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RRAS Server Properties Page - IKEv2 Tab

Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2

Dialog box element Description

Idle time-out (minutes)

Specifies the maximum amount of time, in minutes, that an Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2) client connection can be idle before it is terminated. The default value is 5 minutes.

Network outage time (minutes)

Specifies the maximum amount of time, in minutes, that IKEv2 packets are retransmitted without a response before the connection is considered lost. Higher values support connection persistence through network outages. The default value is 30 minutes.

SA expiration time (minutes)

Specifies the time, in minutes, after which a security association (SA) expires for IKEv2 client connections. An SA expires within the SA expiration time (minutes) or when the SA data size limit (MB) is reached, whichever occurs first. When the SA expires, a new quick mode negotiation must succeed before the two computers can continue to exchange data. The default value is 480 minutes.

SA data size limit (MB)

Specifies the maximum amount of network traffic that can be sent through an SA for an IKEv2 client connection. An SA expires within the SA expiration time (minutes) or when the SA data size limit (MB) is reached, whichever occurs first. When the SA expires, a new quick mode negotiation must succeed before the two computers can continue to exchange data. The default value is 100 megabytes (MB).

Additional references