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URL Rewrite Module Page

Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista

Use the URL Rewrite features page to manage URL rewrite rules.

UI Element List

The following tables describe the UI elements that are available in Features View and in the Actions pane.

Features View Elements

Inbound Rules

Inbound rules define the changes that the URL Rewrite module will make to HTTP requests. For more information, see the Edit Inbound Rule Page.

Element Name Description


Displays the name of each inbound URL rewrite rule.


When a rule is expanded, this column displays the input parameter for a rewrite rule.


When a rule is expanded, this column displays the pattern matching logic. Possible values are Matches the pattern or Does not match the pattern.


Displays the pattern for the rule.

Action Type

Displays the action type for the rule. Possible values are Rewrite, Redirect, Custom Response, Abort Request, or None.

Action URL

Displays the URL to which a request will be rewritten or redirected when the action type is Rewrite or Redirect.

Stop Processing

Displays True if subsequent rules will not be processed; otherwise, displays False.

Entry Type

Displays whether the rule is local or inherited.

Outbound Rules

Outbound rules define the changes that the URL Rewrite module will make to HTTP responses. For more information, see the Edit Outbound Rule Page.


Outbound rules were introduced in version 2.0, and are not available at the server level.

Element Name Description


Displays the name of each outbound URL rewrite rule.


When a rule is expanded, this column displays the input parameter for a rewrite rule.


When a rule is expanded, this column displays the pattern matching logic. Possible values are Matches the pattern or Does not match the pattern.


Displays the pattern for the rule.

Action Type

Displays the action type for the rule. Possible values are Rewrite or None.

Action Value

Displays the value that will be used when the action type is Rewrite.

Stop Processing

Displays True if subsequent rules will not be processed; otherwise, displays False.

Entry Type

Displays whether the rule is local or inherited.

Actions Pane Elements

Element Name Description

Add Rules…

Opens the Add Rule(s) Dialog Box from which you can add an inbound or outbound rule. For more information, see the Edit Inbound Rule Page or Edit Outbound Rule Page.

Outbound rules were introduced in version 2.0.

Revert to Parent

Reverts all rules to those of the parent configuration. This action deletes all the rules in the local configuration file at this level. This action is not available at the server level.

View Server Variables…

Opens the Allowed Server Variables Page from which you can manage the list of server variables that can be modified.

View Rewrite Maps

Opens the URL Rewrite Maps Page from which you can add or edit URL rewrite maps.


Opens the Add/Edit Condition Dialog Box from which you can add a condition to a rewrite rule. This action is available only when a rule is selected from the list on the feature page.


Opens the Edit Inbound Rule Page or Edit Outbound Rule Page from which you can edit the selected rewrite rule. This action is available only when a rule is selected from the list on the feature page.


Allows you to rename the selected rule. This action is available only when a rule is selected from the list on the feature page.


Removes the selected rule from the rules list. This action is available only when an item is selected from the list on the feature page.

Disable Rule

Disables the selected rule. This action is available only when a rule is selected from the list on the feature page.

Enable Rule

Enables the selected rule. This action is available only when a rule is selected from the list on the feature page.

Move Up

Moves a selected item up in the list.


When items in the list are reordered at a child level, the child will no longer inherit settings from the parent level (including any items that are added to or removed from the list at the parent level) after the list is reordered. If you want to inherit settings from a parent level, you must revert all the changes at the child level by using the Revert to Inherited action in the Actions pane.

Move Down

Moves a selected item down in the list.


When items in the list are reordered at a child level, the child will no longer inherit settings from the parent level (including any items that are added to or removed from the list at the parent level) after the list is reordered. If you want to inherit settings from a parent level, you must revert all the changes at the child level by using the Revert to Inherited action in the Actions pane.

Import Rules

Opens the Import mod_rewrite Rules Page from which you can import mod_rewrite rules from Apache-style configuration files.

View Pre-conditions

Opens the Preconditions for Outbound Rules Page from which you can add or modify the pre-conditions for outbound rules.


This action was introduced in URL Rewrite version 2.0.

View Custom Tags

Opens the Custom Tags for Outbound Rules Page from which you can add or edit groups of custom HTML tags for outbound rules.


This action was introduced in URL Rewrite version 2.0.


Opens the Edit Outbound Rules Settings Dialog Box from which you can specify whether responses from output rules should be cached.