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Modify GPO Filters to Apply to a Different Zone or Version of Windows


Applies To: Windows Server 2012

You must reconfigure your copied GPO so that it contains the correct security group and WMI filters for its new role. If you are creating the GPO for the isolated domain, use the No text is specified for bookmark or legacy link '#bkmk_TopreventmembersofgroupfromapplyingaGPO'. procedure to prevent members of the boundary and encryption zones from incorrectly applying the GPOs for the main isolated domain.

Administrative credentials

To complete these procedures, you must be a member of the Domain Administrators group, or otherwise be delegated permissions to modify the GPOs.

In this topic:

Use the following procedure to change a group to the security filter on the GPO that allows group members to apply the GPO. You must remove the reference to the original group, and add the group appropriate for this GPO.

To change the security group filter for a GPO

  1. On a computer that has the Group Policy Management feature installed, click the Start charm, and then click the Group Policy Management tile.

  2. In the navigation pane, find and then click the GPO that you want to modify.

  3. In the details pane, under Security Filtering, click the currently assigned security group, and then click Remove.

  4. Now you can add the appropriate security group to this GPO. Under Security Filtering, click Add.

  5. In the Select User, Computer, or Group dialog box, type the name of the group whose members are to apply the GPO, and then click OK. If you do not know the name, you can click Advanced to browse the list of groups available in the domain.

Use the following procedure if you need to add a group to the security filter on the GPO that blocks group members from applying the GPO. This can be used on the GPOs for the main isolated domain to prevent members of the boundary and encryption zones from incorrectly applying the GPOs for the main isolated domain.

To block members of group from applying a GPO

  1. On a computer that has the Group Policy Management feature installed, click the Start charm, and then click the Group Policy Management tile.

  2. In the navigation pane, find and then click the GPO that you want to modify.

  3. In the details pane, click the Delegation tab.

  4. Click Advanced.

  5. Under the Group or user names list, click Add.

  6. In the Select User, Computer, or Group dialog box, type the name of the group whose members are to be prevented from applying the GPO, and then click OK. If you do not know the name, you can click Advanced to browse the list of groups available in the domain.

  7. Select the group in the Group or user names list, and then select the boxes in the Deny column for both Read and Apply group policy.

  8. Click OK, and then in the Windows Security dialog box, click Yes.

  9. The group appears in the list with custom permissions.

To remove a block for members of group from applying a GPO

  1. On a computer that has the Group Policy Management feature installed, click the Start charm, and then click the Group Policy Management tile.

  2. In the navigation pane, find and then click the GPO that you want to modify.

  3. In the details pane, click the Delegation tab.

  4. In the Groups and users list, select the group that should no longer be blocked, and then click Remove.

  5. In the message box, click OK.

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