both managed code and Objective-C have support for runtime exceptions (try/catch/finally clauses).

However, their implementations are different, which means that the runtime libraries (the Mono runtime or CoreCLR and the Objective-C runtime libraries) have problems when they have to handle exceptions and then run code written in other languages.

This document explains the problems that can occur, and the possible solutions.

It also includes a sample project, Exception Marshaling, which can be used to test different scenarios and their solutions.


The problem occurs when an exception is thrown, and during stack unwinding a frame is encountered which doesn't match the type of exception that was thrown.

A typical example of this problem is when a native API throws an Objective-C exception, and then that Objective-C exception must somehow be handled when the stack unwinding process reaches a managed frame.

For legacy Xamarin projects (pre-.NET), the default action is to do nothing. For the sample above, this means letting the Objective-C runtime unwind managed frames. This action is problematic, because the Objective-C runtime doesn't know how to unwind managed frames; for example, it won't execute any catch or finally clauses in that frame.

Broken code

Consider the following code example:

var dict = new NSMutableDictionary ();
dict.LowlevelSetObject (IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); 

This code will throw an Objective-C NSInvalidArgumentException in native code:

NSInvalidArgumentException *** setObjectForKey: key cannot be nil

And the stack trace will be something like this:

0   CoreFoundation          __exceptionPreprocess + 194
1   libobjc.A.dylib         objc_exception_throw + 52
2   CoreFoundation          -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:] + 1015
3   libobjc.A.dylib         objc_msgSend + 102
4   TestApp                 ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_IntPtr_IntPtr (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr)
5   TestApp                 Foundation.NSMutableDictionary.LowlevelSetObject (intptr,intptr)
6   TestApp                 ExceptionMarshaling.Exceptions.ThrowObjectiveCException ()

Frames 0-3 are native frames, and the stack unwinder in the Objective-C runtime can unwind those frames. In particular, it will execute any Objective-C @catch or @finally clauses.

However, the Objective-C stack unwinder is not capable of properly unwinding the managed frames (frames 4-6): the Objective-C stack unwinder will unwind the managed frames, but won't execute any managed exception logic (such as catch or `finally clauses).

Which means that it's usually not possible to catch these exceptions in the following manner:

try {
    var dict = new NSMutableDictionary ();
    dict.LowLevelSetObject (IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
} catch (Exception ex) {
    Console.WriteLine (ex);
} finally {
    Console.WriteLine ("finally");

This is because the Objective-C stack unwinder doesn't know about the managed catch clause, and neither will the finally clause be executed.

When the above code sample is effective, it's because Objective-C has a method of being notified of unhandled Objective-C exceptions, NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler, which Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Mac use, and at that point tries to convert any Objective-C exceptions to managed exceptions.


Scenario 1 - catching Objective-C exceptions with a managed catch handler

In the following scenario, it's possible to catch Objective-C exceptions using managed catch handlers:

  1. An Objective-C exception is thrown.
  2. The Objective-C runtime walks the stack (but doesn't unwind it), looking for a native @catch handler that can handle the exception.
  3. The Objective-C runtime doesn't find any @catch handlers, calls NSGetUncaughtExceptionHandler, and invokes the handler installed by Xamarin.iOS/Xamarin.Mac.
  4. Xamarin.iOS/Xamarin.Mac's handler will convert the Objective-C exception into a managed exception, and throw it. Since the Objective-C runtime didn't unwind the stack (only walked it), the current frame is the same as where the Objective-C exception was thrown.

Another problem occurs here, because the Mono runtime doesn't know how to unwind Objective-C frames properly.

When Xamarin.iOS' uncaught Objective-C exception callback is called, the stack is like this:

 0 libxamarin-debug.dylib   exception_handler(exc=name: "NSInvalidArgumentException" - reason: "*** setObjectForKey: key cannot be nil")
 1 CoreFoundation           __handleUncaughtException + 809
 2 libobjc.A.dylib          _objc_terminate() + 100
 3 libc++abi.dylib          std::__terminate(void (*)()) + 14
 4 libc++abi.dylib          __cxa_throw + 122
 5 libobjc.A.dylib          objc_exception_throw + 337
 6 CoreFoundation           -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:] + 1015
 7 libxamarin-debug.dylib   xamarin_dyn_objc_msgSend + 102
 8 TestApp                  ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_IntPtr_IntPtr (intptr,intptr,intptr,intptr)
 9 TestApp                  Foundation.NSMutableDictionary.LowlevelSetObject (intptr,intptr) [0x00000]
10 TestApp                  ExceptionMarshaling.Exceptions.ThrowObjectiveCException () [0x00013]

Here, the only managed frames are frames 8-10, but the managed exception is thrown in frame 0. This means that the Mono runtime must unwind the native frames 0-7, which causes a problem equivalent to the problem discussed above: although the Mono runtime will unwind the native frames, it won't execute any Objective-C @catch or @finally clauses.

Code example:

-(id) setObject: (id) object forKey: (id) key
    @try {
        if (key == nil)
            [NSException raise: @"NSInvalidArgumentException"];
    } @finally {
        NSLog (@"This won't be executed");

And the @finally clause won't be executed because the Mono runtime that unwinds this frame doesn't know about it.

A variation of this is to throw a managed exception in managed code, and then unwinding through native frames to get to the first managed catch clause:

class AppDelegate : UIApplicationDelegate {
    public override bool FinishedLaunching (UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
        throw new Exception ("An exception");
    static void Main (string [] args)
        try {
            UIApplication.Main (args, null, typeof (AppDelegate));
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Console.WriteLine ("Managed exception caught.");

The managed UIApplication:Main method will call the native UIApplicationMain method, and then iOS will do a lot of native code execution before eventually calling the managed AppDelegate:FinishedLaunching method, with still many native frames on the stack when the managed exception is thrown:

 0: TestApp                 ExceptionMarshaling.IOS.AppDelegate:FinishedLaunching (UIKit.UIApplication,Foundation.NSDictionary)
 1: TestApp                 (wrapper runtime-invoke) <Module>:runtime_invoke_bool__this___object_object (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) 
 2: libmonosgen-2.0.dylib   mono_jit_runtime_invoke(method=<unavailable>, obj=<unavailable>, params=<unavailable>, exc=<unavailable>, error=<unavailable>)
 3: libmonosgen-2.0.dylib   do_runtime_invoke(method=<unavailable>, obj=<unavailable>, params=<unavailable>, exc=<unavailable>, error=<unavailable>)
 4: libmonosgen-2.0.dylib   mono_runtime_invoke [inlined] mono_runtime_invoke_checked(method=<unavailable>, obj=<unavailable>, params=<unavailable>, error=0xbff45758)
 5: libmonosgen-2.0.dylib   mono_runtime_invoke(method=<unavailable>, obj=<unavailable>, params=<unavailable>, exc=<unavailable>)
 6: libxamarin-debug.dylib  xamarin_invoke_trampoline(type=<unavailable>, self=<unavailable>, sel="application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:", iterator=<unavailable>), context=<unavailable>)
 7: libxamarin-debug.dylib  xamarin_arch_trampoline(state=0xbff45ad4)
 8: libxamarin-debug.dylib  xamarin_i386_common_trampoline
 9: UIKit                   -[UIApplication _handleDelegateCallbacksWithOptions:isSuspended:restoreState:]
10: UIKit                   -[UIApplication _callInitializationDelegatesForMainScene:transitionContext:]
11: UIKit                   -[UIApplication _runWithMainScene:transitionContext:completion:]
12: UIKit                   __84-[UIApplication _handleApplicationActivationWithScene:transitionContext:completion:]_block_invoke.3124
13: UIKit                   -[UIApplication workspaceDidEndTransaction:]
14: FrontBoardServices      __37-[FBSWorkspace clientEndTransaction:]_block_invoke_2
15: FrontBoardServices      __40-[FBSWorkspace _performDelegateCallOut:]_block_invoke
17: FrontBoardServices      -[FBSSerialQueue _performNext]
18: FrontBoardServices      -[FBSSerialQueue _performNextFromRunLoopSource]
19: FrontBoardServices      FBSSerialQueueRunLoopSourceHandler
21: CoreFoundation          __CFRunLoopDoSources0
22: CoreFoundation          __CFRunLoopRun
23: CoreFoundation          CFRunLoopRunSpecific
24: CoreFoundation          CFRunLoopRunInMode
25: UIKit                   -[UIApplication _run]
26: UIKit                   UIApplicationMain
27: TestApp                 (wrapper managed-to-native) UIKit.UIApplication:UIApplicationMain (int,string[],intptr,intptr)
28: TestApp                 UIKit.UIApplication:Main (string[],intptr,intptr)
29: TestApp                 UIKit.UIApplication:Main (string[],string,string)
30: TestApp                 ExceptionMarshaling.IOS.Application:Main (string[])

Frames 0-1 and 27-30 are managed, while all the frames in between are native. If Mono unwinds through these frames, no Objective-C @catch or @finally clauses will be executed.

Scenario 2 - not able to catch Objective-C exceptions

In the following scenario, it's not possible to catch Objective-C exceptions using managed catch handlers because the Objective-C exception was handled in another way:

  1. An Objective-C exception is thrown.
  2. The Objective-C runtime walks the stack (but doesn't unwind it), looking for a native @catch handler that can handle the exception.
  3. The Objective-C runtime finds a @catch handler, unwinds the stack, and starts executing the @catch handler.

This scenario is commonly found in Xamarin.iOS apps, because on the main thread there's usually code like this:

void UIApplicationMain ()
    @try {
        while (true) {
            ExecuteRunLoop ();
    } @catch (NSException *ex) {
        NSLog (@"An unhandled exception occured: %@", exc);
        abort ();

This means that on the main thread there's never really an unhandled Objective-C exception, and thus our callback that converts Objective-C exceptions to managed exceptions is never called.

This is also common when debugging Xamarin.Mac apps on an earlier macOS version than Xamarin.Mac supports because inspecting most UI objects in the debugger will try to fetch properties that correspond to selectors that don't exist on the executing platform (because Xamarin.Mac includes support for a higher macOS version). Calling such selectors will throw an NSInvalidArgumentException ("Unrecognized selector sent to ..."), which eventually causes the process to crash.

To summarize, having either the Objective-C runtime or the Mono runtime unwind frames that they aren't programmed to handle can lead to undefined behaviors, such as crashes, memory leaks, and other types of unpredictable (mis)behaviors.


In Xamarin.iOS 10 and Xamarin.Mac 2.10, we've added support for catching both managed and Objective-C exceptions on any managed-native boundary, and for converting that exception to the other type.

In pseudo-code, it looks something like this:

[DllImport (Constants.ObjectiveCLibrary)]
static extern void objc_msgSend (IntPtr handle, IntPtr selector);

static void DoSomething (NSObject obj)
    objc_msgSend (obj.Handle, Selector.GetHandle ("doSomething"));

The P/Invoke to objc_msgSend is intercepted, and this code is called instead:

xamarin_dyn_objc_msgSend (id obj, SEL sel)
    @try {
        objc_msgSend (obj, sel);
    } @catch (NSException *ex) {
        convert_to_and_throw_managed_exception (ex);

And something similar is done for the reverse case (marshaling managed exceptions to Objective-C exceptions).

Catching exceptions on the managed-native boundary isn't cost-free, so for legacy Xamarin projects (pre-.NET), it's not always enabled by default:

  • Xamarin.iOS/tvOS: interception of Objective-C exceptions is enabled in the simulator.
  • Xamarin.watchOS: interception is enforced in all cases, because letting the Objective-C runtime unwind managed frames will confuse the garbage collector, and either make it hang or crash.
  • Xamarin.Mac: interception of Objective-C exceptions is enabled for debug builds.

In .NET, marshaling managed exceptions to Objective-C exceptions is always enabled by default.

The Build-time flags section explains how to enable interception when it's not enabled by default (or disable interception when it is the default).


There are two events that are raised once an exception is intercepted: Runtime.MarshalManagedException and Runtime.MarshalObjectiveCException.

Both events are passed an EventArgs object that contains the original exception that was thrown (the Exception property), and an ExceptionMode property to define how the exception should be marshaled.

The ExceptionMode property can be changed in the event handler to change the behavior according to any custom processing done in the handler. One example would be to abort the process if a certain exception occurs.

Changing the ExceptionMode property applies to the single event, it does not affect any exceptions intercepted in the future.

The following modes are available when marshaling managed exceptions to native code:

  • Default: The default varies by platform. It's always ThrowObjectiveCException in .NET. For legacy Xamarin projects, it's ThrowObjectiveCException if the GC is in cooperative mode (watchOS), and UnwindNativeCode otherwise (iOS / watchOS / macOS). The default may change in the future.
  • UnwindNativeCode: This is the previous (undefined) behavior. This isn't available when using the GC in cooperative mode (which is the only option on watchOS; thus, this isn't a valid option on watchOS), nor when using CoreCLR, but it's the default option for all other platforms in legacy Xamarin projects.
  • ThrowObjectiveCException: Convert the managed exception into an Objective-C exception and throw the Objective-C exception. This is the default in .NET and on watchOS in legacy Xamarin projects.
  • Abort: Abort the process.
  • Disable: Disables the exception interception, so it doesn't make sense to set this value in the event handler, but once the event is raised it's too late to disable it. In any case, if set, it will behave as UnwindNativeCode.

The following modes are available when marshaling Objective-C exceptions to managed code:

  • Default: The default varies by platform. It's always ThrowManagedException in .NET. For legacy Xamarin projects, it's ThrowManagedException if the GC is in cooperative mode (watchOS), and UnwindManagedCode otherwise (iOS / tvOS / macOS). The default may change in the future.
  • UnwindManagedCode: This is the previous (undefined) behavior. This isn't available when using the GC in cooperative mode (which is the only valid GC mode on watchOS; thus this isn't a valid option on watchOS), nor when using CoreCLR, but it's the default for all other platforms in legacy Xamarin projects.
  • ThrowManagedException: Convert the Objective-C exception to a managed exception and throw the managed exception. This is the default in .NET and on watchOS in legacy Xamarin projects.
  • Abort: Abort the process.
  • Disable: Disables the exception interception, so it doesn't make sense to set this value in the event handler, but once the event is raised, it's too late to disable it. In any case if set, it will abort the process.

So, to see every time an exception is marshaled, you can do this:

Runtime.MarshalManagedException += (object sender, MarshalManagedExceptionEventArgs args) =>
    Console.WriteLine ("Marshaling managed exception");
    Console.WriteLine ("    Exception: {0}", args.Exception);
    Console.WriteLine ("    Mode: {0}", args.ExceptionMode);
Runtime.MarshalObjectiveCException += (object sender, MarshalObjectiveCExceptionEventArgs args) =>
    Console.WriteLine ("Marshaling Objective-C exception");
    Console.WriteLine ("    Exception: {0}", args.Exception);
    Console.WriteLine ("    Mode: {0}", args.ExceptionMode);

Build-Time Flags

It's possible to pass the following options to mtouch (for Xamarin.iOS apps) and mmp (for Xamarin.Mac apps), which will determine if exception interception is enabled, and set the default action that should occur:

  • --marshal-managed-exceptions=

    • default
    • unwindnativecode
    • throwobjectivecexception
    • abort
    • disable
  • --marshal-objectivec-exceptions=

    • default
    • unwindmanagedcode
    • throwmanagedexception
    • abort
    • disable

Except for disable, these values are identical to the ExceptionMode values that are passed to the MarshalManagedException and MarshalObjectiveCException events.

The disable option will mostly disable interception, except we'll still intercept exceptions when it doesn't add any execution overhead. The marshaling events are still raised for these exceptions, with the default mode being the default mode for the executing platform.


We only intercept P/Invokes to the objc_msgSend family of functions when trying to catch Objective-C exceptions. This means that a P/Invoke to another C function, which then throws any Objective-C exceptions, will still run into the old and undefined behavior (this may be improved in the future).